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RE: My Life in Law Enforcement: A True Life Story #15 Jail House Blues

in #story6 years ago

We need prison reform there is so many people incarcerated for because the Courts gave them no choice but to plead guilty. The more prisoners the more the more money there is to be make by those who run the prison system. I'm aware of the very dangerous individuals that for the sake of the public need to be lock up for good. I promoted your post and I thank you for sacrificing yourself by working in a place that most of us would like to ignore, but the ironic of it all is that Christ asked us to go and visit those who are in prison, perhaps because he knows that there is so many people in jail due to crooked judges.


I know it's different for every jurisdiction but in my area, the court system is very lenient and often suspends sentences for non-violent crimes. It's so lenient that it makes it difficult for cops to do their jobs effectively. A cop can arrest someone, spend hours on paperwork and spend his/her day off in court just to see a dismissed charge or suspended sentence, it's a waste of time and money actually. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!