The Life of Eli Black- Part 1 of 13

in #story7 years ago (edited)

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“Tick, tock, tick, tock” A voice filled the darkness, an ear piercing joker like laughter followed, numbing the dripping sound that once occupied the air.
“We are all doomed.” He continued, a giggle still vibrated his lungs.
“Shut up!” a second voice interrupted “Just Shut up!” It was clear from her voice that she was weak and the occasional groan confirmed injuries, though it was unclear from the lack of light what condition she could have been in.
They sat alone, trapped under what was once the basement of their school. The only thing that kept them safe was her ability to crate force fields, but she was growing week and so was the blue orb that surrounded them. They weren’t alone; two unconscious bodies lay by her feet, equally as bruised and injured.
“Oh, give it up.” He crippled his way closer to her, wiping away the blood that had escaped the large gash on the side of his face. “You can’t save them.”
“Get away from them!” Her voice quivered as he moved closer to the three of them. The shield that surrounded them lost slight stability, allowing gravel to fall through. “This is all your fault!” She continued.
“Hey now.” His voice sounded amused by the accusation. “I never asked for anyone to rescue me.” He laughed.
Silence fell over them.

It had felt like hours had passed when sunlight finally broke through. Her arms were now shaking and she stood on her knees, too weak to stand.
“Hey, hey there’s someone down here!” someone yelled from above them.
Realising that they were finally found, she slowly started to dissolve the shield so that no one else would see it. It wasn’t long before two fire men wade their way down and found the four of them. They pulled the two unconscious boys up first before coming back for the two of them.
“Are you kids ok?” One of the firemen asked.
They shared a glance before she nodded. Once they were on top, a woman ran towards them and pulled her weak and injured boding into hers.
“You’re ok.” The woman cried, and even though it hurt she was relieved to be in her mother’s arms.
“Mom,” She groaned, only managing to say “Ouch” before slightly pushing away.
“Oh, my dear I am so sorry.”
An officer now stood beside her mother with a small notepad in his hand.
“You kid’s are very lucky you survived.” He examined the both of them, and stopped his gaze on the boy’s
“What’s your name boy?” His voice was kindness mixed with some concern.
He kept quit and simply stared blankly at the cop.
“Can you hear me kid?” He didn’t break eye contact with the boy, but he stayed quiet.
“It’s Eli” The girl finally answered for him. “And I’m River.”
The cop still didn’t break eye contact with Eli as he continued speaking.
“Do you know the names of the two boys who were with you?”
Once again Eli was silent, his face held no expression, and his eyes no emotion.
“Seth and Nick.” She spoke again.
He filially looked over at River as he continued speaking. “Wanna tell me what you kids were doing down there?”
She could see Eli walking away in the corner of her eye as she quickly thought up a lie for why they were all in there.

Eli walked passed all the sobbing kids and body bags, and parents knelt next to bags or trying to calm down their frantic teens. The street was filled with cars and ambulances, with news reporters scattered all around. He managed to avoid all of it until he got to the corner of the street when a paramedic stopped him.
“That’s a pretty nasty looking cut, come on over to the van I’ll clean it up for you.”
“I’m fine.” Eli relied bluntly
“Look kid I can’t let you just leave without checking you over, and you should probably stay put until your parents get here.”
The emotionless look on Eli’s face quickly turned to rage as he pulled himself free from the paramedic’s grip and stormed around the corner. Instead of going home he walked further until he entered a more dodgy part of the town. Mindlessly he entered a dimly lit ally way and fell against one of the walls.

It wasn’t long before he caught someone’s attention and soon three large shadows made their way towards him.
“Hey kid!” The largest of the three yelled towards him
He ignored it and stayed quite. This clearly aggravated the man and it was clear once the stood in front of him and the middle one pulled hum up by the collar of his school uniform, lifting his feet a few centimetres off the ground.
“Yo Kid this is Dragon territory. Do ya have a death wish or sommethin?” The smaller one of the three asked.
Once again Eli said nothing and simply stared into the eyes of the one holding him off the grounds.
“Boss it looks like someone already got to him.” The third one pointed to the gash on the side of his face.
The tree of them suddenly burst out laughing, but the expression on Eli’s face did not even twitch.
“Yo Kid.” The small on clicked his fingers in front of the emotionless eyes, and with no warning Eli’s arm suddenly grabbed for the small one’s neck. A choking sound escaped his lungs as he grabbed for Eli’s and that was growing tighter and tighter around his small neck. The boss tried to react quickly by ramming Eli’s body into the wall, but it did not even seem to vase him in the slightest. With his free hand he grabbed the hand that was still griped around his shirt and began to press so hard that the man’s hand began going white and soon the large man could no longer hold on. Eli landed elegantly on his feet with his grip still on the two men, his eyes slowly and intimidating moved to the one now standing pale on the right of the boss, and tilted his head slightly before whispering “Boo”
The once tough guy now stood frozen with his eyes wide open. It wasn’t long before he bolted and the small one passed out from lack of oxygen, leaving only the large one standing.
“I hate,” Eli said as he bent the hand backwards. “Being called kid!” His once emotionless face was now red with rage. He began walking forward, pushing the large man with ease towards the posit wall. His minion was no long gone but he could still hear the screams as he ran…


Keep up the good work!

Thanks. I'll be posting part 2 tomorrow don't miss it. and please resteem if you enjoyed it.

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