1947 - A LOVE STORY | Final Episode

in #story6 years ago (edited)

Both Asma and Aarif were very cautious to not be seen by anyone but Harnaam Daas's servant Genda Lal saw them. He told it to Harnaam Daas. Asma and Aarif were stopped at the village boundary by Shamsher Singh and his gang.

Shamsher:- Where this Mulla is going with such a beauty (Laughing shamelessly).

Aarif:- How does it matter to you Shamsher? We are getting late. Get out of my way.

Shamsher:- Aarif Mohammad you enjoyed your life in our country. You lived happily and now as you are leaving for your Pakistan, at least pay for what you enjoyed in Hindustaan.

Aarif:- I am a Hindustani and this is my village. I am not going to Pakistan ever. Leave my way now.

Shamsher:- Ohh, A Pakistani has already started lying. show me your bags and leave all the money and gold here. Saying this he signalled his man to check the bag.

He snatched the bag from Aarif and searched it. He took the silver coins and money in it.

Shamsher:- where is the gold Aarif mia?

Aarif:- Be afraid of Khuda you scoundrels.

Shamsher:- Ha Ha Ha you be afraid of Khuda that our God is sleeping right now. Give us your gold or I will take your daughter in replacement.

Aarif:- Dare you to touch her, I will cut you in pieces.

Shamsher:- You hold this Mulla and in the meantime let me taste the youth of this beautiful whore.

Gang member:- Shamsher brother, do not forget about us.

Shamsher:- Everyone will get his chance. Saying this he grabbed Asma's hand and pulled her towards him. Asma screamed, abused Shamsher and tried to fight him but he was way stronger than her.

Aarif:- Let her go Shamsher Singh or I will kill you. allah will never forgive you for this and you will burn in hell.

Shamsher:- I do not care What Allah does. Right now I just want to taste this treat. saying this he groped Asma's breast and squeezed it mercilessly. Asma screamed in pain and again struggle to get free.

Shamsher slapped her hard on the face and Asma almost fainted. Aarif was struggling and somehow got free. He climbed at Shamsher and grounded him. Asma Got free from Shamsher but one of the gang members hit Aarif on his head with the handle of the knife and Shamsher got the chance. He stood up and punched Aarif on his face. Asma saw a Jeep coming towards them and she started shouting. It was a police patroling Jeep. As soon as Shamsher saw it, he signalled his Men and they fled away from there. Asma turned towards Aarif and tried to wake him up.

In the meantime, Police Jeep approached and they picked Aarif and Asma.

Asma:- Thank you so much Sahib (Sir), Else they would have killed us.

Inspector:- Do not worry now. You are safe with us. What were you doing there? Don't you know, how tense the situation is. Everywhere there is Curfew and you both are wandering in such atmosphere.

Aarif:- Sahib, we were trying to go to my friend in Tarantaran and from there towards Amritsar Railway station. We were going to Pakistan but on the way these Goons caught us. They are from our own village and now they wanted to kill me and rape my daughter.

Inspector:- Don't worry, We are going towards Amritsar and we will drop you at Railway station.

Rajbir took all that he could and reached the camp along with Qadir. Qadir told him that a Police Bus will take all the refugees to Railways station. Rajbir sat there quietly and started thinking about Asma. He did not receive any letter from her since long and now he was worried about her and Aarif too. He knew the situation in Amritsar through newspapers. After an hour the Police Buss arrived and took them to Railway station and Rajbir boarded the train.

It was very crowded but he got himself a seat. Finally, he was going to Amritsar. He was happy now. He was excited and was thinking about Asma. The Train started moving and everyone relaxed a bit. After around 10 minutes, the train stopped with a big jerk. Suddenly, those who were hanging by the door jumped and started running toward the fields. Slogans of Allah Hu Akbar could be heard clearly. Hundreds of Muslims armed with swords and guns attacked the train. As they approached Rajbir, he stood up and tried to fight but they were too many and soon he was caught by them and without wasting any time they shot him in his head. Rajbir fell down with open eyes. Eyes where Asma lived. Eyes which saw dreams of a family. All was finished and Rajbir was just a body now. A body without a soul.

Police Inspector dropped Aarif and Asma at Railway station. It was crowded and packed over capacity. Somehow, Aarif managed to enter the train along with Asma. Suddenly someone shouted that Hindus have attacked and the train blew the whistle. The Train started moving but Aarif could listen to people shouting " Jo Boley so Nihal Sat Sri Akal" and people screaming. Shouting increased from the next coach and it felt like some monster was coming towards them. All people in his coach were taking Allah's name and praying to god to let them live. They heard the Mob shouting that a train had come from Pakistan with only dead bodies in it. Aarif's face turned yellow with fear.

The Train was moving very slowly and again it stopped. Aarif looked out the window and saw a Mob of Hundreds of people holding swords in their hands, rushing towards them. Those who were hanging at the doors were getting butchered like animals.

Asma buried her face in Aarif's chest and started murmuring Kalma. " Jo Boley so Nihal Sat Sri Akal and Mob entered his coach. Girls were getting raped and men were getting killed. Aarif saw them coming towards him. He stood up and pushed Asma behind but before he could do anything, he was beheaded. Asma saw his head falling to the ground and she sat stoned. She was just looking at his head while her clothes were being torn away and she screamed with pain. Her legs were spread and she felt a dagger inside her. She was being slapped and hit and scratched. Her breasts were squeezed mercilessly as she was an object. One after one after one they came and ravaged her.

Train again blew the whistle and started moving but there was no noise now. Asma was lying naked with blood all around. Her legs were widespread and blood was oozing out of her vagina with a sharp knife in it. It was all quiet now. The noise of running train was clear and its whistles felt like screams now. There were only bodies left and no souls. Both trains passed each other but in both the trains, there was silence!

The End

It was the evening of August 14th, 1947 and next day India and Pakistan were announced as Independent countries. Over a Million people died unnecessarily in this biggest migration of the human history. Those who were one blood killed each other mercilessly. Most of them who killed others were normal people but it was the crowd and triggered emotions which turned humans into the beast. We have paid a huge price for this Independence.

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Absolutely superbly written . The emotion is so palpable.
You have painted the nightmare and trauma of the partition so truthfully and with so much feeling.
I read the episodes back to back and felt goosebumps.
"Rajbir fell down with open eyes. Eyes where Asma lived. Eyes which saw dreams of a family". -so poignant.

"Both trains passed each other,but in both trains there was silence". This is such a poignant line. It tells the world that both parties suffered the same agony and nightmare. Love was killed by the dagger of religion and politics !

I am speechless. Your writing has so much truth & feeling , @honeychum.

Thanks a lot, my friend. I am glad that you liked the climax. :)

It has been a wonderful series @honeychum I have always recommended you to publish a book first but you just love your steem followers so much that you published it here itself. The lovers of the story are so well described and detailed that one falls in love with story, surroundings. At one point of time, one starts feeling the pains they might have gone thru. Thats the art of writing and I ll be modest enough to state that you are an awesome Writer. I wish you all the success for your upcoming stories and please consider my suggestion, lets meet up a publishing house with you art :)

I did expect the ending similar to this but you have taken it to another level. Your writing always draws a picture in front of my eyes. Amazing talent and powerful words. @honeychum

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It can not end, this story caught me like I was reading a slow book so it would never end. It was great that great talent you have friend

thanks my friend :)


Thanks mate! :)

@honeychum.. You are a work of art.

Thanks buddy :)

nice love story man. i love it. thanks for it.

What a genius you are, This poem perspective is from another planet
Nice work@honeychum

Thanks a lot buddy :)

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