@piratesunday Sir Bentleys Beginnings Part 3 (@dixiesilverminer entry )

Ahoy my friends! After a long week of plundering, plank walking, and treasure searching it has finally arrived! It’s #piratesunday !!!!! Welcome back to the Silver Wing and the final part in Sir Bentleys adventure! At the end of our last section Sir Bentley had just arrived at the home of Key-Wee after a very prophetic vision and some guidance from the Wizard Merlin.

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(Captain K thanks to @dixiesilverminer)

Looking forward into the clearing Bentley saw an ordinary cobblestone hut with smoke billowing out the chimney.

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(Key-Wee's Hut source

As he started walking toward the house there was strange resistance in the air as the hare pushed his way through a force field. The hare slowly reached for the door to knock and as his paw reached the door it swung open. The first thing that the hare saw was a smile that seemed to be as big as the cottage itself. Standing in front of him was an athletic tall woman with dark brown and red hair hanging down to her shoulder. She was clad in a green armor covered in runes, Celtic knots, and wearing a golden band around her head.

(Key-Wee ready for battle)

“Bentley, just on time my Narnian brother. Please come in and let us get started” Key-Wee said waving the hare inside. Bentley still cautious walked inside and took a seat at the bench that Key-Wee had pointed to. Bentley confused by not only his vision, but by Key-Wee knowing of his arrival asked "you knew I was coming?" "Indeed Sir Bentley I see all from the past to the future to beyond. Aslan has given me sight and blessed me with a life to help guide others to their potential and fate." Setting a small table in front of the hare Key-Wee talked quickly and seemed to move even quicker getting right to the task at hand. Setting down on the other side of the table Key-Wee causally asked "Did Merlin give you any trouble?" Bewildered Bentley stumbled the words out. "You know about that?" Why yes I do but what did the old wizard have to say? Some days are better than others, but being bonded to a tree for such a long time really can make a man cranky sometimes." Bentley recounted the vision to the sorceress the whole time watching her drink in every word carefully. After he was done she slammed her hands down on the table causing Bentley to jump and yelled "well then we have no time to waste and it looks as though your fate is intertwined with many others my young friend!" Key-Wee lighting several different candles and herbs told the hare to relax and hold out his paws. The same feeling of trust he had with the old wizard came over him again and he held out his paws without any fear. Key-Wee instructed Bentley that he may feel a bit overwhelmed, but to keep hold of her hands and that Aslan would walk them both through the door to his fate."
Reciting several words in a language lost to time Key-Wee then sat down and took hold of his paws. Instantly, they were in a tunnel constructed of light. Walking down the tunnel of light both Key-Wee and Bentley were surrounded by images and sounds of what was to be or could be. The first images were of a mighty castle, knights, and partial conversations with names of Merlin and Arthur and the Stone of Destiny. Whispers fell into the hallway of Excalibur and battles then a sudden glimpse of a relic holding a warriors face then a dragons spirit etched on one side.

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(Stone of Scone aka the Stone of Destiny Source

Traveling further down the corridor flashes of the sea and a mighty vessel roaring into the unknown. Odd names such as NoName, Khamen, Goldie, Doc, D, and Captain K, but placed between was Key-Wee. Then there was silence and the figure of a beautiful warrior that Bentley seemed to recall from another battle. She was so alive and skilled, but distant.

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(Lady Ravenhill in battle gear thanks to @kerrislravenhill)

Than a bright and bold image of a mermaid holding a large silver skull accompanied by her sweet song.

(Silver Skull of Destiny Thanks to @dixiesilverminer)

As they pushed their way further into the images the time seemed to slow and then they were among gods. Athena, Zeus, Hera, Hercules, and Hades were heard while beast of all types jumped from the walls at the duo. Worried by what he saw Bentley gripped onto Key-Wees hand tighter. She smiled and reminded him “these are only glimpses nothing more or less.” After the beast a floating vision of a relic with an owl appeared in front of them and vanished as Bentley put his paw through it as to try and grab it.

