in #steemstem6 years ago

[image source]pexel


Nutrition is the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism. It includes food intake, absorption, assimilation, biosynthesis, catabolism, and excretion.

We have about two(2) types of nutrition, they are:

  • Plant nutrition
  • Animal nutrition.

[image source]pexel


However, The process whereby green plants produces their food from carbon dioxide and water by using sunlight energy in the presence of chlorophyll is known as photosynthesis. All organisms that have life in them needs energy in order to perform their various life processes.
Plants hereby produces their own food in the presence of sunlight and hence they’re autotrophs. Plants uses carbon dioxide, sunlight and water to produce their own food in the presence of chlorophyll.
They are types of nutrition in plants. They are:

  • Autotrophic

  • Heterotrophic


In this mode of nutrition, organisms produces their own food with the help of inorganic materials like carbon dioxide and water in the presence sunlight.

In a green colored body, The present of chlorophyll is called the CHLOROPLAST. The leaves of a plant are green because of the presence of chlorophyll in them.

Plants need carbon dioxide to produce their food which it takes from the air. The carbon dioxide gets into the leaves through tiny pores in them called the STOMATA. The water which is required to make food is being taken from the soil. The transportation of the water to the leaves is through the roots and stem. The sunlight helps in providing energy in order to carry out chemical reactions and the chlorophyll present in green plant helps in the absorption of the energy.

The leaves prepares food in form of simple sugar which known as GLUCOSE. However, this glucose is being sent to other parts of the plant. The extra glucose is being stored in the leaves of the plant as STARCH. Thus, the Glucose and Starch belongs to a category known as CARBOHYDRATES.
So with this, I think we should understand that plants produce their food on their own.

[image source]pexel


Moreover, when it comes to animal nutrition, Animals unlike green plants, cannot manufacture their food from simple substances. They either eat plants or the flesh of other animals which eat plants.

Animals which eats only plants are called herbivores and those which eat flesh are called carnivores. Animals which eats both plants and flesh are called omnivorous. E.g. MAN. So animal nutrition involves the study of food substances, balanced diets and digestive enzymes.


All food taken in by an animal can be classified into six groups of food substances or nutrients. They are Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats and Oils or (Liquids) Minerals, Vitamins and Water.

Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats and Oils and water are known as primary food substances because they are necessary for the maintenance of life. The first three together with nuclear acids are the basic chemical building of an organism. Mineral salts and vitamins are responsible for the well being of an individual, hence, they are referred to as welfare food substances.


Carbohydrates are made-up of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. The different types of carbohydrates are Sugar, Starch and Cellulose.
It is the main source of energy in body, it builds up certain body parts (exoskeleton). It contains mucus which is an important lubricant in our bodies. Sugar can be simple, glucose, fructose and galactose. The sugar can also exists as complex sugars.
Note this: Complex sugars and starch can be broken down into simple sugar by the action of acids or enzymes through the process called “Hydrolysis”.


Protein is made up of nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Protein builds new cells and replaces old ones. They are used essentially for the formation of enzymes and hormones. Such protein include: Meats, Milk and eggs. All protein are micro molecules made-up of smaller unit called Amino-acids.


Those contains high proportion of carbon and hydrogen but very little oxygen. They are solvent for soluble vitamins acids hormones fat layers under the skin serve as insulates and prevent heat loss from body.
Fats and Oils are macro animals molecules which are absorber as fatty acids and glycerol. Source of fats are margarine, bitter, groundnuts. Etc.


The metabolism in the body is regulated by mineral, some of them are components of enzymes pigments and structural parts.
Most mineral are obtained from out daily diets. Some of the minerals are acquired in large quantities (e.g. Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium. Etc.) while others such as iodine and iron are required in small qualities.


These are organic compounds. They don’t produce energy to the body instead, they are bio-catalysts. i.e. They promote chemical reactions in the body.

Soluble vitamins are vitamin A,B,E and K. While water soluble vitamins B and C. Source of vitamins are fruit, vegetables, milk, egg, animals organs and palm oil. fruits ill health and deficiency diseases may be as a result of non-complaints to the normal body in take of vitamins.

  • WATER :

Water constitutes about 70% of the human body weight. It is a medium in which chemical reaction takes place in the body. Also, it’s transport digestive foods substances. It carries out body temperature regulations.


However, proper nutrition is very important and necessary for the animals because it is paramount to good health. There are variety of reasons why nutrition is necessary to animals. The reasons why nutrition is important to animals are here below:


This is the ability to do work and perform other functions. Proper nutrition is needed in order to help the body gain energy. Without proper nutrition, the animal will get weaker due lack of energy in the body.


Nutrition highly contribute to the animal growth. Without feeding the animals properly, the animal won’t grow fast. When the animal have poor nutrition, it will have stunted growth and loss in weight. So for the animal to to grow faster and gain more weight, it has to undergo proper nutrition.

Thanks so much for reading!!!


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Hi Cartehale.
You've got an interesting post there. But I'll love to drop some pieces of advice for you.

  • It is always a good practice to include references for further reading.
  • An introduction and summary/conclusion is strongly advised too.
  • Even though pexel images are CC0 licensed and does not require any attribution, it is still fair enough to include a link pointing to the actual image source - to make it easier for curators.

Thanks and cheers.
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Thanks so much for your kind advice, I really appreciate...