Kenneth Radford Shoulders - extras transcript

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)

Well, one thing you won’t get out of me, is a theory - can’t get into it. Every thing that I do, I have to take out of the measurements that I make. It doesn’t matter a dang what other people say or do - oddly enough, can’t use it.

You know, politics is the same, I hear ‘em jabbering politics left and right, I can’t listen - because I can’t do anything. When I’m able to be functional - to heck with it - you’re wasting your time. So that’s my opinion on lots of things and goes right to the heart of what I work on.

I don’t read about things unless they bare on my business. I don’t talk to people about things, unless it bares on my business. I am selfish to the n’th degree.

What’s your business?

Getting at the root of the very thing that seems to propel John’s work. I play with things called EVOs

What is an EVO?

An ‘Exotic Vacuum Object’ - it’s a thing, ‘cause you can certainly see it, fool with it, mess with it, make it do things - it does things for you. So it’s a thing, for sure - object. An ‘Exotic Vacuum’ actually is a real world word - it’s a state of the universe, i’d call it, called the ‘vacuum’ - is er this substrate that everything is performed on in principle…

Now ‘principle’ is ‘theory’…

This IS theory, and I am bordering on it and I am stopping but I wanted to introduce you to the interface I have to play with. I can play with these things, I can make them, I can make all kinds of stuff - and over the years, very slowly, I’ve been getting at the root of the stuff that John saw early on. I haven’t followed anything recently, I don’t think I could gain by it much - cause there was enough done very early on that I can still spend years on - ya know - but I don’t actually work on it. I just keep chugging down my path and every now and then I’d say - “oh, now I understand how that thing John did, could have happened.”

Like, on the subject of, er, gravity - I don’t give a hoot about gravity as long as there’s a source of PROPULSION. Propulsion is as fundamental as you can get - it’s controllable gravity - directional control over any force you want. Sure, you can LIKEN it to gravity - but I’ll take propulsion any day.

Why have our animal features been traded off?

They’re not necessary, and there are limited variations that we can afford to carry forward in our evolutionary process. We can’t fix everything and move it all forward, there’s stuff that’s left behind. So we left the animal things behind cause they weren’t necessary. We’ve moved - evolved a mental process, a thinking process, we’re, we’re able to view a scene and make determinations about what is going to happen. Boy, that’s pretty good! It’s not exactly what you would call ‘pre-cognition’, but it’s darn useful.

Well, what about those that have pre-cognition?

Or not - that’s an argumentative field, I used to work in it, I did a lot of ESP type stuff and I just got sick of it. Hearing these stories people would tell, who would have no way to back them up at all - and they didn’t. I er um, gave up the field and said that until Hewlett Packard comes up with a meter saying ‘psychic strength’ [gesturing the movement of a needle with a pointed hand on an outstretched arm] you know, I’m out of it. BUT, in this work I’m doing, it’s beginning to show me that there is something funny going on here, cause I can measure the funniest stuff you would ever want to hear about.

I measure the ‘presence’ if you will - measured in terms of total accumulated charge or total residual charge of this, er, EVO. They VARY! Well nothing varies charge or mass - but these things do! That is so fundamentally opposed to all natural laws, natural meaning ‘man-made’ that we have written down that, er, it’s outrageous.

We have… It’s written in the law that says this [said in a parrot like monotonous voice]


and all hitched together.


Cause I can take one of these funny little particles and change its charge from actual measurement, this is no handwaving thing. I can measure it with an instrument, I can do it any day you want to - you can change it over a billion to one (1,000,000,000:1) and still have it visible.

The heck of it is, I can still keep reducing the charge to where it becomes an item that WALKS RIGHT THROUGH THINGS. That’s how Johns earliest work seemed to have things coming from the inside. He had been using a technique, similar to what I use, of injecting these chargeless particles into a core of material, the use of metal in John’s case - he seemed to be fascinated with it, it doesn’t much matter. Anything serves as a, as a er, transport medium if you will, for these things. Once they get in, they can transform themselves back into an energetic thing - just as mean and nasty as can be - by increasing the charge - and at that point, they come out mad, and they have.

Many pictures of Johns stuff that I’ve got that shows phenomena that I never used to understand - how’d they get IN THERE? I understood what you do when you sling some of them at the surface of metal things, you get an explosive mark, these EVO strike mark are very common, but what wasn’t common, or [just] unknown, till then until later days, was how they can penetrate and get in.

Finally, one day, it showed up, I was shooting through metal. It shouldn’t be able to transmit that particle, charged, through that peace of metal. It did it, no problem - violation of physics - fundamental, nasty violations, so…

But there’s space between molecules, everything has a space between…

It doesn’t matter if the thing that’s going through has no charge, ‘cause, its ability to transmit is a function of its charge, like a neutron, flies through all this stuff - doesn’t see anything. It don’t even talk about space, ya know, forget the space between things. Even if it went straight to the core [pointing like an arrow through something with his hand] of a molecule, it would go right on through - ‘cause it doesn’t have any charge, which is the only interactive force that there is around.

That we know of.

Well, that there is around means, that yeh, that we know of.

That we know of - Interesting.

Well I have always been fascinated with Ken’s work because of the incredible photographs that he has taken of the EVOs.

My former partner there, George [Hathaway], I think he is on the wrong track with all this thing.

The photographs are really, really amazing to look at.

EVO is something in a vacuum, an object in a vacuum

It’s an Exotic Vacuum Object - we were talking about what is the ‘Exotic Vacuum’ forgetting the gizmo, the object (a type?) like that. There is a definition of the ‘Exotic Vacuum’.

The vacuum you realise is a physics term - ‘the vacuum’ not a vacuum - it doesn’t mean that you have removed all the molecules - it means it’s the substrate that all our visible universe, all our active universe, is built upon - ‘the vacuum’.

And that’s a theory

It’s what the origin of the notion of zero point energy…

A theory

It is not measurable in many senses, but it postulated as a theory by virtue of the fact that you have to have something for these things to reside on - things, anything, any molecule, any atom, any particle has to have a substrate - and ‘the vacuum’, in quotes, is the substrate. That’s a hunk of theory that people have - but I don’t have to put up with it because I have a gadget that is so wild and so weird.

Are you going to show us the gadget?

Well you have to go to pictures to see ‘em, because the gadget is shown through an instrument. An instrument of a very different, different sort than usual.


Kenneth Shoulders and John Hutchinson - 2010

Kenneth Shoulders and John Hutchinson - 2010 - Part 2