900 FOLLOWERS!!!hey want some free silversteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

Well today seems like a really good day. I have read several post on steemians hitting a follower milestone. Like @missontothemoon just hit 1000 followers, @hope777 just hit 600 followers. Well @raybrockman just hit 900, ( no one unfollow me untill tomorrow).



I started this journey back in May, seems like it has been a lot longer than that. I was lost and didn't have any idea what I was doing. But after a few days, I came across a steemian legend, he had this video series for newbies and I watch everyone of them and waited for the next one to come out. He took time and was honest to the viewers, this was my first impression of steemit. I really don't think I would have made it with out that video series, so @papa-pepper , thanks for all that you have done for me and this community.

2017-05-16 21.12.54.png


When I found this group, I felt at home. Not knowing much about blogging, I new I had to find me a group that I could relate to. What an awesome group of steemians, there is so much knowledge in this group it is amazing. This is where I call home. So thanks guys and gals, all of you are amazing.


Do you believe in Steemit

I am all in, I no longer hang out on any other social media platforms. I truely believe this is the future. I am blessed to be apart of steemit. And here is my vehicle tattoo to prove it. By the way if you want one of these then reach out to me in steemit chat, I can hook you up with one.


My two cents to Newbies

First, welcome to the social media of the future. Once you get settled in, find you a group or groups that you can relate to, that you can grow with. Most of all be YOU, cause everyone else is taken, and be strong

2017-06-05 16.16.53.png



I will give away 1, 1oz silver bar to one of you. All you have to do is leave me a comment and an upvote. In your comment tell me what you like anout steemit. This contest or give away will run the full 7 days. At that time a winner will be decided.




follow me @raybrockman

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Don't for get to UpVote



Congrats!.... keep stacken!
I like how there is a growing gold/silver community on here :)

Thanks, thats my favorite part as well ( silver and gold community)

Great post Ray! Congratulations on 900 followers -- i'd bet no one is leaving @raybrockman anytime soon.

I like Steemit for so many reasons... Not the least of which is all the people I have met (on-line) and the lives I've been exposed to. So many people with so many interests and so much going on all the time.
What really stands out for me though is personal. I am writing again, and it feels great!
So thank you Ray Brockman, and thank you Steemit -- and thank you #steemsilvergold -- i too feel like it is home on this site.

Oh yeah, and that Perth Mint bar is a real dandy!

Thanks my friend, yeah its pretty cool here. Thanks for the decal shout out again.

Congrats on 900! That is an incredible feat, and yet I'm not surprised! I enjoy your content and your weekly pawnshop finds. You've inspired me to start looking for pawnshops in my area.

See you at 1000 and keep on stacking!

Thanks buddy, for some reason I love going to pawn shops. Thanks for the visit and comment.

Congrats my dear friend, so we are about celebrating together. I came onto steemit just after you in June, your comments always encourage me. SO yes I am also here for the long haul. Hope to quit all other jobs one of these days. SO the two of us will,

Congratulations on 900 followers.

The best thing on SteemIT is THIS GROUP - #steemsilvergold. I have checked out some other groups and they are mostly hollow. They are based on being a group for the sake of being a group.

#steemsilvergold is like home. This group has focus and meaning. We have a shared interest in silver/gold. Really though, there is shared attitude and philosophy. We have interest in silver/gold for reasons of wealth / security / personal responsibility / and much more.

Several of us in #steemsilvergold have other common interests in community / survival skills / sports / guns/ammo / economics / politics. The thread that binds us really is the self-worth and self-discipline to be responsible for ourselves.

SteemIT is great - but I'm here more for #steemsilvergold than anything else.

PS. I got my steem logo decal too, It's awesome, but it is too big for my Chevy Avalanche back window, which is smaller than I realized. I'll post when I put on - I need to eliminate the circle...

Awesome, i am thinking about ordering a batch with out the circle. Thanks for the comment, cant wait to see it on your truck.

Congrats Brother!
You Lead the Silver Charge Every Single day...
I Love the Great Silver Gold Steemit Users sharing there stacks...:)
We will ALL be on the Moon very soon...

Thanks buddy, left you a message in steemit chat.

Great post buddy. 900 followers is a lifetime away for me. You know i like those Perth bars so i have to give this a go?
How many comments can i leave?? will it increase my changes?

Nope and as many as you want. Thanks for stopping by

Thanks for the post and the 1 oz. Silver Bar give-away! I love SteemIt because it is a great way for me to save money apart from keeping my value in the failing U.S. Dollar. Also, I was actually thinking of you this week & gave you a shout-out in a video: https://steemit.com/steemsilvergold/@bi5h0p/i-reached-1-400-followers-and-my-life-sucks-this-week-so-i-m-going-to-stack-more-silver

Here's why I think I should win the silver: (besides the fact that I Upvoted and Resteemed your post...)

My truck got hit by a douche-bag neighbors' wife who was driving without a license. I knew that he just lost his job, too. So, I didn't report it - believing that this guy was going to do me a solid by fixing the dent and my tail-light. Well, nice guys finish last - he screwed me.

Then, I got T-Boned in a Wal-Mart parking lot when I was on the job, driving a cab. It wasn't my fault, but still - dealing with an accident is never fun.

Today, I had to call the cops on my other neighbor after he assaulted me. He was in the process of tearing down my fence so that he could have more room to grow pot. Personally, I have nothing against pot - it's just that I can't have it growing on my property, and I can't have him tearing down my fence. I also can't be getting locked-up, based on being involved in either activity of growing pot or of being involved in an assault situation.

Lately, life seems to be intent on "rattling my cage," and I'm dealing with stuff the best that I can - but a bit of silver would help! ;)

Hang in there @bi5h0p the better man always comes out on top

Congrats! what a nice social media to be,i too believe is the future,and we are part of it,more and more followers will come with time,congrats for the first 900. :)

Congrats on hitting 900, great achievement, just watch you dont crush us minnows while your out scooping up that krill
Steemit is where i come for an outlet of thought and ideas that would otherwise languish unheard and unexpressed and to hear other perspectives from across the globe. Steemit is the very antithesis of fakebook and shitter, i am proud and honoured in equal measure to be able to be part of it, plus you guys (and gals) no this isnt jimmy saville) ROCK!!!!!

Thanks buddy, fakebook and shitter, i like that.

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