【Secret、Shady、】Always colorful scam Secret: kill big lose small winning numbers all for manipulation

in #story7 years ago

This article is to expose all kinds of shades of time and hope that the majority of my friends can help me to like, vote, so that more people from time to time color, one of your vote, a little praise, you can make the community less because Colorless and bankrupt people.

If you say strangers suddenly recommend online lottery to you and claim that the winning rate can reach 90% and the profit exceeds 40%, do you believe this pie? Some people really believe it.

Stranger plus friends recommended 100% winning lottery

Yan told reporters that the victims, they are together with the team to buy, a professional analysis trend mentor, single-phase winning rate of about 80%, the amount of investment to do three to five, 90% can grasp, and profit 40%.

In March of this year, Mr. Yan, a citizen of Changle, Weifang, was looking through WeChat circle of friends and suddenly had a strange number plus his good friend. He was very generous to share with him a good project to get rich and get rich - the "national color."

The WeChat friend said "country color" is actually a network of quick lottery, collectively referred to as "always color." Mr. Yan at the beginning of this lottery and not much interest. However, the other party was very persistent and kept trying to introduce Mr. Yan to the various benefits of "state color."

Mr. Yan said, then he sent me a member registration, made a few URLs, and then I opened it, after opening it is free to register, to understand and understand when he took me to understand.

After tasted the sweetness of more than 60,000

See each other so enthusiastic, Mr. Yan is not good to refuse. After some understanding, he tentatively voted to invest 100 dollars, the result of "lottery" really received more than 40 dollars in proceeds. Tasted the sweet Mr. Yan has invested 5,000 yuan, this time received more than 1,000 dollars in proceeds. In this way, Mr. Yan has repeatedly voted into the money, but also repeatedly received benefits.

To dispel doubts, Mr. Yan is gradually adding additional capital investment, from the original 100 yuan test the water until the last single bet more than 60,000 yuan. However, more than 60,000 dollars into this, the previous 100% winning rate also burst. Mr. Yan's investment completely hit the water. Later, this WeChat friend once again asked Yan a bet of 80,000 yuan to return, after Mr. Yan refused, then the lottery website is closed!

All winning numbers for human control

Realizing that he was cheated, Mr. Yan is also the first time the police. Changle County Public Security Bureau net squadrons deputy commander Song Xiaoqing said, "Yan Yan gave us a victim bank card, bank card is a Nanchang, Jiangxi Agricultural Bank card, we do a lot of water analysis, from here Bank card We have led to more than 40 bank cards, including CCB, ABC, and finally we have locked 11 Construction Bank card. Why do these 11 Construction Bank card is the main bank card involved? Because these 11 banks ATM cash withdrawal appeared, a large amount of value involved in more than 10 million.

After analyzing the cash withdrawal locations of these 11 bank cards, the police found that the cash withdrawal of these bank cards was mainly located in Kaifu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province. According to this, the police could analyze suspects' activities in this area and immediately rushed to Hunan, and with the cooperation of the local police, took the monitoring video of the withdrawal bank.

Lock the suspects, the police handling cases immediately take action, the suspects arrested involved brought back Changle. Forced by police deterrence, the other two suspects subsequently surrendered. According to the suspects account, they are a group, a total of five sites, more than 20 members, and a clear division of labor.

The suspect Pengmou said that they are generally first by the victim a little sweetness to lure its hook, and then the other side invested large sums of money, use the software to change the betting failure, so as to cheat money.

Pengmou said that change the software is the advance purchase of the purchase order number into the winning or not winning, it will automatically be modified. In other words, who wants to win the prize winner.

Changle County Public Security Bureau net squadron vice captain Song Xiaoqing introduced, for example, the salesman has a 1,000 dollar disk, under the hands of 10 people can buy, each invested 1000, when a small investment, the business The staff make these people earn money by changing the software. Of course, people who buy lottery tickets do not know what to buy, he just bought the number along with the salesman. After that, the salesman will propose that I have a twenty thousand or fifty thousand disks to let the participants below follow up. Once these large quantities of funds have been found, these clerks modify the betting numbers with the modification software.

Through this method of killing big and losing money, criminal gangs have taken a lot of money. Now look back at his cheated process, Mr. Yan is also regrettable.

Mr. Yan said that he often wanted to earn some pocket money and earned them a nest, which was very dangerous and even ruined his family. So in a word, there is no real pie in the sky.


