aceh tour
wisata aceh ...Kebahagiaan itu ada dimana-mana, asal kita mau melihatnya. Salah satu destinasi lumayan jauh dari jalan raya namanya Kolam Biru, yang berada di Geurudong Pasee, Aceh Utara. Tempat ini masih susah di akses, semoga pemerintah dan warga setempat bisa mengembangkan lokasi ini jadi tempat wisata terbaik.
aceh tour Happiness is everywhere, as long as we want to see it. One of the destinations quite far from the highway is called Blue Pond, located in Geurudong Pasee, North Aceh. This place is still difficult to access, hopefully the government and local residents can develop this location to be the best tourist attractions.
Category | belajarphotografi.0 1/20sec ISO400 |
Camera | Samsung J2 PRO 2018 |
Lens | 3.57mm |
photographer | @Ejan |
Location | Lhokseumawe Aceh-Indonesia |
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