The Life of Eli Black - Part 5 of 13

in #story7 years ago

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Be sure to check out part 1 first:
And 2 :
And 3:
And 4:

Four years ago…

It was raining on Eli’s last day on the outside world. He hated the rain, it somehow affected his abilities, but today he decided to suck it up for the sake of Lisa. She loved the rain and had begged him to go take a walk with her. They were dressed in a thick layer of clothes under their raincoats. He tagged along behind her as she and most of the kids on the street were running around in the rain.
They spent a good hour outside before their mom began to call them in. She ran for the house, but he took a casual stroll towards the house, halfway there a van stopped and before he could do anything, he was pulled in.
The last thing he heard was his sister’s scream, before he felt the pinch of a needle stinging into his neck. Darkness quickly followed.
He woke up dazed and tied up to a steal chair in a small dimly lit room. A steal door blocked out most of the outside noises, and turned everything into a distorted muffling. He was in and out of consciousness for a while, before fully waking up.

A man now sat in front of him. He wore a lab coat over a suit and seemed to be in his early thirties. He adjusted a pair of glasses on his face before he spoke.
“Good afternoon mister Black.”
“Where am I?” He asked weakly
“I was beginning to think you were never going to wake up.” He ignored Eli’s question and continued speaking. “My name is Doctor Elijah Parker. I’ll be taking care of you for a while.”
“What?” He asked, now more awake then before.
The doctor pulled his char closer. “We believe that your, uh ability, could help millions of people.”
“My ability?”
“And how exactly do you plan on testing this theory?”
“We aren’t sure yet, but we’re hoping you would be willing to let us run a couple of tests.”
Eli didn’t answer; instead he tried to pull himself loos.
“If you say you’ll help us and cooperate, I’ll have them take off the chance.”
“I’m not some test dummy.”
“I never said you were, but just think of how many people you could help.”
“By turning them into freaks.” Eli finished the doctor’s sentence
“You are not a freak and neither will they be.”


The news of the smiley killer had now gone viral. Millions of people now knew about his. Every cop in the city was looking for him, knowing on every door to see if anyone knew anything. Even though no one knew it was him, he still loved the attention especially the negative ones. Protesters gathered all around the city to beg The Smiley Face Killer to turn himself in. funerals were held nearly every day. The curfew no longer worked, because he could get into their houses with ease. Most people were fleeing the city, and others thought it would be safe if they just stayed hidden at night. No one had yet been killed in day light, and that had brought some ease to the people. After a while the killings slowed down, Eli had grown board of killing people who meant nothing to him. There was only one person he really wanted to kill, and he was almost strong enough to do it…


Nice story, its similar to a novel that i used to read long ago. it reminds me of that.

thanks. i got the idea from a mash up of some of my favorite anime shows.

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