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RE: Heavy metal toxicity: The ALMs you should beware of.

in #stemng6 years ago

Is chelation the only treatment method? and is it the only one with success testimonies? what about patients with long-term exposure hence higher accumulations, what is their hope?
Such a great post. I didn't waste time reading it, I must say.


Not at all, many other therapeutic procedures for treatment of heavy metal poisoning are in place, however, chelation seems to be the simplest method. Other methods are tedious and purely professional as they can not be performed by anyone except an experienced doctor. This includes pumping one's stomach in a series of complex procedures to remove the toxic metals, this has proven remedial for long term poisoning.
Other method includes nutritional means as foods such as leafy vegetables helps in detoxification too.
Thanks for stopping by.

Oh thanks for this lengthy and detailed answer. So will you recommend vegetable as part of remedial diet for our mechanics and co that are daily exposed to these toxic metals?

Sure, that will go a long way, at least as a prophylaxis.

Then we should start advising as many of them as we can... Prevention is the best!

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