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RE: A Geek in Prison - A Life Series by Charlie Shrem (Part 2 - Day 1 Meet & Greet)

in #story8 years ago

"The only thing we own in prison is our Identity Number, everything else is a privilege. We have to respect ourselves and others in here. Take a shower every day, do laundry, stay clean and in physical shape. More importantly, stay in mental shape. Stay strong and remember that you can lose privileges, but they can’t take your time. Every day in here you are credited with 1 day served which can’t be taken from you. What you do with that time is up to you. Some people stress eat, sit around, watch TV and let the time do them. Others get themselves in mental and physical shape and do their time. I decided right there and then I was going to use my year wisely and take myself out of my comfort zone because it was the only way I would get out of here a better person."

What great advice for prison..and life in general. Omar sounds like a wise individual. Have you kept in contact with any of the guys you met in there?


Him and I had a great relationship and the Jewish and Muslim communities in Lewisburg were very friendly toward each other. I intend to write a separate post about this.

That's great to connect with people of other faiths like that. When you do, you begin to realize what the mainstream media reports isn't always entirely accurate. I met a very devout Muslim man about ten years ago and we had several deep discussions about Islam. It was enlightening. I found out a few years ago through a DNA test (23andMe) that my paternal line is Ashkenazi. I can't wait to learn more about the Jewish faith.

Is 23andMe worth it? I've seen the commercials since getting out and it looks fantastic.

When you throw a few hundred people on a compound, usually people of faith respect other people of faith.

By the way, your writing is amazing. Love reading and voting on your posts.

Thanks, man! I really appreciate that and I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'm enjoying your work as well. I'm learning so much about cryptocurrency and its potential through Steemit! It's Fascinating to me. 23andMe was totally worth it. I did it before the FDA limited the health data they could provide so we got the list of diseases we were more likely to suffer from as well as the genealogical information. We thought we were Native American before this so to learn we were originally from North Africa was a shock, but a really good one. I'm happy to know the truth.

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