Picture Puzzles | # 14 | win a steemmonster card

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)


To take part in this picture puzzle, all you need is a little concentration and fun. The game is free and without any obligation. I play it as a souvenir and because I have decided to reward myself and one guest daily with a booster pack.Um an diesem Bilderrätsel teilzunehmen, benötigst du lediglich ein wenig Konzentration und Spaß. Das Spiel ist kostenlos und ohne jegliche Verpflichtung. Ich spiele es als Andenken und weil ich beschlossen habe, mich und einen Gast täglich mit einem Booster Pack zu belohnen.

update 18.07.18

What is to be done?Was ist zu tun?
The upper picture was taken from the crane by a Swiss friend, who is the architect of this building.Das obere Bild hat ein Schweizer Freund, welcher Architekt dieses Bauwerks ist, aus dem Kran aufgenommen.
I changed the picture below a little and added two errors. Find these two bugs and we will open an @Steemmonsters Booster Pack together. A card from this booster pack I give you.Das untere Bild habe ich ein wenig verändert und zwei Fehler eingefügt. Finde diese zwei Fehler und wir öffnen gemeinsam ein @Steemmonsters Booster Pack. Eine Karte aus diesem Booster Pack schenke ich Dir.

If you are interested in a monster card, tell me a number between 1 and 5 in your answer. This number corresponds to 5 cards from a Steemmonsters Booster Pack. 1, 2, 3 are the numbers of the upper row starting from the left. 4, 5, the numbers in the bottom row are also starting from the left. I'll open my booster pack and send you the card of your number! If you don't take part in the Steemmonster game, please tell me and still give me a number from 1-5. Let us surprise you!Wenn du an einer Monsterkarte Interesse hast, teile mir in deiner Antwort eine Zahl zwischen 1 und 5 mit. Die Zahl entspricht 5 Karten aus einem Steemmonsters Booster Pack. 1, 2, 3 sind die Zahlen der oberen Reihe von links beginnend. 4, 5 sind die Zahlen der unteren Reihe auch von links beginnend. Ich öffne dann mein Booster Pack und schicke dir die Karte deiner Zahl! Nimmst du am Steemmonster Spiel nicht teil, sag es mir bitte und nenne mir dennoch eine Zahl von 1-5 mit. Lass dich überraschen!


Winners of the last games
@surripio, @markusgruber, @foxfiction, @thekitchenfairy, @heyimsnuffles, @igel2017, @kobusu, @nolem

Good luck, Have a nice day

source by @jeenger


I finally found it!


Dammit I knew it was the houses, just couldn't figure out what! 😂 Good job

Thanks! I'm sure you were close. Good Luck on the next one. :)

I was so excited I forgot to say what number monster I wanted... lol
Number 3 please! Thanks!

Very good @poyim, you found both bugs. I first opened the third card of the booster pack and your new monster is already with you!


Thanks for playing this game. I wish you every success and happiness. Have a good day.

What are the chances, I got the same card! lol.

Thanks again!!

I think you played your part in Steemmonsters game :-) Have fun with it.

wurde das Ergebnis nicht gefunden?
kleiner Tipp Byteball Airdrope für Steemit!!!!
Sind Partner jetzt von Steemit

Bisher wurde das Spiel nicht gelöst. Ich habe über Byteball Airdrope gelesen. Danke

ok gut habe 20Dollar bekommen
du bekommst sogar 40

Hmm, well I'm afraid you've got me stumped as well this time @jeenger. I can find one, but not the other 😓

I feel like it has something to do with those houses on the right (my eye keeps getting drawn there) but damned if I can figure out what it is!

Thanks for this contest - it sounds great :D

How did you want me to give you my answer and the monster card number?

Ok, I had to go back through your other contest to read about how you wanted this answer.

Now that that's done - I can't see the difference between the 2 pictures.

Good luck to all!

Sorry, couldn't get a few hours to the computer. But I see you've been looking around. Thanks for playing along. There are two errors. When you have found them, just tell us a number from 1-5 and set a picture section. I'll unveil a booster pack with your number first. You'll get this card. I'll release the 15 game later. Try your luck!

Well... I'm not sure how I feel about this.

I pointed out that I could not find the "bugs"... tried my best... and now I see that you updated your puzzle image... 3 hours ago.

Now the "bugs" are very obvious and easy to spot.

I must apologize very much. I made a really stupid mistake. I had uploaded the double original. I got a visitor right afterwards and I was distracted. I just found out today. You got something good with me. I'm sending you a monster from my collection. I hope you'll accept my apology.

Ohhhh kk, I understand what happened. Apology accepted!! Also, thank you so much for sending me a card 😃😃👐

I really like this contest so I can't wait to play more!! Keep it up!


Great! Good to hear :D
I'll keep concentrating on this puzzle (as much as can be done during the workday lol).
I hope I find the bugs soon!! haha


Was wondering how they did that, thanks!

image editing

this game is also available on android on not?

Hi, the game runs in any browser with which you can open Steemit. Here, however, rather recommend a PC.

Thanks Dear for this great info

Fantastic puzzle..I followed u and upvote

Many Thanks

upvote & follow done on my side.

Many Thanks

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