Echoes of Tommorrow's Past - Part 5 (My Original Novella)

in #story7 years ago

”Yes… I understand… No, Doctor… Well, a few bad dreams here and there but nothing to ring any alarm bells… No other medication… Hallucinations? Definitely not… I will, first thing when he gets back… Not yet… It should be fine though. The reception was never any good in this house anyways… “

The cream drapes obscured what was left of the outside sunlight. A tiny sliver managed to escape through from the edge, causing a long vertical streak drawn up upon the wall. Dolores clung on to the receiver with both hands, anxious and distraught. It had been well over five hours since bidding James farewell. The wait was agonizing. Six phone calls later and just the same monotonous replies of an answering message. She cupped a hand over her head whilst pulling at the thin cord near the window sill. The dying embers of a blazing red sun met her tired gaze.

”This is crazy. I can’t understand what happened.” She muttered. ”Are you sure that nurse didn’t say anything to him beforehand?”

A moment later, the familiar muffled rattle of keys outside the front door. Her heart leapt inside her chest. ”Doctor, I think he’s come home. I’ve got to go…” Hanging up the phone, she hurried into the hallway as James emerged though the entrance. His eyes were red raw and vein-filled. He slid a tongue around this parched lips before speaking. ”Look, Dolores. I don’t wanna talk about it, OK?”

James attempted to barge past her but she placed one firm hand on the wall, blocking his way. ”You don’t want to talk about what exactly?”

The pair of them stood in silence before James bowed down and shook his head. ”Not now, Dolores. Please… I just want to be left alone.” She refused to budge from her rigid stance, keeping her eyes locked on his. ”Look. I was just on the phone with Dr. Grey. Apparently, you stormed out of there and in the thick of things, broke some of their expensive equipment. I asked him what had happened and he had no idea. You suddenly just flipped out. They’re running through the chat log as we speak to ascertain if your designated nurse had anything to do with it.”

James looked up at her, seeing the confused state she was in. ”It wasn’t her fault, OK? It was me. All me.”

”What was all you?” she asked again. ”What happened back there? Just give me some indication of what’s going on and then I promise I’ll leave you to your own thoughts for the rest of the evening.”

He shuffled into the living room and rubbed a soothing palm on the side of his face. Dolores followed close behind. ”Let’s just say I had a… moment of clarity, Dolores. An epiphany, if you like. This whole deal with me and these chips buried inside my head. I want nothing more to do with any of it. It just ain’t… natural.”

She moved over to their L-shaped leather sofa tucked up against the wall and sat balanced on the edge. ”But we had an agreement, right? I was waiting for you to come home with a digital album full of our most cherished times together. You know how long I’ve waited for this day. What made you change your mind?”

”Because.” He continued. ”I don’t want it.” She felt a cold, hard menace behind his words as he pushed on. ”Whatever happened to the good old days of downloading photos off of a phone or camera and storing them on some traditional, commonplace medium? Can’t you see? I don’t want these machines wreaking havoc in my head. God only knows what damage has already been done. And worse still, they’re never coming out. Ever. Fused with me like some parasitic silicon twin. There are things… I just don’t want to be reminding of.”

James’s last statement hinted at a better explanation than if he had admitted the truth word for word. ”You saw her, didn’t you?” She said, calm in her demeanour. ”I warned you how much stress it would cause. You should have listened to me. Do you know how much money we’ve sunk into that company already? Because I sure as hell don’t expect to get any kind of refund after today’s events.”

”Damn the money. I panicked, alright!” He yelled. ”I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life regretting why I didn’t get to see her again one last time. It destroyed a part of me, Dolores. I was only fourteen years old. You understand? A child. And now she’s prowling through my dreams at night, several times a week. Hideous, distorted dreams that are eating me up from the inside out. I thought me viewing that memory might bring some sort of closure.” James bought his hands up, covering his face. She saw how torn up he still was about his tragic loss at such a tender young age. The sound of deep, pitiful sobs caught her off-guard.

”Hey, baby.” She said, lifting herself to rush over to him. ”It’s OK. Listen, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come across as a cold-hearted bitch.” His hands parted as she brushed them to one side. His face was moist with a combination of perspiration and salted tears. His eyes remained closed.

”I love and miss my mother, Dolores. But also hate her for what she did to me.” He confessed. ”Just because of her own personal insecurities in life, her not being able to deal with the loss of my father. She’s cursed me with this co-called “gift” that I never asked for. Where’s the fairness in that? Sometimes I think I can even feel the damn things shifting about within my brain cavity. Is it just me imagining it all or is it really happening? I can’t tell the difference anymore. I just wish I could lead a normal life and not have to deal with these freakish options I’ve been burdened with. Please… don’t ask me to go back there again. I’m begging you.”

She swept both her thumbs over his eyelids, leaving a trail of wet across each cheek. Not a second sooner, he opened his eyes again. A glistening ring of patterned blue encapsulating the piercing, dilated black dots at their centre. One of the first things that struck her about him, she thought. Like two ebony sapphires drifting in a clear blue sky. Pure works of alluring art. She bent forward and kissed them both in quick succession. ”Forget about this afternoon for now, James. Let’s discuss this properly tomorrow when you’re rested. I’m sorry to have pushed you. Sometimes I seem to act before I think, you know?”

”It’s OK.” He whimpered. ”I’ll be honest, Dolores. I feel like I’ve gone through some type of major trauma. Kinda numb all over, you know? I’m sure I’ll feel better in the morning.” A thick, dark cloud passed over what was left of the sun, casting an eerie gloom around them. James adjusted his Suede jacket and nudged her to one side. ”Sorry, darling. Can I go lie down for a bit. My head is throbbing something chronic.”

