The Sharks Are Swimming In The Aquarium Of Possibilities - Steem Schools are the Academy of Leaders

in #steemschools6 years ago (edited)

Today, money is available at every step, it's in front of us, and we can take it if we change the way we watch it. Sharks are very smart and fast, they want to take everything and are not emotional as average people. If you have a good idea, that's great, but if you tell people around, I'm sure that the sharks will first react and get the idea for themselves. In today's knowledge is a crucial factor of success, ideas are created as well as whole projects and that's great. This is a crazy time of abundance and everyone has the opportunity to realize his dream. There is a large selection of jobs and we are lost and paralyzed. It's difficult to be genuine, but it's a real challenge for the leaders. Most people are not ready to invest their time and money in order to achieve the goal they want, so they stay in the same place with the same results for many years until they decide to change something in their life. First, learn to swim in the empty pool, the next level is a larger pool until you reach the ocean where successful people know how to be smarter than the shark. Become a leader with us - We win together

Knowledge is the way to the great ocean of possibilities.
There are two key levels of knowledge, one is academic and the other is knowledge in the life school. Academic education is formal and from us mainly creates educated workers who need to work for wealthy people. The great thing is that with this knowledge we get the discipline to learn, this is the most important habit of success in life. The school of life is different and real, we fight for our place and we pass through the heavy blows that give us strength and experience. It is totally different to get a good grade and become successful, success is based on learning from mistakes while in schools we learn that we can not make mistakes. We should not be afraid of mistakes because they are precisely the indicator of our progress. I do not care what others will say about my mistakes, it is important to me what I will achieve in my life. Establish real habits that will guide you through life, do not throw your time to the wrong things. If you start reading inspirational books 30 minutes each day, this will change your life. It's better to skip lunch than to skip 30 minutes of daily reading.

The life mission gives strength and soul peace.
What is your life mission, why do you exist on this planet and what do you want to achieve in your life for yourself and humanity? If you want to become a leader then follow their steps and experience. It's hard to find your life mission, people generally say they want to make money and get rich. The life mission is more than money and wealth, ask yourself a question that will lead you to the right goal " What would I do if I had everything I wanted in my life? " The transition of consciousness goes one step at a time, first we get information and knowledge, then we have to practice what we have learned and brought ourselves to maximum fitness. We need to change habits and this is possible if we dedicate ourselves to a mental diet. Try to replace negative thoughts and words with positive, because each word has energy and it connects us to a certain emotional state. Try to replace negative words and emotions for the next 7 days, every time a negative word or emotion appears, replace that word with a positive one and your situation will change. When you feel anger or are angry, ask yourself questions: Why is this situation good for me? What can I learn from this situation? What can I do to make it better?

Goals and discipline lead us to the star.
If you are on a deserted island and you see an airplane with which you can go, it's great. Imagine that you do not know where you are and you do not have a map showing you the way. If you do not have recorded goals, this is the same situation as if you do not have a map on a deserted island. The goals are a lighthouse that shows us the way, they give us guidance and enthusiasm. The point is that you have daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, ten-year and life goals. When you achieve a small goal reward yourself as it raises your energy and self-confidence. Discipline is the mother of success, leaders are also doing things that they do not like to achieve what they want. The discipline is built on the basis of goals, enthusiasm, everyday results and dedicated work. Start with small goals, start reading an inspirational book every day for 30 minutes, after 21 days you will have the habit of reading. It is true that with reading, you can become rich, learn, and work on yourself every day for the rest of your life.

Steem Schools is your new home
Learning and success is a process rather than a moment. We can progress all our lives and this is great news. When you have people with real and practical knowledge in the field of leadership and entrepreneurship then take the opportunity and learn, ask and progress in your life career. For success it is important to have the right teachers and mentors, real support is the wisdom you can get and apply in practice. The smartest people learn from someone else's experience while we all learn from our mistakes. Only one decision divides you from a new dimension of opportunity, learn all about Steemit Business, Steem, real business, blogging, strategies, art, poetry etc.

Steem Schools are waiting for you


We win together - Steem Schools are waiting for you
See you on the top @dobartim


This is guide and manual going further , use honesty and integrity and don't fear God nor man when you do good.
Thank you for keeping clean honest path @dobartim.
I will follow you to the end of line and I hope all whales and fish and honest people will follow you as true business leader and man that rises up from people. You are people man and we are your people and your followers.
We win Together
One team
One brand one mission
One goal

"per aspera ad astra"

Well said sir @flysky we all are moving together. And we all follow you sir @dobartim because we see the motive and we support this and I believe you are doing good and you want good for all.
Thanks a lot for putting all your efforts, @flysky and @dobartim.
We win only Together
Steemschools forever

Thank you for great support, see you on the top

Life is like a hand of cards. You have to play the hand you're dealt, you can't win by folding, and sometimes you must take chances in order to win. - Mike conner

Nice words, you're doing great job guys, thank you!

