Ah! This desire to help others!

in #story7 years ago

HELLO Dear Steemians,Have you ever seen people you love to suffer from, to feel their suffering in an acute way and that it brings out in you a deep desire to help them by sharing your knowledge with them? You think that what you know could help them. However, when you share your knowledge, your experience, trying to show them a new perspective on the situation, trying to make them understand how they could make things better, they are not receptive. They ignore you and may even feel offended that you thought you knew better than them.

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In my practice, I meet many people who have a burning desire to help others. Because when you watch the people you love focus on worry or negativity, when you see them overwhelmed by their difficult emotions without knowing what to do with them, when you see them burrowing deeper into a bottomless hole or feed a spiral of negative energy, you feel an urgent need to offer them your help. And this desire to help is a very natural feeling, especially when one has had enough opportunities to confirm the evidence that we have more power than we believe in all the situations we live in. Desire is what drives us to new experiences!

So of course, you want your experience to be able to serve all those who are still suffering. But you have to question yourself about your unconscious motives. Because when you want to share your knowledge with someone who has not asked you, the energy you release most of the time is the one that "you know better or more than them and you expect from them another behavior ". Someone who does not feel well will not like to hear that he is responsible for his reality and that the power of change belongs to him. This is a big step for those who have not yet realized this fact.

One thing you must first realize is that every human being is where he needs to be in the circumstances he has chosen for his evolution. How can you know that the experience someone is experiencing is not the one that will lead them to make an extraordinary breakthrough, or cause them to open their hearts to another aspect of themselves? You must accept the fact that every being is free from his choices and reactions and that their reactions, even unconscious ones, are the way they choose.

On the other hand, you can not help others in an effective way when you feel unpleasant or difficult feelings about the suffering that they are experiencing - you are in a low vibration that does not generate anything new. This state of being only agrees with the reality that is present. Faced with the suffering of others, your first concern is to restore the emotional balance and vibratory harmony in your own being. Be deeply honest with yourself. To understand what is happening in you is what will open the door to a new understanding and give you the opportunity to help others in a way that is truly powerful and effective.

Often, you do not feel good in the presence of loved ones who are suffering. You feel sadness, anger, injustice or helplessness and your first desire is that they can get better so that you too can feel better ... You must become aware that these expectations make you dependent on the behavior of others for your own well-being. But the mastery of your state of being - that is to say, being able to remain in a high vibration of loving compassion, inner balance and serenity - through the control of your reactions to what others choose for themselves because you have no control over them.

It is important to remember that they are also beings of light just like you, that they too came to live experiences and learnings just like you, that they have their free will and the power to find their Source inner, just like you. And if they have not yet responded to the call that is being given to all human beings in a very powerful way, if they have not yet chosen to listen to their Inner Source, then does it make you think that you are more powerful than Source and that your intervention will be more successful?

If you understand that the way you look at others can elevate them or help keep them unconscious, you need to understand that the most important and valuable thing you can do for others is to see them in their minds. unlimited potential and in their inner divinity. Your expectations of them change completely. You imagine them going beyond these difficult situations, you see them let go on what makes them suffer, open to learning and change, become the conscious, inspired and connected being that you know they are already in their original version, their spiritual nature, infinite and eternal. If you accept the concept that we are all connected, you will understand that what you think of others is very important.

As you hold this image of themselves alive, you offer a powerful vibration that will bring them to life when they are ready and they will choose, that is, at their own pace! If you really want to share information that you think is important to help them become aware of an impotent or sterile attitude, why not ask them first if they would like to receive this information? The mere fact of asking opens a door to a more positive reception, because then you do not impose anything, you do not try to convince them. And if they are not interested, do not insist and respect their choice, which is just as valid as yours, because we are all here to make our own experiences.

The key is to set an example by your own behavior, without prechechase. When they expect you to complain with them, to justify their misfortunes and helplessness with them, you no longer participate in this game of complaints and criticism. You can change the subject and talk about something more positive and hopeful. You can assure them of your love or support, while explaining that you want to talk about solutions and opportunities. And if they do not understand, you can choose to get away for a moment when the conversations become too heavy and negative.

Your job is to accept them as they are in the present moment, with unconditional love and compassion. It means without judging or categorizing them and without waiting for them to change so that you can feel good. And while you keep alive a new image of them, and you no longer have expectations about their behavior, eventually new opportunities will arise.

Yes, it's easier said than done, but gaining mastery of your state of being passes through this work of opening to recognize and understand your real potential and that of others. See all this as an apprenticeship where you constantly use the emotions you feel to adjust your perception of what is present so that it is no longer in conflict with what your true being IS and KNOW. In other words, you know that your difficult emotions always tell you what you perceive of yourself, others, or the reality that is not in accord with what your spiritual being KNOWS TO BE TRUE.

Thanks for reading.