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RE: Exit Plan

Just as you can't walk into your local Wal-Mart today and exchange a 5oz bar of silver for a basket of groceries, I imagine during a "reset scenario", there will be more and more avenues opening up for the exchange of PMs for goods and necessities. Currently, your local coin stores are just not able to handle large inflows and outflows like a big bank or a brokerage handles stocks, and that bottle-neck is one of the downsides to stacking PMs. There's no quick in and quick out.

But, using the Bitcoin community as an example, the wider the acceptance by the general populace, the more opportunities there will be to convert PMs into a new currency.

Every day, you hear of more and more businesses that will accept Bitcoin as a means of payment. That was not the case even two years ago (unless you were that lucky pizza shop that sold 2 pies for 20,000 BTC, I hope they at least gave him extra pepperoni!!!) I imagine that PMs will follow the same route and have more options as the value increases (and I'm not talking about those rip-off Cash-For-Gold scam stores).

Just my humble opinion.


Great opinion, thanks buddy

I think it depends on the scenario, if it's just that silver rises in price significantly, the structures and avenues would remain largely unchanged. I don't see metal becoming a valid day to day payment form until after the USD is gone. But in a catastrophic fiscal event scenario, I think you're right; bartering, alternative currencies, and the like are all on the table. I think it's prudent to have a plan for either case.

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