My Personal Thoughts on "Doctor Strange"

in #story7 years ago (edited)

We've all been lucky enough to be introduced to a world of different comic book superheroes all stemming from the innate genius that is Stan Lee. Though you'd be forgiven somewhat if after a certain period of time, they begin to blend into one, big character mesh of super strength, speed, telekinesis or agility. Most of these iconic heroic powerhouses usually possess extraordinary abilities contained within the "physical" space. Therefore, I found it a refreshing change when the forums exploded with word that MCU were on the brink of giving Doctor Strange the cinematic treatment. With a firm focus on powers pertaining to time manipulation, inter-dimensional travel and mind control, the makers of this film were given free rein to let their creative minds go crazy. Myself, as well as countless others on a global scale, were very excited to see first-hand what the results would prove to be like. Could MCU have created yet another instant classic in the making?


After a thrilling opening where the evil sorcerer Kaecilius (played by Mads Mikkelsen) and a group of his cohorts manage to steal some ancient texts from a sacred temple, we move to a more present day setting in New York City. Dr. Stephen Strange (played by Benedict Cumberbatch) is a neurosurgeon whose lack of personality is more than made for up by his proficient skills with a scalpel. One fateful day soon after, he becomes involved in a serious car accident rendering his hands useless and therefore unable to continue his prosperous career. Having discovered a former paraplegic who seemed to have miraculously gained the ability to walk again, he is led deep within the Himalayas to the temple of Kamar-Taj. Here, he finds and tries to befriend the Ancient One (played by Tilda Swinton) who possesses powers beyond his wildest imaginations. Also having been the teacher to the villainous Kaecillius who is growing ever more powerful and dangerous, she decides to take Doctor Strange under her wing and show him not only how to heal his crippling condition but also the secrets to unlocking the almost limitless powers of the mystical arts and human mind. But will it be enough to foil the as-yet unbeknownst deathly plans of Kaecillius and his vastly superior form.

The originality contained within this movie is simply astounding. I've always thought of Doctor Strange as a unique character separate from the rest of the MCU. His reality-altering skills have far reaching potential consequences. And these are showcased here with a visual flair and elegance I've yet to see in any other film ever made. Rooms, places, buildings, even cities are spun and manipulated with some sort of a kaleidoscopic swirling type effect. They are a sight to behold and allow for some truly memorable action sequences. All the while making complete sense in regards to the underlying narrative and story-line. Watching the forces of good and evil battle within these inter-dimensional planes were an absolute joy and go on to create one of the best Marvel productions committed to screen. Everything in this movie (including an incredible set piece in which the Ancient One first unveils her powers to him at Kamar-Taj) is told with such loving care and respect to the rich original source material. The creators of this project have outdone themselves on almost every level with, it must be said, one of the smartest and most innovative finale's I've seen in a movie. Now that is a sweeping statement, but I believe justifiably so.

The acting throughout is top notch, with Cumberbatch playing the perfect lead role. So good in fact that I can literally not picture anybody else in his stead. Add to that the uncanny striking resemblance he has to the comic book character itself. Swinton provides for the perfect tutor, coming across as wise and patient following the years of training hundreds of students in the mystical arts. Even Mads Mikkelsen brings with him a strong on-screen persona, finding that fine balance between acting out a stereotypical bad guy and over playing the part. A stellar casting job across the board with this one. The comedic elements, whilst there, are timed well and most importantly "at the correct moments". That's in stark contrast to Guardians of the Galaxy and has always been a pet hate of mine concerning numerous Marvel movies. But not in the case of Doctor Strange by a long shot. If any criticisms are to be cited against it here, well, that would be a tough call indeed. As I've mentioned in my previous reviews, if Marvel just doesn't do it for you then anything they throw at that particular demographic of people will simply never be enough. It "is" a comic book movie at the end of the day and I know some who refuse to ever be converted over. But that's just looking at it through some kind of pedantic tunnel vision. Criticisms to be had? I honestly can't think of any.

