Newest twist in long held blackhole data that they grow only as fast as the galaxy.

in #steemstem7 years ago

Centaurus A Super massive blackhole
We have recently discovered information about the linear growth ratio of super massive black and their host galaxies. The extraordinarily big examples researched showed the the super massive black hole is about 10 times more solar mass when compacted to the mass of the host galaxy. Scientists have up to now, found a calculated ratio between a supermassive black hole's growth rate and the growth rate of stars in its host galaxy. A common idea that has thus far been held true throughout all previous studies. A super massive black hole is the largest of 4 categorized. Below is a quick summary of the differences.

Primordial Black Holes
These are actually purely hypothetical as of now. These black holes if existed are though to have masses comparable to Earth or even less. Again though, these are purely on paper and not actually seen first hand in space.

Stellar Mass Black Holes
These are right much bigger than the above mentioned Primordial Blackhole. It’s believed and has been generally accepted these have have masses between about 4 and 15 solar masses of our sun. Their birth is due to the death of a star that ran our of fuel no longer being able to resist all the gravitational forces pushing inward. The outward pressure dominates and the result is a Super Nova. This much more massive start has now had its core crushed in a single point, a singularity.

Intermediate Mass Black Holes
This black hole, the Intermediate, are not very well known. We have an educated guess about the sizing possibilities of these. They think if they exist, they possibly would have a few thousand solar masses. These are theorized as what would be a good candidate to grow exponentially in mass if found in food rich star clusters.

Supermassive Black Holes
The examples so far discovered and studied have been observed and measured at having between 106 and 109 solar masses. These are the black holes you will find at the center of a galaxy. Whether dormant or feeding, all depending on the age, density and abundance of stars.

Alright, now I would like to cover the basics of just what they are, as well as, how its thought they come about. Their basic structure of these enigma’s is the singularity. Which is what is formed after a star expends all of its fuel and can no longer push against and fight against the forces of gravity pressing inward. Once this irreversible path has begun, the end result is the now dying star experiences a core collapse causing a violent explosion during its death (Super Nova) due to the crushing forces of gravity compressing it down so quickly and so forcefully, only a single point in space/time now exists. A singularity as its known, is point where physics as we know it go off the radar and breakdown. The singularity is like the monster under a child’s bed. You know its there, but actually you cannot ever see the Singularity of a black hole because it’s shrouded. It has infinite gravity , which in turn actually causes spacetime itself, to infinitely become curved. The next layer going out from the singularity is whats known as the Event Horizon. The event horizon can be described by the cliche saying we all probably have heard, “crossing the point of no return.” And there is no better example then the masses that cross the threshold of the event horizon. The literal point of no return for anything unlucky enough to cross it. A violent and unfathomable area that traps everything that crosses it due to its Inside escape speed being faster then the speed of light itself. If inside the event horizon, it would take the mass going greater than the speed of light to escape. Now the last basic component of this stellar quandary is the area outside the event horizon, The Acceleration Disc. Masses caught outside the event horizon are spinning in such incredible speeds that the gasses inside heat up to amazingly hot temperatures. There is a small glimmer of hope for a few items trapped in the outer clutches on a black holes event horizon. The saving grace for these few is due to the rotational speed that the masses caught are traveling at. The reason being these lucky prisoners are pardoned due to being sling shot outside of the grasp of the black hole to live another millennia.
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This is certainly new ground and territory for scientists now perplexed again by one aspect of a black hole they understood. The Institute of Science in Spain observed 72 galaxies that fell within the perimeters of them having a supermassive blackhole at their center. The team found that all 72 of these galaxies, for example, found that the observed black hole is around 100 billion solar masses. For the galaxy being observed the blackhole in question is expected to be the size of only 10 billion solar masses using current values measurement. That means the black holes are growing faster than the host galaxy. Which leads one to thing that a very possible outcome is it will eventually devour the entire galaxy. Most of the super massive black holes studied were found to have 10 billion solar masses. Blackholes of this magnitude and weight are starting to be called an all new category together, known as “Ultramassive” black holes. What they were able to conclude is once you get into the category of “Ultramassive” black holes, the ratio of solar masses of the blackhole compared to the solar masses in the galaxy grow further apart. I will leave you with a few quoated lines from co-author Niel Brandt who was a colleague under Dr. Yang, the project head through Penn State. Mr Brandt also from Penn State asked “An obvious question is why.” Maybe massive galaxies are more effective at feeding cold gas to their central supermassive black holes than less massive ones.” The science community has one more task at hand now when it comes to the mysterious nature and existence of black holes.

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I had no idea that many different black holes existed. Are the in the same classification as worm holes? Cool post thanks👍🏼🍺🥓

Worm holes are still theoritical atm unfortunatley. Would be a huge step to find one and start dropping probes into it, that's the day humanity changes forever. Black holes may lead to somewhere though, we can't find out yet. The gravity would crush any device we sent in and it would have to move faster than light to get data back out to us. The greastest thing about science is that it makes the impossible very possible so hold out hope i'd say!

One of the weird thoughts i always ponder in the shower watching the water spin down the drain is that are black holes just the start of a new universe somewhere else in a multiverse? I mean we all started from the big bang. was that just a black hole from another multiverse finally bursting and BLAM here we are.

I get exactly what you are saying. Hell we have no more idea what happens inside the singularity what you just said. Every step forward we take on these things there’s something et every turn to contradict it. Just nuts.

You know how matter changes phases like solid, liquid, gas? what if the immense gravity at the center of a super massive black hole actually allows atoms to phase shift in a simular manner and quantam phisics happens so that there is actually1 atom in 2 places at the same time thus creating the secondary universe. But that end of the atom in our universe being in a black hole is actually the start of a new atom in the next universe. It would be like water driping off a table when you spill a glass of have your universe on the table top then the new one forming on the floor and expanding as more matter is added to it on the floor as it gains drips. Or i have had one to many beers tonight. maybe both.

so there is literally a BIZARO world like in the superman comics where everything would be opposite. Freaky.

That could very possibly be. They are researching quantum entanglement and showing that atoms cannot be described as one and can be separated by great distances. They react to each other when it comes to spin, momentum and such. If one has a clockwise rotation on a certain axis the other will be counterclockwise. Its super cool. Kind of like a mirror effect, but not. haah. So it could be tearing down here only spitting said particles into another universe where they are used as fuel to build. Ahh, plus a few beers always gets the old thinker going!

Pls post more informtion about black holes

Post amazing i like your post

Super interesante e informativo tu post, gracias.

Good post param3dic (49)

Interesting information, thanks for sharing, enjoy it a lot.

Hey @param3dic, sorry I didn't see your article earlier. Not a bad effort! Just watch your image reference at the top for Centaurus-A which is actually an image from here and there are couple of factual errors.

I wanted to take a shot to see if I could make a really good go of it by myself and this would then let me know or better yet u see where I need to put more effort. Or what ever it may be.

Thanks for the kinds words terry. And feed backs noted.

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