“Silver Cycles" Strategy of Buying, Selling and Holding Silver – 06MY20 – ‘Captain’s Chartwork!’

in #steemsilvergold5 years ago (edited)


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"Did Ahh awready tells ye hoo Ahh hates a crowded sea?! Ahh think Ahh did. Wa' th' fleet is packed up tighter than a swarm o' flies oan dug jobby! Weel, it is whit it's! Let's tak' a keek at today's chartwork...

A wee bit better winds tadays pushed th' spot price o' silvers north jist a smiggen! A'most nae worth mentionin', bit thare it is. The 10 day an' the 200 day are still tackin' sooth steady, but th' 50 day RA is tackin' sooth hard! Hmm, th' Hold Cycle is jist aroond th' corner mates... Ahh'll sit tight tadays an' count mah stack!" 😏💰 -Keptin

Trend Lines: Sooth 3:1

Lest times:

"Tois things define yer personality, th' way ye manage things when ye hav naethin', an' th' ways ye behave when ye havs everythin'!"


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Disclaimer: "Ahh'm nae a precious metals advisor, nor do Ahh wants ta be. Ahh'm jist a dedicated silvers stacker in search of hodden silver an' adventure! Any attempt ta paint me otherwise will likely get you rin-through!" - Keptin Joshua Slane

*"Honor the patterns and move against the trend lines!
Patience, self-discipline and tenacity wins the long game!"


In the name of Marine safety we could use a wee more 'Social Distancing' between vessels.

"Onyain showin' symptoms of th' 'Fesh-Yak' plague will be swimmin' with a twelf poonder in he's keks!" 🤨 -Keptin

"Ahh've clocked 'att only six men shawed-up fur roll ca' fur th' Tour th' other morn'. Mebbie th' crew has lost its shine fur adventure oan th' high seas? Ahh mind th' days afore Steems-it 'n' Company whin five hundred tae six hundred a days wud shaw-up fur roll ca'! Aye, they's wur th' days mates!" 🤨 -Keptin

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