
Nothing cures depression, its just treated. Good long term on health? Depends on the context in which a drug is used.

Ketamine can have profound long term effects from single intervention (without behavioral therapy used in concert with it), which do seem to fade over weeks.

I attended a 'Grand Round' at BIDMC a few years ago about ketamine and depression, where the researchers stated that their preliminary data suggested that ketamine had far better long term effects on treatment-resistant depression than many of the commonly employed techniques!

The Ketamine produces psychological dependence and long-term physical dependence.

It also produces short-term tolerance can produce serious and unpredictable effects and eventually produces irreversible brain effects.

It is important to take into account that there are several types of depression, which are: major depression, dysthymia, bipolar disorder and post-partum depression.

Depending on the problem, treatment for depression may be necessary in two ways: pharmacological and psychotherapy.