I had an absolute blast with Doctor Strange and I struggle to think of a Marvel movie I enjoyed more. It had the heart, the visuals, the sound and the cinematography to culminate in Marvel's strongest offspring so far. I know that this movie was the setup for much largest offerings on the way for this most unique and intriguing of characters. I'm fully on-board and consider it another most outstanding feat from this ingenious studio that just can't seem to put a foot wrong. DC? You certainly have your work cut out.

My Verdict: (9/10)


*Source: (1,2,3,4)

Hope you enjoyed this post, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)


I have nothing to say about the movie but you always amaze me with the way you can string words together. I have not found anyone else here on Steemit that can build an image through their writing more precisely than you.

As I have always told you, you have the gift. From winning the first Steemfest award to consistently creating the best posts and short stories. I am glad to have met you back when we were screaming into the void of steemit chat post promotion.


Oh mate! Heartfelt words that are echoed back to you tenfold. You are "my" role model on this platform when it comes to structured, intelligently written and original posts and my feelings haven't changed one bit in that regard. It's certainly been a ride, my friend... And things are still only just getting started!

Bless you, my brother. Thanks... :)

I loved it and will prob watch it again. Good acting and story line. ;)

I love this film with a passion too. Thanks for dropping by. :)

I agree with every word, as it often goes.

Cumberbatch is perfect for that role, as you've mentioned, and I loved how his version of the unbearably arrogant and pompous surgeon worked from the start. Plus, you can tell he's having a great time portraying Dr. Strange (I loved his cameo in a recent Marvel movie, too). And I guess I agree with the fact that Dr. Strange is somewhat different from the other superheroes, and they managed to let it reflect within the movie. The ending is typical Dr. Strange through and through. This has been one of my favorites from Marvel, also, it reaches levels of brilliance comparable to the first Iron Man.

Keep 'em coming, @ezzy :D

I concur with every word of your great comment. I love that Marvel decided upon a character that doesn't just ground and pound bodies to smitheriens but instead uses intelligent means of strategically taking down the enemy. This movie had everything and I feel I'll be going back to this one for years to come. :)

This is one hell of a movie. The cast, the CGI, the dress up.It's just amazing and gives a complete turn to the MCU. I think Kaecilius is such a relatable villain. You understand and feel his sorrow and the reason behind his goal. Yet you understand that is not the best way to deal with his lost.

Also the inner struggle of Strange understanding Kaecilius and finding the secrets of The Acient One and his own journey. Just a really enjoyable story.

Totally, bud. It's not just the "whizz bang" of amazing special effects but the heart contained within the characters and storyline. You felt thoroughly invested the entire time and for me, those are the hallmarks for a really great production. :)

I saw the movie and also thought it was pretty good. It was fill of sacred geometry symbols and the occult. I need to see it again to remember all the details, but I remember the ending was good also.

Actually, you've pointed out a great little highlight about this movie. The fact that it's got huge rewatchability. :)

It's been awhile since I watched it. My favorite fight scene had to be the one between The Ancient One and Kaecilius, especially when the buildings start to fold inwards due to multiple dimensional planes shifting around. Dormammu being outsmarted by Doctor Strange's infinity stone into a time loop was priceless.

This had to be one of my favorites as well, had no interest in going to it in theaters, didn't see much on it, then blown away after finding it on Netflix... So good

Wow! That's a great way to be introduced to this movie. Neutral expectations only for them to be surpassed in the best ways possible. Glad you liked it, bud. :)

I loved this movie! I would give it a 8, lol!

Close enough, lol!

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that's cool, my grandmother had a bunch of my uncle's comics from the 60's and I always thought the Doctor Strange ones were awesome.

Yes, the rich history is prevalent in the movies. Another aspect that I love about Doctor Strange.

One of my marvel's favorites movies too , I think it was different from other marvel characters