All that glitters is not gold. It could be a ripe fruit too.
Disclaimer: This is solely my own theory, but for me it sounds like the most probable reason for why gold has played such an important store of value through human history in all cultures.

In Nature shiny things are not common, but ripe fruits are very shiny.
The fruit is ripe when it is ready to be eaten (giving humans optimal nutritional value) and for seed dispersal.
It is very plausible that humans were primarily fruit eaters early on. I used to be very sceptical to that claim before, but I know people that live mostly on fruit. I can eat only bananas for days and still have peak performance, and I am a muscular man.
The main point is that ripe fruits played a big part in early human diet, and getting access to fast glucose could be a huge advantage if you lived among sabre tooth tigers. Also, you only need to outrun one person to survive. Still humans crave sugar, and this certainly has an evolutionary reason.
However, seeing ripe fruits can be very tricky in the dense forests.
This has probably lead to the extremely harsh sexual pressure on men over time. The male that was best at finding ripe fruits got the girls.
I remember when I was 20 and got a little bit myopic after reading too many books. It was only like -0.25 D, negligible really, but still enough that my sight was unfocused. These were the days when laser surgery (LASIK) had just come to Norway, and it was still perceived as risky and very expensive ($6000). No ‘rational’ reason to take surgery, but my subconsciousness probably told me that it was a bad move fitness speaking not to take the operation. I got operated.

Since gold is ‘ripe’ and shiny too, we also find it very valuable.
Are you good at finding gold (stacker) then you are probably pretty good at finding ripe fruits too. Or at least women perceive you to be? Just indirectly. By having lots of gold you got a secure high position in the male dominance hierarchy which is the main reason why a woman select a man as a sexual partner. The result is the same, having gold nuggets was a token of your ability to find ripe fruits. It increased your fitness.
Fitness is an individual's ability to propagate its genes
This is probably the reason why close to 100% of stackers are men, but most females are wearing the gold items. Women are actually not interested that much in the value of gold per se, but in the signalling of high social status.
Perhaps this is also why poor people gave apples to the teacher, as it was perceived unconsciously as valuable by the teacher, triggering the rule of reciprocity and gave their boys better grades, so they could enhance their fitness. In the US they actually have something called the Golden Apple Award.

Shiny things are sexy because finding them (gold or fruit) got us laid. And still do, Moon Lambo anyone?
She is ripe too:
It's time to go for RIPE FRUITS :D It's hard to buy gold at the moment! So you revealed option #2. Now you told us there are option #2 available! I am not a PhD guy, but what you said seems to be absolutely correct!
Best reply
With you bro! Not at
Wow... Amazing
Hahahah. Omg.
That is a very interesting theory @janusface. Psychological comparisons to more primitive times always fascinate me, because it seems nonsensical to say that these theories are wrong when you can draw a correlations like you have.
While I know this is just your theory, I think that you make a very good point, and while Gold has multiple properties that make it valuable, this may be yet another reason.
Thanks for sharing this, I am currently running a project called the Steemit Success Initiative and I would really appreciate your feedback and support on it!
Knowledge is food feast, with steemit being the perfect place for healthy cultivation of new ideas :D
@janusface interesting and thought provoking now I need to get outside so I can lose a few pounds......
I never actually thought about this, this is a cool theory... so what is the reason of glitter on our strippers?? Any psychology stuff behind it? Do we see them as ripe fruit when they have glitter on?
Yes, I almost 100% sure that is the reasons. Males are attracted to things that reminds them of ripe fruits. Women with glitter (shiny) signals sexual availability.
Very interesting theory, ripe fruit and gold.. I did not when I did not think about it.Very interesting, I'll think about this!;) Good post @janusface !
If the wearing of gold protected the female from rape, what of the thief that saw the glistening jewelry, didn't this just make her a delicious golden apple? I got laid with and without out gold, for which I am grateful. ....dont you think silver works too? If indeed it works for your skin tone, like mine?
Maybe you could write and article on how the gold seeking ladies are somewhat shallow, and the brief relationship can be problematic, and how this in time has set an evolutionare track to
a material ridden averousness, and how that might effect getting laid in the present.
Fun thoughts,
Hi, I omitted the rape part (for now), because it is not relevant for the theory (put it is still true though), and it probably just create confusion. The point is that rapists are usually very low status men that do not have the opportunity to spread their genes other than raping. I here exclude rape during war, which is a totally different story. High status men almost never rape, because they had access to lots of women, and raping her would just make her more likely to get sick (infections etc.). The only thing that prevent a man with very low social status from raping, is if he expected to be killed after the rape. A woman wearing lots of gold where certainly the mistress og wife of one of the leaders and the rapist would have been very likely to be killed after the rape. But she would certainly been tempting with the gold, so you can also say that she could wear gold because she knew that she could not be rape. Same results though. The main point is that raping has been a very important (but dark) part of human history. Just writing about it is probably very taboo, but you have to factor it in if you are going to understand evolutionary psychology. I do believe that gold has been the most important because it also has the color most similar to fruits. Otherwise silver should have been much more expensive than it is. Silver is also very manipulated though (see my JP Morgan post), so you could have a valid point.
Understandable, yes this gold seeking status has been seen in primate behavior, Female Baboons are known to temp the males while they get the first dibs on a kill or fruit. They will temp the male away from the food so another female will then come in and take the food and then share with the female that it just mated with the male, yet in the Bonobo world of chimps where there is only sharing of food and sex.. with almost everyone...
I think consciousness which cannot be measured ,as you know with emperical data has a lot to do with how we unconsciously respond to the idea of lack or supply of anything...or the negation thereof.
Appreciation for your generous vote and quality of mind.
It’s not the sugar leading to obesity as it causes the release of the hormone leptin and you even burn fat. The problem is in combination with a high fat and high protein intake. If you keep those under 10% of your calories and work out moderately, you won’t be able to stuff enough into your body to gain weight as long as it’s fruit and vegetables.
Protein and calories are also far overrated to build muscles, as Nun Amen-Ra shows, setting a deadlift world record with a body weight of 82.5kg only consuming 1500 calories a day and 0.5 g protein per kg bodyweight.
I did a couple of months Dr. Doug Grahams 80/10/10 diet and was thin like a beanpole,
But on the Amen diet of Nun Amen-Ra I gained a good amount of muscle, despite taking in less calories, which also stimulates human growth hormone(HGH) release.
Thought-provoking... I am quite new to Steemit, but I’m thoroughly enjoying my time thus far. To me, posts like these define steemit in that the content is honest, analytical and captivating.
Your theory makes sense on all fronts, from my own unqualified view anyway, and I am glad to have come across it. Very interesting, Keep posting!
Thanks! Glad you liked it:)
Then tell me :
Which one I should choose golden fruit or golden gold.
By the way very nice article. Thank you.
Golden fruit for yourself and golden gold for your partner
SCAM ALERT by @lays
Ok. Thanks for alerting me.
@sircork has got the Witnesses looking into this.