”Sure. No problem. I’ll inform Dr. Grey you’re safe and sound at home.” She replied. ”Can I fix you up something? A sandwich or hot drink maybe?”

”I’m good, thanks.” His head construed with distressing images and mental fatigue, he headed up the narrow flight of stairs. Each step felt like wading through a pit of quicksand. The ghostly apparition of his mother’s final goodbye swirled within a jumble of mixed emotions and torment. He slid past the bedroom door and collapsed onto the bed. James passed out before he had even hit the sheets.

(To Be Continued)


Hope you enjoyed this story, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)


Great edition to the prev. Parts.
Happy to read it, hope you roll out more parts later on in time.
By the way I would love it if you as a writer could leave a topic for my < through the eyes of a mystic> series i just started on my blog.
Cheers and much love ♡

Hey there, @vangelov. And thank you for stopping by. Sure, I'll defo check out your new material. It's always such a pleasure to see all the awesome content from aspiring new writers like yourself.

Bless. :)

I feel sorry for James, it seems his wife is a tad bit self-centered and insensitive. It's interesting, and very realistic, that you would have him married to a woman who might have some similar qualities to his own mother.

On another note, I am going to Long Island to visit my cousins and while I'm there I'll be heading into NYC to meet a few great people from steemit. I'm really looking forward to it, but I have to say it makes me think of the people I'm not yet meeting....hopefully one day my friend, I would be over the moon to meet you!! And of course a few other awesome friends :)

Because of your own exceptional talents and keen eye, you spotted that subtle details I included, having James find love in Dolores but mirroring certain traits he yearned for from his own mother. Thanks for picking up on that!

The trip that you have planned sounds incredible! How cool that on your way back, you'll get to meet and interact with real life steemians! Well, we all know how cool our little community is so you should be in store for a fantastic time! I myself have already booked the Steemfest 2 and honestly, was so so so hoping both yourself and @jedau would be able to make it there. I know it's so far but it would be one of the best days of my life. I've really bonded with you both so I still hold on to that hope...

You such a phenomenal person and writer... Bless you, incredible @dreemit! :)

I am definitely going to try to get there, and I feel the same way @ezzy, I very much want to meet you and @jedau, and this would be such an amazing opportunity :) Don't count me out yet ;)

Well, here's to hoping that comes true! But in the meantime, I hope you have an awesome time in Long Island and NYC.


Dolores, you just ... You just don't get it. Jeez... I get where Dolores was coming from, but come on. She knew it was a possibility, and she was the one who still pushed him to go through with it. I couldn't breathe the whole time I was reading this chapter. Her hovering around me James was so suffocating. What a tense, claustrophobic encounter. Guided by your masterful stroke, my bro, you certainly hit all the right notes. Way to put on a clinic once again!

This story gets better and better with every chapter. Always the trend whenever @ezzy's name is emblazoned across the credits section. Take note newbies, this is what it takes to get into the Steemit Fiction Hall of Fame :D

Hey, my brother @jedau!

Man, you're so on the money with Dolores. She seems fascinated by this ability James has been bestowed with. Almost to the point of desperately just wanting to see the end results of this cyber-experiment. Yeah, she's got her set of motives alright. And James is caught in the middle of the crossfire. Together with dealing with a company whose main objective is cashing in on as much money as possible from their clients and his disturbing nightmares, it's fair to say things could be better! :)

Massive change up of pace in the next part and one I need to tread very carefully with.

As always, man, your comments are so humbling. Just remember, we're bouncing ideas off each other here as I hold your work in such high regard, you wouldn't even believe!

(Btw, I love the "me" switch up there!) :)

Bless you so the max, my bro! :)

If there's one thing sci-fi has taught me, you can never really trust anyone! I guess horror, romance, drama and even comedy taught me that as well, but that's beside the point haha! Definitely excited to see what happens next, brother! :D

Then please don't trust me, lol! But I mean that in the best way possible. I always try to throw a curveball (as do you) to keep the reader's engaged.

Writing is so much fun... :)

Haha! That I do :D It's the most fun writers can have, I think haha!

Very interesting plot this. Have suspicions about what this young lady is up to. Hoping to get some answers soon...

Thanks, bro! Next part coming up real soon... :)

You continue to amaze me @ezzy, truly enjoy reading!

Thanks for making my day, bro! :)

Anytime brother, happy to read some quality original content here...the parts are like my favorite TV show, they leave me hanging wanting more!

Kool, bro. More on it's way soon. :)

Very tight chapter, @ezzy! I'm still not sure about Dolores but recent events have sure shaken up James. Their conversation was riveting. Again, you explain things and create dialogue between characters like no other. It's movie script stuff. Very engaging. I really felt his struggle as he came home, probably expecting an earful from his wife too. Lol, the tension was red hot! Words always fail me when describing your work. Again, a fantastic chapter, @ezzy. Cannot wait for more soon.

Hey, my friend!

Man, thanks again for the kind words! Yeah, we're starting to get deep into this one and the next chapter is gonna be a big turning point. Hope you stick around to find out. :)

I had to pick the dialogue carefully as realistic exchanges between characters is always of paramount importance to me so I thank you for pointing that out. James is on a slippery slope at the moment so maybe a quick lie down should help matters? Lol, see what happens next. :)

Thanks once again, @myb. Much appreciated. :)

Thanks. :)

Hey @ezzy, nice story.

Thank you, sir. :)

Nice writing @ezzy ! please keep on your good works!

Thank you kindly. :)

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