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in #steemsilvergold2 years ago (edited)

Dollar Coins.jpg
Every time I click on the Page I use to write these Posts, I never know exactly what I'll write about...

I realize I do have a Theme, that tends to come through in every Post, but I still don't know exactly what I'll write...

There are times, when I'm just as Surprised at what I write, as you are...

And yes, I sometimes Laugh at what I write...

I'm approaching my Five Year Anniversary, here on Steemit...

My Theory turned into a Vision, as I came up with New Pieces to the Puzzle...

The Numbers were off, because I was trying to Blend in with what we already had, in the Form of our U.S. Silver and Gold Bullion Coins...

I got to the Point, where the Bullion Coins we have now, still contain Face Values that were incorrect...

When it comes to our Silver and Gold Coinage the only possible solution, is to Correct our Mistakes...

By Correcting the Mistakes of our Silver and Gold Coins, I saw that we could Double the amount of Fiat USD's we could remove and replace...

Just recently, it came to me that Physical Fiat USD's will Double in Spending Power before losing all Legal Tender Status...

This information tells me that the Fiat USD's will not Crash and Burn, the way People are expecting...

There will be a Redemption Period, which will make for a Very Smooth Transition, into our Corrected U.S. Monetary System...

We will become the World Reserve Currency of Choice, not by Force...

Because all the Pieces to the Puzzle were all fitting in perfectly, I came to the Conclusion that the Monetary Correction I've been writing about, has been in the Works for Decades now...

It's just all too Perfect, not to have been part of a well thought out Plan...

Replacing our Silver Coinage with Clad Coinage was the right thing to do...

Minting our Silver and Gold Bullion Coinage with incorrect Face Values was also the Perfect thing to do...

No one was able to see or figure out, that "We the People" had a Plan in the Works...

Now that the Central Bank Owners Fiat Dollars are about to Crash, we have everything "We the People" need, for the Biggest Transfer of Wealth, the World has ever seen...

The Spending Power of the Central Bank Owners Fiat Dollars is running out...

I figure, there's only about 1/2 of 1% Spending Power remaining...

This tells me, my Vision for a Monetary Correction is very close...

In my Book, the Announcement has already been made on the 18th of April, 2022...

How long it takes for Word to Spread, will be interesting to watch unfold...

Everything that ever happens, does so in the Present...

Feel Free to question anything I write...

Brought to you by @pocket-change...

April 25, 2022... 17.0 Hollywood Time...


Silver and gold coins are need to be corrected. As early as possible, upvote resteem boss

Your words seem very familiar to me and my Wild Imagination...

thank you boss,Support me stay by my side love it😍

Corrected gold and silver is the only way we can get into monetary correction

I think, Correcting our Silver and Gold Coinage is needed, to create a Stable Monetary System...

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