Me And Tip & Ray: A Kid Story

in #story7 years ago (edited)


I sit here writing this kinda wondering why... then I thought, it's because I miss my friend. I'm really not even sure how to go about writing it! I have this perception that politicians are generally a bunch of scumbags that aren't worth $0.35 for the bullet to shoot them... except for two...

Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill once quipped that "all politics are local." He was 100% correct and he embodied that sentiment. I lived three doors down and across the street from the O'Neills lived on Russell St. in north Cambridge, back in the 70's when we lived there. There were four of us, all Vietnam vets, the Wilcox brothers, Bruce (1st Air Mobile- door gunner), Doug (1st Recon- Marines), John Mason (101st Airborne) and me. We had all pitched in and rented this huge brick house in north Camb. and we were a pretty motley looking crew.

We used to spend evenings sitting on the porch in front, drinking beer and attempting to assist the government in their efforts to burn illegal marijuana by burning as much as we could afford. When Tip was in town (which was as often as possible) you would run into him at Pemberton's Market, or on the street. That guy knew everybody, not only knew them, but their families as well: and he called them all by name! he'd come strolling down Russell St. and I think it was John called out "Hey, Mr. Speaker- how about a beer?" He came right in the yard like he knew us all our lives and told us he was glad we were there to "keep an eye on the neighborhood." We offered him a joint, but he declined. When we called him Mr. Speaker, he said "It's Tip... I'm just Tip." When he spoke, you knew he cared about the people he represented, unlike 99.9% of the rest of the Washington crowd. One year in a blizzard, we went and shoveled out Millie's (Tip's wife) driveway and walk... she was getting pretty old and had to get around with Tip in Washington. She tried to pay us but that isn't right... They were one of a kind, the O'Neills may God bless them both.

I hadn't thought about Ray for a while now... he passed in 2011, I got back from up North just in time for his funeral. It's funny when I met Ray... I was managing cemeteries here in Ft. Smith and there was one for some big shot from the city. Terry Campbell, from the funeral home and I were at the entrance directing traffic and shooting the shit when an old beat up Dodge Dart (circa 1978) comes pulling in and a guy in his 60's I'd have guessed got out. He was dressed in a tweed sports coat and a tie that went out of style in 1977. He walked up and addressed us by name and started talking to us both like he's known us for years. After a while he gets back in his car and says "I guess I better get to the service."

I turned to Terry and ask, "Who the hell was that?"

Terry goes, "That's Ray Baker, the Mayor."

"How the hell does he know me?" I ask him.

Terry laughed, "He knows everybody."

Well, one thing about being human is that everybody dies and one thing about being mayor, you get to go to a lot of funerals. Ray and I got to be good friends. As it turns out, Ray taught History in the high school for decades before becoming mayor. he was beloved as a teacher and as mayor as well. He ran unopposed many times... he always put the good of Ft. Smith first. He would come by the cemetery and we'd talk history for hours. When his mom passed away, he insisted I be at the funeral. I made sure the cemetery looked particularly good for my friend's mom. Then it was his turn and it saddened me... I miss our chats.

I hadn't thought about Ray much lately, but the other day, my phone rang and it was Ray's sister, Toy. After the usual pleasantries, she informed me that she had written a book about his life and she wanted me to have a copy... that I was in it.

There aren't very many politicians that I would want to claim as acquaintances, much less friends- but Tip and Ray are two exceptions.


Hello @richq11


We used to spend evenings sitting on the porch in front, drinking beer and attempting to assist the government in their efforts to burn illegal marijuana by burning as much as we could afford.

Nice Story Bro, But.

No More Funerals


I sent you a message on Steemit Chat

Thanks! Yeah... I don't work at the cemetery anymore! The next one I go to will be my own!

Ha Ha. That will be a long time to come.