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(Relic source

The mage and the warrior were then met with a fork in the corridor. Down one side Bentley could see the images the Iron Narnian Wolf had shown him of the White Witches return prior to Merlin’s arrival. The other side showed Narnia green and prosperous, but there were other lands in times of peace and joy. Throughout the glimpses good overtook evil.
Looking down at the hare Key-Wee told him to “hold tight” and recited a few words in a pattern. With her voice the light of the corridor began to swirl around them like a portal before flashing brightly and disappearing. Bentley found himself back in his chair in Key-Wee’s cottage with his new friend smiling at him. Slapping the table, which made Bentley jump, Key-Wee said “well my lad you are in for one interesting ride!!” Bentley glanced quickly at her and asked “what does it all mean and why the fork?” Taking a moment to collect her words Key-Wee said “the flashes are parts of trials you must face in order to reach the fork, but if you succeed the times of peace will occur. If you fail then the White Witches second coming will happen.” Key-Wee stood up and quickly walked over to an old wooded cabinet then seemed to have been sealed for years. Upon opening it dust fell to the ground and she reached up on a top shelf to pull out a very plain wooden box.

(photo of Key-Wees case taken by @dwingsworld with a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge)

Placing it down on the table in front of Bentley she began to tell how “when Merlin was trapped in his tree he was able to forge an amulet that contain a portion of his magic. It is my belief that this relic will allow you to begin your journey to your destiny.” Opening the box, a bright yellow light filled the room just as when Bentley had seen Merlin in the cavern. Resting in the wooden box on top of a black cloth was a silver amulet.

(Merlin round from Provident Metals){Merlins Amulet photo by @dwingsworld}

Picking up the silver piece Key-Wee held it out toward Bentley. As both made contact with the amulet another vortex swirling with blues and purples opened around them and then quickly drew them into it. Traveling through the darkness the duo found themselves in a green area with the sound of the sea not far. Laughing out loud Key-Wee chuckled out “looks like your fate and mine are intertwined!”
Bentley quickly surveying the area realized that he was no longing in Narnia for there were many different creatures in this world. Setting down next to Key-Wee on the beach he asked her “what do we do now?” As cheerful as ever the mage replied “just what fate wants; find our way. You have adventures to fulfill, and I must work out my part of this puzzle.”

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(Beach that Bentley and Key-Wee Found themselves on. Really: Abel Tasman National Park in NZ source

Looking at Merlin’s amulet next to Key-Wee, Bentley saw it begin to spark and as he leaned in for a closer look a vision of Merlin appeared. Looking at both the tired travelers he instructed Bentley to walk into the light the amulet was generating to his first ordeal.

Turning to Key-Wee she again smiled back at him kindly and waved the hare forward. “Don’t be afraid of the future Bentley, know that your heart and your feet will always put you where you need to be! We will meet again my friend and may Aslan watch over you!” Bentley nodded and gripping his sword and shield yelled to Key-Wee “may Aslan keep you well my friend!” With that he stepped into the vortex and vanished. With that action Sir Bentley was jarred back awake in the meeting with Lady Ravenhill as were the rest of the crew.

Arrrrr me pirate brothers and sisters, what an awesome tale that brought Sir Bentley to the Dragon Fires Crew and don’t worry his other tales will all be told in good time. For now though remember these looks back will aid Captain K and his crew in their search for the Silver Skull of Destiny! So please come back to the Silver Wing next #piratesunday to see where the ocean may lead our brave adventurers.
Please visit @stokjockey creator of the amazing pirate holiday #piratesunday
Please visit @dixiesilverminer and the post them helped create this amazing universe!! https://steemit.com/steembasicincome/@dixiesilverminer/piratesunday-and-our-weekly-contest-for-a-share-of-steembasicincome-with-the-tales-of-captain-k
Please visit my #findprecious challenge!!

Please remember to upvote, resteem, and reply. Thank you all for all your support!! Captain D!

(Precious thanks to @silversaver888)


Always waiting for the adventures on Sundays. A very good reading. Thank you.

Appreciate the support that you always give @ronaldoavelino!! You are always a large motivating factor in wanting to make my stories better. Thanks so much for your support!!

Thank You @dwingsworld for this #PirateSunday Adventure and for your participation

@stokjockey it is no problem at all!! This literally is a holiday every week for me! I love the excitement and fun that comes out of #piratesunday and that is due to you buddy! Thanks for your support!!

Excellent story Dwings. Can't wait for your next one and who in the silver community will provide you inspiration for the latest character to feature in Bentley's quest!👍😁💕

We shall see indeed. Thank you very much for the compliment and for checking it out!! Hope that your character is to your liking. Appreciate all the support you give to me and to all in the silver community!!

Hi dwingsworld,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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Why thank you!

Lol, introducing........ Key-Wee!

lol yep! I am sure she has a part to play in a lot of future events. Thanks for taking a look @kerrislravenhill and for all the support you give!!