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50% chance of attending as I would like to, but not near by but traveling around I may stop by for this. Will better figure out my travels as this gets closer.


Wow. Much agreed. It would be a humble honor to meet you and the other pillars of power here in person.

Thank you.

it would be so cool if you could come. I know we would have a lot to discuss, especially the Steemgigs stuff....which I am going to focus on more now...
plus you're such a cool person. Please?

Will make a point of it then. Since your said "cool" & "please" :D
Thinking the #steemgigs idea is another of many great community ideas. Would be great to get "personally" involved in more ways with steemit too.
Additionally I may be able to help with cooking too and other stuff being an Eagle Scout who loves to help out.

I am very happy because you certainly do stand out as an exceptional person and i would love the help. Jessymynorchard is going to help too, and she's also performing. I think you'll like our community here, it's rather unique in this part of the country. If you need my other details, you can email me.....we could go to busy for a pm, if you need it.

Sounds great! Will be in touch.

ok, great, glad to hear it.....we have a big pool too which I have reserved for us.

And i believe papa-pepper is coming too!

Was wondering about that, and be awesome to meet him too along with everyone else!

as you may know, we met up in person in Missouri a while back. He's really a nice, awesome person. Very exuberant......Jessy and I really connected well, it's so good to meet in person, it adds much more of a human connection..

Yes I do know. Almost wanted to some join but wasn't able to. Yes to the whole meeting in person thing which can add another level of connection and energy, which I found when I attended Consensus last week.

I wanted to go to Consensus too, but the timing wasn't's on my list to talk in person more because I have the tendency to be introverted, inside my own mind too much..... I have to force myself to go out.

Sounds like a good thing for you to do when you find the right time and place to do so. Helps to align such with your greatest love & passion then when you are speaking you are being you and what you love which flows much better.

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