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RE: Sci-Curious | Project 2 : Perpetual fan

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

No, this is not possible. There is a reason why perpetual motion is not possible, and that is because energy is what it is, it's neither created nor destroyed just changes forms. Perpetual motion requires that new energy be created out of nothing (as all motion is driven by energy). Even pulsing something as you describe above would use energy, and the net gain in motion of your ascribed fan would be canceled out by the energy used in pulsing the electro magnet.

This idea and request, like all perpetual motion devices just is not possible.

Just make a fan, and focus on powering it from renewable sources like the sun. That is as close as we can get to free energy.


I did say it is not possible so to use as little energy as possible instead.

Just wanted someone to actually calculate stuff and make a post about it rather than just take things they have learned from a book and regurgitate it as I think it would be interesting to read how people may approach these things and actually problem solve the best they can. Even a post describing possibilities for alternatives would have be more interesting than reading about year ten science class topics.

These are meant for a bit of fun yet it seems there is no creative fun to be had.

Even a post describing possibilities for alternatives would have be more interesting than reading about year ten science class topics.

Can't say I agree with you.

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