Pablo Escobar Returns - #1 "I'm Back"

in #story8 years ago (edited)

„They want to extradite him! We need to get him out of here – when El Chapo gets surrendered to the US, we’ll be done. I don’t even know if I can continue this Job – everything has changed!
We already have a huge problem here with the stupid police and army, and the other cartels are freaking out as well – some of our brothers die everyday! Fernando died last week!!
One of my brothers dies everyday, and one day it’ll be my turn! Maybe I should just get a normal job, give a shit about the money and live a safe life! I can’t keep going like this!”, I can hear a desperate voice from inside. 

I slowly push against the door, and it opens with a squeak. 

“Hey, muchachos. Where’s your Boss?”, I asked the two men at the bar.
“What do you want?”, one of them answered without even turning around.
“Hey. I asked you something. Where is your Boss?” I asked again and raised my voice.
None of them reacted.
“Do you know who I am?!”, one of them said angrily and turned around.
But too late – I had already taken one of the wooden bar stools and crashed it over his head. 

“Do you even know who I am?”, I whispered. “Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria. I’m back.“ 

Then I turned to the other guy: “You. Get me your Boss, now.”
He nodded, shocked, and quickly ran up the stairs, stumbling over his own feet.
‘How is that possible? He is supposed to be dead!’, the man thought to himself. ‘But he does look like him..’ 

He knocked on one of the doors, and said cautiously: “Boss.. Boss there is someone downstairs who wants to talk to you. It’s Don Pablo.

The noise from inside the room stopped, and a drunk voice answered: “Shut up. Are you high?! Escobar’s dead, what are you talking about?!” he laughed, and a female girl was giggling as well.

“No, for real Boss.. He’s waiting downstairs. I’m serious.”
There was a brief moment of silence, then there was a voice inside the room saying “Sorry Darling, I’ll be right back, I need to shoot this guy”, and the door opened.
A middle-aged man, tanned, with dark hair and a slight belly walked through the door. “What the fuck are you talking about?! Pablo?!”, he asked and grabbed the man’s shirt.
“I- I’m serious” his employee stuttered, “please take a look downstairs Boss.” 

He walked down the squeaky stairs, and there I was – standing in the middle of his bar, looking straight at him with confidence. Pablo Escobar.
He aged a little, but his face and figure were unmistakable. It was him. 

“Mateo”, I said with a smile and opened my arms.
He came towards me, not trusting his eyes, and returned my hug. “How is this possible?! I thought you’re dead? EVERYONE thinks you’re dead?!”, he asked breathlessly.
I chuckled. “I will tell you all about that later, amigo. For now, let’s celebrate my return.” 

So we sat down, ate and had a few drinks.
“Everything changed since you were gone”, Mateo started to explain. “The streets are not as rough anymore. Our people are starving. But the rich only get richer – I can’t stand it anymore. The Cartel has become week as well. They have no control anymore. There’s just no respect on the streets anymore!” 

I nodded, quietly sipping my whiskey.

“But that needs to change!”, Mateo continued. “Right now is a good time. Trump and Clinton are currently fighting about the presidency, and there’s a lot going on with the terrorists as well. The world is focusing on other things. No eyes are on us. Now we can start a new beginning!” 

“YES Boss! That’s what we want!!”, one of his men screamed from the back. “We will get the old times back! And I wanted to quit and get a regular job, that was a sign! Thank you god!”, he added euphorically. 

I nodded slowly. “Let’s get the respect back, step by step. The people should now that I returned”, I added.
“But Pablo, they’ll start hunting you down again if they find out you’re alive!”, Mateo said and looked at me with a worried face. 

“Well… that’s my goal”, I replied confidently. 

Mateo laughed. “Why did you even come here in the first place?”, he asked me.
“Where can I find my family?” I asked. “They changed their name and moved so I need to know how to find them.”
A smile brightened up Mateo’s face. “Of course, Don Pablo. I’ll get you the address and phone number. I would’ve never thought that this would happen!” 

He went to his desk and digged out a small piece of paper. “There you go”.
I took it with a nod.
I have always been a very cautious man. I had A, B, C and D plans for every possible situation.
And before my immersion, I had already arranged to deposit my family’s information here and update it regularly. 

“Thank you”, I said to Mateo and hugged him. “You are a good man at heart. A loyal man. I respect that. I have to leave now. Get me a car ready.”
“Of course”, Mateo stuttered and led me to the back door.

 - 3 days later – 

It was the first time that I would see my family in all these years.
I knocked on the door, and it was my son, Sebastián. He had grown a lot, he was now the same height as me and looked much more like a man than a little boy.
“Papa?” he stuttered. There was no question for him. He hugged me and yelled “Papa is back!!”. I smiled and hugged him back. “I knew you could never be defeated! I knew Mom must’ve lied to us, now I’m mad!”, he continued.
“Hey, don’t say that, it’s alright”, I patted his shoulder.
“Papa?” now my daughter was running up to the door from behind him.
She had grown into such a beautiful girl – just like her mother.
“Manuela! My princess!”, I greeted her and hugged her tight. 

And then, finally, I heard Tata’s voice.
“Pablo.. Is it really you?”, I could hear her coming closer. When my wife finally saw me, she couldn’t hold back her tears anymore. I grabbed her and hugged her tight. She had aged, but was still just as beautiful as before. “I’m back, mi amor!”
She suddenly released herself from my hug, and slapped me. “Why did you lie to me?!”, she screamed with tears in her eyes.
“Hey, not in front of the kids…” I whispered. “Let’s celebrate my return and have dinner together.”
“But I have so many questions, can we talk first…” Tata said urgently. 

“No. Family first. Let’s have some dinner - I’m hungry!” 

- To be continued -

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© Sirwinchester


this is an AWESOME idea for a fiction story. Can't wait to read what happens next!!

thank you! and stay tuned ;)

Muchas historias se han escrito sobre Pablo. Algunos relatos son tan ciertos que hasta la misma gente de su entorno lo tienen presente en su mente hasta nuestros días. Se seguirán escribiendo sus vivencias por un largo tiempo.

I see you're in NARCOS fever, like everyone else! love it! I can't imagine what escobar could do with today's technology.. the police would NEVER catch him

you're right, if he had the advantages of modern technology.. well, we'll see what happens soon!

escobar's story is already so interesting, now this is gonna be a whole 'nother level. waiting for part 2

glad you liked it!

great plot idea, and I'm interested to see where you'll take this :D

thank you, there's a lot more to come!

may I quote one of your other posts:

glad you liked it, stay tuned!

do you know who "I" am ?!
lol. that poor guy didn't expect a legend from 20 years ago to appear in front of him!
Great story, your imagination is incredible!!

he probably had the shock of his life.
thank you!

this is a genius storyline, i'm so excited what will happen if Escobar meets Trump :O

that would be a very interesting meeting, but dangerous at the same time!

you're such a great storyteller, this is gonna be TENSE! looking forward to it!

it will definitely be action-packed!

I hope a lot of people read this because this is a GREAT plot. Very very interested to see where this will go, upped!

thanks for the compliment, appreciate it!

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