A short story...

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Encuentra en post en español siguiendo este enlace ----> https://steemit.com/story/@kio94/un-cuento-corto

Hello! As you well know (if you read my introduction post xd) Im a Language student, and one of the topics related to this career is developement of written text (both academic or literary texts)

I want to share with you the main assignment we must do this semester is writing a short story diveded in chapters

So, I'm glad to introduce the first of 6 chapters from my story in order to get feedback because i've always think is good to know other peopel's point of view

Then...Here it is:

Chapter I

It was the 6:05 at morning and the ringing of the clock sounded out loud over the house showing that sleeping time had come to end that drab Monday of autumn. Drab, as every single day that passed by the boring life of the little Andrew, just like he felt those day were. He spent all his life through going to school, to those vapid classes that didn’t engage his attention or made him show himself interested…perhaps his lack of motivation is due to the fact that he could never be established anywhere because his mother, Louis, had to move from city to city to work and manage to pay the debts, since Andrew's father, Marshall, died in an traffic accident when he was 5 years old and since that moment his mother has struggled to get by alone.

Andrew cared for his mother, but her obligations and the fact that she had to spend almost all her time at work made Andrew spend much of his time without her, this affected him even at school because he did not take the work to make friends…for what? If he would stop seeing them as soon as his mother was assigned a new city to live. On the other hand, Andrew was a cheerful and kind young man, although quite shy, which did not make it easy to talk or have fun with the other children, because he was overwhelmed by social pressure when he was surrounded by people and did not feel free to be himself. Despite this, there was a girl who became close in a short time and who quickly became a person who trusted, her name was Rachel, who in contrast to Andrew was a rather extroverted girl who was not afraid to say what she thought and talk to anyone as if she met him for a lifetime.

Maybe their friendship was more worthy of Rachel than Andrew, but what is certain is that both enjoyed each other's company, because although they were Like chalk and cheese, there was a strong bond between them and they knew each other well Although Andrew had been living there for little more than three months. Rachel was the one who took care of Andrew in school, they helped each other in the activities and she accompanied Andrew and encouraged him to make other friendships or get more involved in school activities but Andrew's shyness could do more, which deeply annoyed her.

-I will never understand why you fear other people so much- Rachel repeated on more than one occasion, looking at Andrew with a frown sight and arms crossed.

One day in science class they had a discussion because Andrew had to give a presentation and due to the terror that it was supposed to stand in front of an audience watching him. Situation that he preferred to avoid by getting locked in the bathroom throughout the day. Once the doorbell rang and they were on the way home Rachel, Annoyed with Andrew for not wanting to show up in the class, claimed Andrew.

-I cannot believe that you were so cowardly as to hide only to avoid the presentation.- Rachel said grumbling disappointed.

What do you want me to do? I'm just not as good as you are dealing with people.- Andrew replied in a pessimistic tone and somewhat grumbled.

How do you know that if you do not even make an effort to try it? ... Silly. Rachel responds while hitting Andrew on the shoulder, which makes him angry.
-Who do you think you are to tell me what to do? Leave me alone!-Andrew yelled as he ran home crying in frustration, knowing that Rachel was right.
When he gets home, he locks the door with a key, leaves his things on the floor and lies down on the old living room couch trying to rest, while Rachel's words still resound loudly on his head. Suddenly a strange sound coming from the basement catches Andrew's attention.

Suddenly a strange sound coming from the basement catches Andrew's attention.
-It's strange, it's early for Mom to be at home -He thought, as he leaned up the stairs to find out if it was his mother or just a noise made by some animal.

-Is that you, mom? What are you doing here so early?- He asked, without getting any response.

When he got down of the stairs and turns on the lights he realizes that in that basement there was nothing but dust although he saw certain things that he knew he had not seen before, probably from the previous owners. Among these things was an object of rectangular shape, covered with a dirty and deteriorated gray sheet with remnants of cobweb, which seemed to have an eternity without moving from site, so it awakens the curiosity of Andrew who is careful not to throw anything at floor, remove the sheet to find the strangest mirror he had seen in his life.

That mirror was about 2 meters high, the glass, stained by time perhaps, did not seem to reflect well enough what was in front of it. The frame, made of fine but equally worn oak, had with it a kind of inscriptions written in a language he did not understand at all. After seeing himself in the mirror for several minutes and beginning to get bored, he noticed that something was not quite right with the mirror, because he had the sensation of seeing someone very different standing in front of him.!

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