Is it possible that additional extended spatial dimensions exist?

in #stemq5 years ago


String theory predicts that the Universe may consists of additional spatial dimensions to the three dimensions we are all familiar with.

The theory goes that we cannot observe these additional spatial dimensions in our daily life because these are extremely tiny (much smaller than the size of an atom nucleus) and curled up.

But why should it be so?

I remember when Carl Sagan described in his television series Cosmos how it would be strange for beings, confined to live in a two dimensional space, to be transported into a third dimension and come back to their familiar 2D world.

So we could be confined to our 3 dimensions and be completely unaware of a 4th extended spatial dimension.

Of course the obvious questions would be - why are we confined to 3 dimensions only?

Would additional spatial dimensions necessarily need to be tiny and curled up?

Are we flatlanders in a higher dimensional universe?

StemQ Notice: This post was originally submitted on, a Q&A application for STEM subjects powered by the Steem blockchain.


The obvious answer is yes it is possible. However, theories featuring extra dimensions also predict facts that should be observed. For now, there is no observations of any of such facts, so that data tells us that we are stick to a 3-dimensional spatial world.

This being said, extra dimensions are only constrained, not ruled out. We should therefore... stay tuned :)

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