ALARM CLOCK DAWN (An Original Novel - Episode 41)

in #story8 years ago

In the last episode Adam, refreshed from his first good night’s sleep in years was beginning to get aquainted with Evelyn and Ikeda’s camp.

Adam also learned that soon he would have a chance to finally meet Ikeda. Little does he realize, from this point forward, his destiny will unfold at a lightning pace. He will be tested in ways he can’t even imagine. Will Adam be able to handle this challenge? Only time will tell.

I hope you enjoy today’s edition of Alarm Clock Dawn.

Did you miss Episode 40 of Alarm Clock Dawn? If so click here to catch up.

Are you new to Alarm Clock Dawn? If so click here to start at the beginning.

Great, Adam thought to himself. He hoped Evelyn was nowhere within his sight during his evaluation because he knew if she was, his head would be chock full of impure thoughts.

“He doesn't read every thought, silly. He reads your spiritual energy. There's a difference,” she said, smiling coyly.

“Wait, how did you know—w-what I was thinking?” Adam blushed.

“Never you mind,” Evelyn said, her face only inches from his.

He held his breath, leaned in, and lightly touched his lips to hers. As Evelyn pulled him close Adam’s heart raced as they embraced, finally sharing a long, slow, and tender kiss.

Although neither of them wanted to, they both pulled away, still gazing into one another’s eyes.

“It’s about time we got that first awkward one out of the way,” Evelyn said with a sly smile.

“What time is it getting to be anyway?” she asked.

Adam looked at his watch, elated at Evelyn’s choice of words. “First awkward one” implied he was going to get to experience that again.

“It's a-a-almost 8:30.”

“All right, we’d better go. Ikeda should be just about ready for you.” Evelyn reached out for Adam's hand.

He pulled away briefly when he felt a static electric shock pop as her hand got close to his, and then their fingers intertwined.

She recited the following poem:

“Breathe in the swirling red rock dust,
the lone pinyon pine whispers,
relax, your existence
is but a single breath
in the course of deep time.”

“Amazing,” Adam whispered as he looked into her eyes. Evelyn smiled and squeezed his hand as she continued to lead him up a narrow crushed rock path to a small archway in the side of the red rock formation. Two large men were standing guard on either side of the door but stepped dutifully aside as Evelyn neared. As they approached the green wooden door, waves of peace came over Adam and, for once, not a hint of anxiety existed within him.

Adam ran his fingers along the symbols masterfully carved into the door. “What’s that inscription mean?” he asked Evelyn

“Namaste,” she said.

“Nama-what?” Adam asked perplexed.

“Namaste. It means I bow to the divine in you.”

Evelyn rang a heavily tarnished brass bell that hung from the rough cut timber door frame. As the heavy door slowly creaked open, Adam and Evelyn had to duck down to enter. As they did, a light fragrance of incense permeated the air.

“Greetings, young ones,” said a short, slight old man. His beige robe nearly touched the ground as he walked towards them. He was trying to fix his thinning gray hair as he approached them.

“Come in. Please, pour yourselves some tea and relax.”

He slowly lowered himself into a creaky wooden chair and pointed his crooked, calloused finger towards the clay teapot and cups on the small square table.

Adam looked around for Ikeda, assuming this fragile old man must be Ikeda’s assistant.

I’m sorry for the heavy security, but with something as precious as what we have here, you can't be too careful. My name is Ikeda.”

There was something very common but unique about the look of him. Adam tried his best to determine his race or nationality but could not. His eyes were calm and wise, having the appearance of deep and still pools. In a way they reminded Adam of his mother’s eyes.

The room very was simply furnished only with a small wooden table and four wooden chairs. A beautiful tablecloth that appeared to be skillfully handwoven was draped across it the table.. Adam carefully filled the three cups on the table. He noticed the teapot was very old and made of an unglazed purple clay. He handed a cup to Evelyn and slid another in front of Ikeda.

After a few seconds of silence Ikeda’s eyes began to pool with tears. “Adam, my son, you've finally come to me.”

“How does he know my name?” Adam asked Evelyn. Her only response was a mischievous grin. For once in his life it seemed Adam was the one who was a step behind.

“There will be time for you to learn all there is to know. For now, just make yourself comfortable, be still, and relax. Much can be learned in silence.” The little man raised the steaming tea cup halfway to his lips and patted his free hand lightly on Adam’s. “The most important thing is you are here with us now.”

Adam took a slow sip of the soothing liquor. The tea was both warming and refreshing, a much higher grade than he was used to. He was amazed at the feeling of contentment and security that engulfed him. It was as though everything at that moment was unfolding just as it was meant to.

“You've been living in a dream, and now it is time for you to awaken,” Ikeda said.

These words sounded very familiar to Adam, and he tried to recall where he had heard them before. After a few seconds he was stunned to recall that these were the exact words the orphan had given him on the street yesterday.

(All gifs sourced from

Tune in every Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday for new episodes of Alarm Clock Dawn! The final episode including a MAJOR plot twist will be read by yours truly live at the first annual SteemFest in Amsterdam on Saturday, November 12th.

Alarm Clock Dawn is the first novel of a trilogy. The sequel entitled, Truth Is Stranger, will be published in the Spring of 2017.

Please visit my website to sign up for my author newsletter. My newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates on the release of the sequel and other special offers.

If you’re enjoying this serialized version of my debut novel the best compliment you can give is to share this story with others, either face-to-face or online. I appreciate all of your continued support! After over twenty years of work, you’ve made this indie author’s dream finally come true.


Well finally Ikeda is here.

Great new episode, upvoted!

Superb series @ericvancewalton can't wait to read the next episode!

I'm glad you're enjoying it @cynetyc! Thank you!

There are signs around us everyday (like the little orphan) that can awaken us from the trance we walk around in... If we would only pay attention. This is getting just more a more interesting @ericvancewalton. CHEERS!

Yes, exactly @macksby! Synchronicity abounds. "All the world's a stage..." and the Universe uses each element of this physical world (including us) in its grand play to teach and spark evolution (IF we're paying attention).

Will you be putting a recorded version of your Amsterdam reading or a live stream here on Steemit? Looking forward to more of this story.

Thanks, @gregory-f. I think the organizers are planning on recording but I'm not sure of the details quite yet. I plan on publishing the final episode on Steemit right after it's read as well.

Good story! Well written.

Thanks for this continuation!

You're welcome. Thanks for reading!

Great well written story! Can't wait to read the next episode! :)

Thank you, @travelista! I appreciate you continuing to read and comment! I'm going to be sad when this is over.

@ericvancewalton I can assure you that won't happen, therefore, there is no need to be sad. I truely admire you and your work.

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thanks steady novel that contains information ,, once again thank you for your friend

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