The world will not fall pie, we all know this sentence, but in front of a variety of temptations and how many people can keep awake, in fact, a very simple scam similar simply can not stand scrutiny. We have more than once the exposure and warning, but why some people will be fooled, which is also the old saying goes, Lee Lee Zhi Zhi Hun, once the human mind was blindly greed, it is easy to lose the normal rationality, and only removed that Excessive speculation, overnight greed greed, in order to stay away from the various traps liar.


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Many people know that lottery tickets have been bought, and only a few of them have ever been to China. Even in the past, they are 5 fast and 10 fast. They are not fun, but they are not always the case. But why is it called scam? Because ... wait for the next Xiaobian to tell you. First talk about how color is always people inside the site to play, the first one, the development of women with a client. The second, using QQ group development of customers. We can find the QQ keyword for the color, try it, to know how horrible this industry, and that part-time is a gray chain. There is a post to find customers. This is the first of three ways to find customers

With the female development of customers, you should have also been developed, the language used to develop customer lines, ha ha, you are the customer of others. In fact, according to Xiaobian know. All the way to develop customers with women is the same way. Each product has a fixed speech technique, startle it, you do not know you are routine, Xiaobian done sales. Like Ping An Insurance, China Life Insurance, telemarketing, there is a fixed words, the sale of all know that there should be no excuse, like the words of a woman, in fact, there are words, can not think of it. Report a Meng expected. A company 50 people. Chat with the girl, and then are talking about surgery, summarize the words of this product. Final words finalized, and then continue to update and improve the surgery. All men met this type of beauty plus your wechat have to stay a heart. You have already started the first part of the routine. If you think you have to go the peach blossom, then congratulations, you are one step closer from the fool, haha.

The second way to find customers. QQ group. You look for Q on such a group, and then added to see if you know it. This is usually played by the old players always know color

The third method. Posting, with Q group Q group are care, and then there are plans. What plans are fake, are always the color manager's hair company, the following care began to send, the teacher really amazing how much I made and how much money. In fact, care.

Customer came over, then, how to make you cheated? In fact, very simple, just start playing let you make money, and then start playing for some time let you lose money. Then make a profit In the end you discovered, or lose money. Do you know why? Because you are the customer who developed it, that clerk will stare at you. Will not make you money, and cut them and there are ways to make you play very addictive. And do you think this website is just and fair? You are wrong this site lottery is controllable. you do not believe? Oh my god? Do not believe you play to try. Do you know how they control it? That number to buy less let that number lottery. Next hop it. So if you are addictive, you have to play. Not as good as buying something to eat, otherwise the money is a liar.

很多人都知道买过彩票,几乎中过的很少,即使中过也是5快10快的,不过瘾,但是时时彩可不是这样的,玩过时时彩的都知道,能赢不能,能。但是为什么还称为骗局呢?因为......等下小编给你讲。先讲讲时时彩是怎么让人进网站里面玩的,第一种,用女号开发客户。第二种,用QQ群开发客户。大家可以查找QQ关键字为时时彩,试一下,就知道这个行业有多可怕了,那兼职就是 一个灰色产业链。还有就是发帖找客户。这是三种找客户方法先讲讲第一种

用女号开发客户,这个你们 应该也被开发过,行内用语叫开发客户,哈哈,你就是人家的客户。其实据小编所知。所有用女号开发客户的方法方式都是一样的。每个产品都有固定话术,吓一跳吧,你都不知道你被套路了,小编做过销售。像平安保险,中国人寿,电话销售,都是有固定的话术的,这个做过销售的都知道应该没有什么可爆料的了,像用女号的话其实也有话术的,想不到吧。报个猛料。一个公司50号人。用女号聊天,然后都在总结话术,总结这个产品的话术。最后话术敲定,然后不断的更新完善话术。所有的男士遇见这类的美女加你微信的时候都要留个心眼了。你已经被套路的第一部开始了。如果你觉得你要走桃花运了,那恭喜你,你距离上当有近了一步,哈哈。



客户找过来了,然后呢,怎么让你被骗呢?其实很简单,刚开始玩就让你赚钱,然后在玩一段时间开始让你赔钱。然后赔赔赚赚。到最后你才发现,还是赔钱。 知道为什么吗?因为你是谁开发出来的客户,那个业务员就会盯着你。不会让你赚钱的,并切他们还有方法让你玩的很上瘾。并且你以为这个网站是公平公正的吗?你错了这个网站开奖是可以控制的。你不相信?我的天哪?不相信你就玩玩试试。知道他们是怎么控制的吗?那个号买的少就让那个号开奖。下一跳吧。所以说你要是还是上瘾,非要玩。还不如买点东西吃吃来的划算,不然那钱都骗子了。


why not no people?

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