Life Ever After With Travis

in #story8 years ago

This fictional story is based on true events reported in the St. Louis-Post Dispatch and the Los Angeles Times. It is the story of what happens when a depraved, psychopathic, serial killer crosses over. It is a story of how, Travis Good, the killer, gains a new perspective on the life he led and how he atones for his misdeeds – fifteen tortures and murders of otherwise innocent, street-walking Black prostitutes in East St. Louis. We share his remarkable journey to redemption and complete transformation.

Travis Found in Jail Cell

Hanging there stiffly in his tiny jail cell, Travis Good looked like the ghost of many seasons past. The slight breeze from an air conditioner caused his long, thin body to sway back and forth as if it were a pendulum with a very wide arc. A piece of the sheet he had used to hang himself fluttered about his face. His light brown face was twisted into a grotesque mask, which seemed to say that the pain of his breaking neck had surprised him. Even in death, Travis Good looked like the nasty, sadistic, psychotic serial killer that he was. The suicide Sheriff's suicide watch had failed Travi
. Although not many people cared, Travis had preyed on young, Black prostitutes in the East St. Louis area for about fifteen years. The entire community of Black streetwalkers heaved a sigh of relief, once he was locked in jail. It seemed that his fifteen or more victims would finally get some justice.
In Good's blood-speckled basement, the police discovered a cache of videotapes. Viewing the grisly scenes, captured in living color caused one detective to vomit all over the squad room. In twenty-five years of police work, he had never seen anything so depraved or repulsive as the torture, mutilation and slow deaths of these victims in Good's home movies. In addition to the videotapes, DNA evidence from semen found in some victims tied Good to the gruesome murders. There was no doubt that he was the monster the cops had been trying to find for fifteen years.

Meeting Mother Dear

As Travis crossed over, his grandmother, whom he called "Mother Dear" met him. She stood on a cloud-like platform in a flowing white gown that shimmered in the bright white light that shone around her. In spite of his confusion about where he was, Travis could see the severe frown on her face. She didn't speak, but seemed to know the questions as they formed in his mind. Her answers appeared in his mind telepathically.
"You stupid boy, do you have any idea what you've done?" She said angrily.
"Yes ma'am." He replied sheepishly.
"You not only sinned against those poor women, but you've committed suicide, the ultimate sin against the Lord."
"Yes Mother Dear."
"You gonna have a lot of repent'n to do."
"But, Mother Dear, I couldn't help myself." He whined.
"Travis that is the most pathetic, weak excuse I ever heard."
"But, but ……." he stammered.
"But nothing. You gonna have to have some intense retraining and do a lot of penance to get yourself back to normal."
"Yes ma'am."
"As embarrassed as I am, I'll help you with your transition. You got a lot of work to do boy and you better not cause no problems."
"Yes ma'am." He said, relieved to see his grandmother's anger easing.”
After a brief rest and familiarization period, Travis began the first in a series of rehabilitation courses -- the Suicide Course. Albert Camus' work was the centerpiece of the course. His essay entitled "Absurdity and Suicide" from his celebrated work called "The Myth of Sisyphus" was reviewed in excruciating detail. Everyone in the class had to memorize and internalize Camus' message about suicide being an absurd solution to the absurd problem called life. Travis took another set of courses including, Sexual Appetites, Self-Esteem, and Kindness to Others. He also had to endure one-on-one meetings with each of his victims.

The Conference Room
The time came for Travis to formally reconcile with his victims and present his new life plan for permission to return to the earth plane. As Travis took his seat at one end of the enormous conference table, he noticed the Presiding Elder and the full Council of Elders at the opposite end. He also saw the nameplates placed at each of fifteen places along the side of the table.
Suddenly, there was a mighty trumpet blast signaling the entrance of the victims. Travis followed suit as everyone stood to welcome the guests of honor. The victims formed a single line behind their nameplates. Travis recognized some of the names he had read in the newspaper -- Aisha Green, Teresa Williams, Betty Jones, Alice Thompkins, Yvonne Cruz and Brenda Bosely. They were dressed in shimmering golden gowns that shone with a majestic brilliance. Each of their faces had a kind of angelic glow. As they sat in unison, the victims turned their faces toward Travis and gave him the most beatific smiles that he had ever seen. It was as if fifteen Mona Lisas had all turned their attention on him.
The graciousness of their smiles brought an inexplicable peacefulness to Travis' entire being. He was relieved to feel the forgiveness that flowed from their gleaming eyes. It felt as if they were saying, "Welcome home Travis."
The Presiding Elder opened the session by asking, "Mr. Good, are you ready to present your new life plan?"
"I am Your Eminence," Travis said as he stood to start his presentation. His plan included several items: (1) his choice of parents; (2) his relationships with the victims whether they returned or not; (3) an overview of his new life style; (4) some highlights about the lessons he had learned; (5) an impressive section devoted to the lessons he expected to learn in his new life; (6) scenarios for the pay back of the new karma that he had created with his victims, and (7) the time and date of his next death.
After an unusually brief deliberation, the Council of Elders stated that preparation should be made for Good's return to earth.
Ten months later, the Slovaks, a couple who had waited so many years for this joyful event, kept the birth announcement of their precious, six-pound baby daughter, Teresa Marie Slovak as brief as possible.
At the age of sixteen, after a series of transforming visions, Teresa decided to give her life to Jesus. After taking her final vows, Teresa took the name Margaret Mary, and chose to work in the slums of Hong Kong. For many years, she worked among the poor, the diseased, and the numerous prostitutes living in the slums. The days and the nights were long and arduous, but somehow her frail, stooped body met the test. Sister Margaret Mary and her Sisters of Hope received worldwide acclaim for their work. At one point, there was talk of a Nobel Prize for Sister Margaret Mary.

One day without warning, her doctor confirmed that the cervical cancer she had lived with for so many years had metastasized into a savage, stage four brain cancer. Two months later, as she lingered near death, the world sent its wishes for her recovery, but it was too late. On the morning of May 15, 2010 at 4 o'clock, Sister Margaret Mary quietly passed to the next plane. Her final thought before crossing over was, "Father, forgive and receive your Good and faithful servant."


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