Come over to Steemit Chat

$0.35 for bullets?!?
Mannn, I'm getting hosed hunting all these werewolves...
Thanks for the tip on the Vidalia onions a couple months back; that's my current move thanks to you. 🤜🤛.
Great stories of great people @richq11 - well played on helping to burn the Mary-Jane 😉

That's just an old saying... He ain't worth the $.35 for a bullet to shoot him! Those Vidalias are the best... I buy them all the time at the farmers market.

Thanks for the mention! We all do what we can! ;-}

Your story's just like Xmas or New Years Eve for me... - leaning back - for remembering the long forgotten past...

I like doing the Kid stories... I wrote my life story (The Kid That Became A Guy) and every week or so I do another story. I'm trying to do a schedule where I can focus on my writing during the week and maybe do fun stuff on weekends.

This "Kid Stories" are touching me most. Maybe because they're real life stories, told by someone, who's got plenty to say, because he was open minded and open hearted throughtout his entire life!

Every single story is worth to be told, because it shows, who's behind the surface!

Two days ago I saw a docu of Judy Garland. I ever thought that she's a fallen angel, fallen due to her own weakness, BUT in this documentary I became aware, that she was put under drugs by her own mum at the age of SEVEN... - uppers and downers!

And that she was forced by her husband and her mum to abort her first baby - she wanted so much, only because of her career!

After I've seen what she went through, all her struggles, I thought by myself - What a Great Artist, a Great Actress, a Great Singer - BUT ABOVE ALL: what a strong lil person she was!

I watched a similar documentary about her on YT (maybe the same). Every human has weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Unless people have "walked a mile in their shoes" they shouldn't throw stones. We are all imperfect creatures, faced with many choices, it's more about how we learn from our choices that says who we are , than the choices themselves. (I hope that makes sense, I'm not all the way awake yet!)

110% and above!

Thanks for sharing your story my friend. Ever since I left Facebook, I've pretty much fallen out of touch with all of my old friends. But I also remember them from time to time, especially on rainy, nostalgic weekends like these.

Thanks to Steemit, I have been able to make the most of these rainy days by staying indoors and writing more chapters of my two fiction series. One story is temporarily on hold while I wait for the illustrations but I've already written two chapters of the new one.

Cheers Rich!

I always look forward to hearing from you! I also hope you follow cryptofiend... one of the greats on Steemit!

Thanks Rich! Following thecryptofiend now - thanks for the recommendation. Always great to read and learn from the greatest and most talented minds on Steemit!

he's one of them!

Awesome, can't wait for his next post! I love reading about health and new technology!

It's looks Tip and Ray came alive in your story. It's fantastic. The attitude they had was their key of success. Really nice to read this. Also thanks to share it with us.

Thank you... I think what made them great was their humility. Most politicians wouldn't give you the time of day... These guys acted like they've known you all your life!

I don't know very well but what you have written from there I understood that they are real hero.

They are indeed... Good politicians!

a lovely tribute to passed friends - made me cry thinking about my fallen friends as well

Thanks... It feels really odd writing something nice about politicians. Usually my political articles are more critical. Ray, especially was a close friend. I'm interested to see what his sister wrote about me in her book.

Very nice read, you're a good story-teller. I could almost see you there talking to your friends.

Thank you... I haven't done one of these in a while, I've been too busy on my stories.

Wow - good writing - enjoyed reading it

Nice post man, i'm finally getting to that age my childhood friends feel like a different life, and i'm only 28!

Wait until you're 72!

IF i make it to 72 hahaha.

I never thought I'd see 30! If you read my life story, you would be as surprised as I was!

One thing steemit really needs is a proper archive, i'll make sure to check it you, thankfully i never had to go through war, but i guess there's still time right :|

There's always a war... all you have to do is sign up. My grandson Cordell, is stationed in Qatar, where it looks like the shit is about to hit the fan! If you Google The Kid That Became A Guy, you should be able to find a chapter with links back to the beginning.

Cheers man, and yeah you're a right there's always a war but there hasn't been a clusterfuck in a long time.

Like the weather... just wait!

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