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RE: New compound will stop illness causing bacteria

in #stemng7 years ago

I wonder if there is a way to combat germs/infections by weakening the cell barriers to make silver more effective in these treatments? I know silver has been used for medicine for centuries, but maybe there is a way to make it more effective?


Copper also helps kill MRSA. I heard about that in a documentary.

Didn't know that one. I wonder how you would apply it? I know one can make colloidal about colloidal copper?

I think it's more about the bacteria dies on the copper so I think they said some hospitals are looking into having copper door handles- the down side is the oxidation that turns it dark with time.

True, but when it comes to combating MRSA, I'll take function over aesthetics.


wow...i did not know about the use of silver to combat germs, im definitely going to read more on that. Thanks

Yes, it cuts right through germ cell membranes. Antiviral and antibacterial. Romans used to drop silver in their water jugs to purify the water.