TIL: If Spiders Unified They Could Eat Us All (And Still Have Room For Dessert)

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

Image from: pexels.com

An interesting and nonetheless alarming video happened to pop on my Facebook feed the other day:

If spiders worked together, they could eat all humans in a year 

Jeez! Are you kidding me?

Unfortunately, I'm not! After tons of research and studies, scientists have concluded that those disgustingly lovely creatures have the potential to devour human population within a year... actually, less! And they would still be hungry after that.

Be nice to them, you know if they ever joined together, they could eat us all!

Don't be afraid, spiders mostly feed on arthropods (other insects), more rarely earthworms, slugs, snails and small vertebrates. They occasionally present incidents of cannibalism (feeding on spiders of other species), and sometimes complement their menus with vegan dishes.

The conclusions of a recent study

English W.S. Bristowe and Canadian A.L. Turnbull joined their efforts in a study to finally suggest that:

  1. The total global spider biomass equals 25 million metric tons fresh weight.
  2. The total global spider prey biomass equals 400–800 million tons per year (and that's "about 1% of the global terrestrial net primary production"). Of course the variety and prey consumption percentages vary geographically and correspondingly to each species.

Compare it with the total human consumption of "400 million tons of meat and fish annually" and you'll see that spiders have a greater appetite than us.

Ok, they eat a lot, but humans are bigger

You think you're all greater than a spider? In Greek we say "Η ισχύς εν τη ενώσει", which means there is strength in unity. A study in 2005 has shown that the global human adult population is about 287 million tons. Compare it with the 400-800 million tons of spider food yearly and you'll see that if spiders ever decided to change their eating habits we wouldn't be able to fill their tiny stomachs. Even if they could get their jaws on children, who make another 70 million tons, spiders would still need more food to satisfy their appetite.

Original image from: pixnio.com

Why do we need them?

To haunt our lives. Another study has shown that spiders are found in every house on the planet. Like the ghosts of your past, they will find you no matter how many hours you spend cleaning every week.

But despite being hateful to many, spiders are really important for the balance of the food chain. Preying on insects, they help controlling their populations. Moreover, certain species have evolved morphologically and behaviorally in order to protect themselves from spider-hunters. Not to mention that some insects reduce food consumption in the presence of spiders, in order to stay protected (you can say that spiders work like a natural pesticide).

Spiders also serve as lunch for parasitoids and other species like birds, frogs, newts, mice, lizards, bats and even fish.

All in all, they're not so bad!

Original image from: maxpixel.freegreatpicture.com

Watch this video for more:

And check last week's spider-phenomenon here:

Bizarre Natural Phenomena Vol. 39 - A Town Coated In Silk (Angel Hair Or Spider Rain)



Thank you so much for your time!

Until my next post,
Steem on and keep smiling, people!


This is why I eat every spider I see right on spot. Simple Math, It can't eat you if its already eaten.

p.s: you forgot the mandatory @abigail-dantes tag

I already started shaking when I saw the featured image. I opened the post and scrolled down really quickly! See that woman's expression? Me, skimming through this post!
Just one other thing, I would just like to kindly remind you guys about ALL the other animals in the world! :P

the itsy bitsy spider, crawled up to Abby's bed :P

Come on, Abigail! After so many people writing about them, you should have already got over your phobia. We all do it for your own good, so that you become immune to them! And then you'll feel all powerful and brave :P

I see ... it looks like you are all behaviorists then. In CBT this is called systematic desensitization. Except that the exposure you guys are applying here is not graded at all :P

Then maybe we should reconsider our approach, it's time to re-evaluate our methods guys!! :P

Now we’re talking! On top of everything you’re also a sensible therapist 😃😂😘

You'll see what I got for you in time Abigail! ;)

But what if it bites your tongue? What then?

I think raw they are juicier :P

Chinese people are wise!

Argument #3,457: why women live longer than men!

Chinese people are wise!

silly question, you eat your tongue too!

Not gonna happen, a cousin of mine had been trying unsuccessfully for hours :P

@trumpman on a mission !
and yes, and they're full of proteins :P

You achieved for the first time ever that I feel peace with spidey.
Even the child schema reaction you managed to arouse. Now spidey looks cute to me.

I will be fine forever sharing my space with them and let them have their food.

Your statement is like a promise:
"Like the ghosts of my past, they shall find me and no matter how many hours I spend cleaning every week."

Hilarious. And at the same time I feel educated. How did you do that?

Spiders can stay as long as they feast on other tiny visitors (which here in the countryside where I live are plenty). It's a win-win situation ;)

I'm sure they are so pleased with me trying to bring peace among them and the human race :P

Hilarious. And at the same time I feel educated. How did you do that?

-> It's the teaching gene that does it, I guess.

Thank you so much for reading!

Spiders are amazing, essential part of the ecosystem.
Most spiders do not have mandible which can pierce human skin, hence humans are not on the spider's menu.
Dangerous spider bites (the brown recluse) are pretty rare.

They are pretty unique and misunderstood creatures.
Thank you for reading! :)

Spiders are the roommates we never asked for. They don't pay rent, they don't eat our food, and they control insect populations inside and outside of our homes. They're fascinating creatures who deserve more than the "kill on sight" most people give them.

I've never thought about the possibility of a bunch of spiders eating someone alive until now. I guess that should be expected considering some spider-mothers let their young eat them so they can grow big and strong. This link shows what I just mentioned if you want to check it out for yourself.

Woooooah! This is real self-sacrifice!! Thanks for the link ;)

I have changed my mind about them the last few years. Living in the countryside means we get a lot of unwanted visitors inside, especially in summer. Whenever I find one in the house I try to get it out and not kill it.

Οι αράχνες είναι απο τα έντομα που συμπαθώ περισσότερο, θα προτιμούσα για παράδειγμα να με φάει μια αράχνη απο μια κατσαρίδα ας πούμε, οπότε όλα καλά... χαχαχα

Η αλήθεια είναι ότι συγκατοίκησα αρκετά χρόνια με κατσαρίδες (το φοιτητικό μου σπίτι δεν είχε καθόλου υγρασία και ήταν ολοκαίνουριο) και ομολογώ ότι προτιμώ κι εγώ τις αραχνούλες από τις σιχαμερές Τερέζες!!!! :Ρ

So, do we run from spiders too now??😧

I'm scared, lol..

On the contrary, I've been crushing any spider I find and I'll continue before they wisen up amd eat us all up.


I don't think they'll ever get that clever and team-up against us :P

Look, I used to kill them too, but I have changed my perspective on living beings. When there is a death-free way to get rid of them, I choose that.

I try that too but not always...

i am a vegeterian and what i hate most among animals are spiders . i dont like spiders .

Ooh! Why hate them? They are nice creepy critters...

i dont know why, but i dont like spiders. it gives me allergy :(

I’ve heard there is a spider within 5 feet of you at all times, no matter where your at!

Yes, they are everywhere!!!

what has @trumpman done to you writing about all those scary tales ! LOL

He simply helped set my inner troll free :P

Holy Lord!! Now you've created awareness for spiders, they will be planning coup against humans.
I quickly need to contact spiderman :)

P.S: You think spiders eat a lot? You need to see my friend's ex :D
Nice piece buddy

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! A coup?!
Call Spiderman @samminator! :P

Thanks for reading!

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