RE: Steeve App Review Sleek Design Steem Web Interface
I had heard that. Rather weird in this day and age not to accept the default format of most cameras. I haven't used it for posting though. I have only used it to read posts and reply. Considering it's extremely basic post editor, I'll likely continue doing that.
I have considered setting it as a beneficiary for 5% though, for comments made using it, as I do appreciate their efforts. It might only be a few cents, but if others choose to do the same, it can possibly add up to quite a bit.
It would be a bigger deal if I set beneficiaries on SteemPeak, as I've started posting more than occasionally from there.
5% or 10% is actually quite substantial. Upvote bots often only give a 10% increase from your bought vote.
I think if front-ends decide to tax their users, it should only be a few percent. I think adverts are a better option than that, as many user's earnings are already meagre and hard fought. It might not seem like a lot, but it is. Many of us work really hard for our earnings on here. 10% when you're working really hard for below minimum wage is heart breaking.
Sorry for my tangent. I do that.