You are the best teacher that I have ever come across and had the pleasure of being their student. I feel very blessed to be a part of Steem School and especially in your business class. I value the knowledge you are willing to stowe upon us everyday and I promise to use it to my very best abilities. Thank you so very much @dobartim!!

See you on the top

Es cierto! cualquier aprendizaje es una herramienta y cualquier error un paso más a obtener las mejores técnicas para el futuro. En mi caso, al leer "The power of why" logré identificar la intensa relación que existe entre un cliente y una empresa cuando se les involucra emocionalmente con la marca. A su vez, aprendí de ese libro que no importa que tanto tiempo este tu empresa en el mercado o si es pionera en su área. En definitiva, aunque se desee el éxito, es bueno ir construyendo el camino y saltar hacia él.
It is true! Any learning is a tool and any mistake one step more to get the best techniques for the future. In my case, reading "The power of why" I managed to identify the intense relationship that exists between a client and a company when they are emotionally involved with the brand. In turn, I learned from that book that it does not matter how long your company is in the market or if it is a pioneer in your area. In short, although success is desired, it is good to build the road and jump towards it.

It is true! Any learning is a tool and any mistake one step more to get the best techniques for the future. In my case, reading "The power of why" I managed to identify the intense relationship that exists between a client and a company when they are emotionally involved with the brand. In turn, I learned from that book that it does not matter how long your company is in the market or if it is a pioneer in your area. In short, although success is desired, it is good to build the road and jump towards it.
Is true! Any learning is a tool or mistake one more step to obtain the best techniques for the future. In my case, reading "The power of why" I managed to identify the intense relationship that exists between a clientele and a company when it is emotionally involved with the brand. In turn, I have learned from that book that it did not matter so much that his company in the market or if he is a pioneer in his area. In short, although success is desired, it is good to build the road and jump towards it.

Thanks, i changes this details in my post... because of the speed I could not write it in English and I had to translate it

See you on the top

Ok.... see you there :) i am working every day for it.

I felt identified with your post because I have been a victim on several occasions for these sharks, we see it every day and in all social strata, all sharks have something in common and they do not care about the rights of people. The most difficult thing to overcome when being a victim is the loss of confidence but life has given me samples that for every shark there is also find two dolphins willing to help you, that's why you do not have to close yourself to the opportunities of life and you have to continue ahead. I'm telling you that I've seen miracles happen, that's why I'm a dolphin. (translated from spanish whit google translator)

We win together, see you on Steem Schools

We win together, i love the schools

See you on the top

excellent sir really the best school is life, where strong blows give us more strength and we get up we learn from our mistakes and we advance is the important thing to achieve our goals. We must learn to be disciplined to achieve our goals for each day, so let's build a great future. Teachers like you Light our way. Thank you!

You are welcome, we win together

good information, good analysis, really try to apply all this. With discipline and effort everything is achieved

See you on the top

La vida se trata de errar y aprender de esos errores, jamás decaer o perder confianza por no poder lograr algún objetivo en mira, solo debes pensar 'debo buscar otra manera de alcanzar lo que deseo' y para lograr lo que quieres tienes que luchar por ello. El conformismo será tu derrota, nunca te quedes sentado esperando que el destino cumpla tus deseos, tú construyes tu destino. Lucha por lo que quieres, prepárate para eso y edúcate para ser siempre el mejor. Con esto alcanzarás satisfacción en tu vida y es lo que muchos desean. Con esto alcanzarás confianza plena en ti mismo y es lo que muchos subestiman. La confianza te hará fuerte en la vida y una presa que no será fácil de persuadir. El que tiene confianza en sí mismo luchará por lo que quiere y no lo que otros quieren para él.

De eso se trata. De eso parte el éxito en la vida y a partir de eso es que tú puedes convertirte en un gran tiburón. Siempre pensando en grande, inteligente y con mucha astusia.

Life is about erring and learning from those mistakes, never decay or lose confidence for not being able to achieve some goal in view, you just have to think 'I must look for another way to achieve what I want' and to achieve what you want you have to fight for it. Conformism will be your defeat, never stay seated waiting for fate to fulfill your wishes, you build your destiny. Fight for what you want, prepare yourself for that and educate yourself to always be the best. With this you will achieve satisfaction in your life and it is what many want. With this you will achieve full confidence in yourself and that is what many underestimate. Trust will make you strong in life and a prey that will not be easy to persuade. He who has confidence in himself will fight for what he wants and not what others want for him.
That's what it is about. That's part of the success in life and from that is that you can become a great shark. Always thinking big, smart and with a lot of astusia

See you on the top

This ispost is really true and i understand the message. I will try to do what you said in the post. I believe that we can change all the negative things to positive if we have a good mind set.
I believe in myself now all the things are changing. I like to be there on steemschools.
Good work my friend.

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