in #steemwars7 years ago (edited)

TEAM AUSTRALIA is hereby notified of the following:

Effective 3 July 2017, Secretary SirKnight is recalled to Canberra to face allegations of commencing Steemit Wartime actions without the valid approval of the Senate.

In a joint sitting of the Houses, independent Senators, Daryl Hinch and Jacqui Lambert tabled the following statements:

  1. Secretary SirKnight has illegally launched a 'War on the World'.
  2. Australia has no business continuing to maintain a presence in the Philippines, USA or Britain. (However we note that an annexing of New Zealand should have taken place years ago.)
  3. Secretary SirKnight is not fit to lead the STEEM WARS campaign.

In a press interview today Senator Hinch exclaimed.

"This whole situation is obscene. Secretary SirKnight as risen from obscurity, about a month ago, within some online platform, appointed himself as leader of our nation and then declared war on the entire planet! And why? because he wants Australia to have more STEEM. Simple. It is all about the STEEM with these people!"

The Prime Minister issued the following statement later this afternoon in defense of SirKnight.

"The Hon Senator accusations are biased and without substance. Secretary SirKnight acted within the law, with the support of the House of Representatives; and, the sitting Senate. He has gallantly fought for our country under extremely trying Steemit conditions. The Secretary continues to have the support of this Government."


Effective today, I leave my post in the 'US offensive', having been recalled to Canberra to face allegations of 'illegal misconduct' and 'dereliction of duties.'

The allegations raised by the Senators Hinch and Lambert, are unfounded and preposterous. I will fight them all the way to the High Court of Australia if need be. These Senators, have weakened our country today, weakened our great country.

Regardless of my own position - for those brave and women of TEAM AUSTRALIA the War must go on. Your mission has not changed:

"To corner the flow of STEEM and conquer the world!!"

I could be absent from my Wartime duties for up to 3 days - so this Battle Cry will stand...

"Harness the STEEM by infiltrating the Steemit Daily Color Challenges - your short titles will be:

Day 4 'TuesdayOrange'

Day 5 'WednesdayYellow'

Day 6 'ThursdayGreen'

To aid in your success the Official ColorChallenge instructions can be found here:

PLEASE... be sure to include #colorchallenge within Battle Standard tags.

Master Arbiters should consider both STEEM WAR impact of the Battle Standard and its ability to attract STEEM out of the general platform.

Good luck my brothers and sisters of... The STEEM WARS.





How did this all begin?

Let 'Master Arbiter' @crypto-investor explain.



Galenkp at...

Mate, you tell Lambie and Hinch they'll have to deal with me if you get into any trouble! :)

haha - I will keep that up my sleeve in case needed Galen - thanks.

Lol, nice one sir.

Thanks Tom.

Who cares what the politicians say buddy, they're all scumbags.
You wanted a war and you got one. Do you have dual citizenship? As you would be perfect for the USA, they launch unprovoked wars all the time that they don't win. Unless we help of course 😂
Keep it up buddy.

Good post @sirknight.
I especially agree about annexing New Zealand, ive got a few Kiwi mates and they always refer to Australia as the West Island.
Lets getem.

never heard of Australia being referred to as that,
only heard cuzzys (cousins) over the ditch

That would be the 'Wist Island?'

Doesn't Trump do all those things as well? No one's kicked him out. Yet.

Carry on I say.

This is true Choogirl - by this logic I should have nothing tho worry about. SK.

Well this is news!

Sounds like @SirKnight is up against one of these!

kan·ga·roo court
kaNGɡəˈro͞o ˌkôrt
an unofficial court held by a group of people in order to try someone regarded, especially without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor.

Funny SirCork - as always. SK.

Too bad you'll be laughing... IN PRISON! AND TEAMUSA WILL PREVAIL!


It was only a matter of time. When one usurps power of this magnitude, it is going to generate some questions from the (former) leadership. We salute you our new elected leader SirKnight.

Lol. I appreciate the support Brother Mark.

how about team canada how do i get on that ?? :)

From experience it pays to start with a friendly call out to your fellow countrymen.

Thank you for the video. I am still trying to figure this steemwars out.

Worked it out yet Nicnas?


It was an honor, Sir.

O-soul, the honor was all mine. [SirKnight bows]

@sirknight Interesting campaign you are a part of... I wish it was labelled something other than "war" - I am so tired of "war" and all things associated with war.

What about Star Wars? Are you tired of Star Wars ronmamita? The Marvel characters always seem to be at war. DC is generally at War too. You are the second person who has made this type of remark - I think you are both looking at a pretty light hearted competition far too deeply. SK.

@sirknight I know there are many who feel as I do and would not make the effort to express this, I almost didn't because I know how you feel about it being "fun" - but yes I tire of comics and Hollywood's star wars too with, their mis-portrayal of war.

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