Intolerant Homosexual Deviants Refuse to Respect Christian Company's Faith-based Sensibilities

in #story7 years ago

Tolerance is a two-way street. Our federal laws dictate that we cannot discriminate in certain business transactions based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and other immutable characteristics. However, retail businesses by law have the right to serve, or refuse to serve, anyone they want.

This is why I'm particularly outraged when homosexuals deliberately patronize Christian businesses in order to create a scene, and in the case of sexual deviants Julie Ann Samanas, 30, and Shannon Kennedy, 34, to instigate a lawsuit in bad faith.


We Americans are forced to accept the disgusting, putrid act of homosexuality as a normal expression of human behavior. Fine. But when we are coerced into participating in a homosexual event in direct violation of religious faith, that's where I have a major problem.

If two guys want to suck each other off, I say, have at it! Keep it to yourselves. But the second homosexuals demand that a Christian bakery bake them a gay wedding cake, I must say in the kindest way possible -- GO.TO.HELL.

Just as much as gays have a right to practice their debauchery, all Christians have a right not to participate in any homosexual function. Homosexuality is an affront to the Christian faith, one of the worst terrestrial sins that a human can commit. Gays must tolerate Christianity's intolerance towards abominations.

But gays are the least tolerant people. They clearly have an agenda -- to push homosexuality onto every generation. The reason? To destroy humanity.

Gays cannot procreate. In fact, many gay men are pedophiles, the worst scum of humanity. Rather than a mere expression of sexual deviance, gays want to stop human progress in its tracks, putting a middle finger to God and the universe.

Except, of course, that the joke's on them!


I can't believe that this type of thinking/hate-speech still exists. Don't get me wrong, you're entitled to your opinion. It's just unbelievably sad. Unfollowed.

Great post. I totally agree that tolerance is supposed to work both ways. Christians always get the short end of the stick, while another's call us intolerant and homophobic! Which by the way, because I dont agree with homosexuality does NOT in any way mean that I have an irrational fear of homosexuals! I will not get started on a big rant, but I think that quite a few members of the LBGTQRSTUV...... community do not realise that by pushing their argument that they are born that way, they cannot help who they are attracted too and that they should be able to live out their sexual disfunctions pave the way for pedophiles to use the exact same argument. Now days with the push in sexualizing young kids at an early age and talk from the UN a while ago about lowering the age of consent it seems the agenda is leading the way to legalising peodphilia. We are living in scary times!

Hi friend, very good !!!!!
You would help me with a vote in my post., Thanks !!! ;)

I am Christian!! And I do not care what homos think about my faith!!!!! Respect my faith and rights and I will do the same...otherwise f#ck off.. That is what I would say to all of them:)

I had posted about something similar earlier this year, with a few videos featuring MILO visits Memories Pizza To "Apologize On Behalf Of The Normal Gays", and an undercover video on how "open and accepting" a Muslim bakery would be to baking a gay wedding cake. Worth a watch, if you haven't seen 'em yet! :)

I wonder to myself in writing, on the blockchain... Did that help him release that anger or did it just fuel him up some more?

No, it gives him a right to practice "freedom of speech"! Do you have a problem with that? Lol

He can't have a problem because according to liberalism, any insulting words against a person of color -- that is I -- is racism! Aren't liberals awesome? LOL!

No, I have no problem with his freedom of speech, hence I only responded with zero attempts to limit his ability to speak or silence him in any way.

Agree with you but just not with the pedophile thing. Even if some are pedophiles we shpuld not brand them all as such as it may make others ignore our overall point of true tolerance. Otherwise I agree with you and hope that our Christian faith can be respected.

I disagree with you about "the pedophile thing." One of the reasons why Russia no longer allows Americans adopting their orphans is because of child abuse. Please see the RT article, "Gay couple accused of sexually abusing adopted Russian boy for years."

Furthermore, look at the Catholic church and multiple Muslim communities -- homosexuality and the sexual abuse of boys runs rampant among many of their members.

Tolerate, but never give an inch to these scumbags!

If you read deeper into the subject however it becomes seemingly apparent that it was a retaliation act in response to the Magnitsky Act.

In 2009, Russian lawyer and auditor Sergei Magnitsky died in a Moscow prison after investigating fraud involving Russian tax officials. While in prison, Magnitsky developed gall stones, pancreatitis and calculous cholecystitis and was refused medical treatment for months. After almost a year of imprisonment, he was beaten to death while in custody.[

This imposed sanctions on Russia to punish those involved.

I can agree with you on some points but others I can not.

I may write a response to your post.

I respect you for standing up for your beliefs.

You are also right about the Catholic church, just look at how many times the pope would relocate a bishop caught committing pedolphia on children. They would pay off the families and move the bishop to another city. The events repeated themselves over and over until it blew up in the church's face!

Remember, friend...this is how they act when they are in the minority. Can you imagine the horrors they will inflict if they become the majority!?

Homosexuals can't never be a majority. They couldn't convert heterosexual people into homosexuals. How would it be possible for them "to become the majority"? Homosexuality is common in nature, many birds and mammals exhibit such behaviour, but always as a minority of the species.

Im still against their acts I just choose tp voice my opinion without bringing in other factors outside of tolerance. Im glad you have conviction though. Its needed in todays society.

Completely agree with you! Female homosexuals have an average life span of 39 years and men of 44. For men, there are dozens of diseases that are classified in the state of California where the cause of death is homosexuality due to the uncleanliness of the act. Saint Andrew the Fool For Christ's sake, who lived in the fourth or fifth century called these men "Colon Fowlers"! A very appropriate description!

For women, I suspect that it is due to the emotional strain that causes them to die young.

There are also a large number of cases of ex-lovers committing murder on each other due to jealous rages. Pedophilia is the only way a man is able to propagate their lifestyle on the younger generation and thus creating a child victim that would be tempted to do the same on another.