Shiffin War (657 AD)

in #story6 years ago

The murder of Uthman bin Affan was a tragedy in the history of Islam. The killings that resulted from the dissatisfaction of some Muslims at the same time marked the crackdown of unity among Muslims who had been initiated by the Prophet. This was evidenced by the absence of political stabilization after Uthman's death. After the killing of Uthman, a new conflict emerged between two powerful Muslim figures namely Ali bin Abi Talib and Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan. The conflict began with Muawiyah's unwillingness to pledge allegiance to the Caliph Ali and eventually led to the outbreak of the Shiffin War.

Background to the Shiffin War

After the War of Jamal and Ali were taken by the majority of the Ansar and Muhajirin, Ali moved his Caliphate seat from Madinah to Kufa. From Kufa, he sent new governors who accepted his thoughts, to take over the functions of the rebellious provincial administrations. But one of the governors refused to pledge allegiance to him, he was the governor of Sham, Muawiyah ibn Abu Sofyan.

Muawiyah is a politician who is very slippery and has big ambitions. His temper was gentle and did not hesitate to release his property, making him a respected politician and many allies.

When Ali sent Jarir bin Abdullah to submit a letter to Muawiyah to pay allegiance, Muawiyah did not immediately accept it. He actually gathered Amr bin al-Ash and figures from the country of Sham to consult.

After deliberation, they decided to refuse to pledge allegiance to Ali until the assassins of Uthman were crushed or Ali handed over the murderers. If he did not fulfill this request they would fight Ali and refuse to pledge allegiance to him until they succeeded in eliminating all of Uthman's killers without remainder.

After that Jarir returned to meet Ali and told Muawiyah's decision and the residents of Sham. Amir al-mu'minin Ali bin Abi Talib responded to Muawiyah's threat by departing from Kufa aimed at occupying Sham. He prepared an army at Nukhailah and appointed Abu masud Uqbah bin Amru as a temporary emir in Kufa.

Before leaving some people suggested that the Caliph stay in Kufa and simply send troops there, but some others advised him to come out with the troops.

When the news of Ali's departure arrived at Muawiyah, he immediately consulted with Amr bin Ash who also advised Muawiyah to come out with his troops. Amr then made a speech before the Syamites that "Surely the inhabitants of Kufa and Basrah were destroyed in the war of Jamal, not remaining with Ali except a handful of people. Including a group of people who killed Caliph Amir al-mu'minin Uthman bin Affan, God Allah! Don't waste your rights, don't let Uthman's blood be spilled in vain. "

Then he wrote a message to all the troops in Sham, in a short time. The Syam troops were preparing to leave. They move towards Euphrates from the direction of Shiffin. Ali and his army moved from Nukhlailah to the land of Sham.

Rupture of the Shiffin War

The two sides faced each other in July 657 in a place called Shiffin, in the upper reaches of the Euphrates river. Arriving at the Shiffin, the two forces had competed with each other for water sources, causing a small confrontation. Then both parties agreed to reconcile in this water business. So that they jostle each other at the water source, they don't talk to each other and interfere.

Ali stayed for two days without sending a letter to Muawiyah and Muawiyah did the same. Then Ali sent an envoy to Muawiyah, but an agreement had not yet been reached. Muawiyah continued to insist on the blood of Uthman's murderer.

After a deadlock in negotiations, the battle between the two was unavoidable. At first Ali invited Muawiyah to fight one on one, so that the conflict between them was over soon. So whoever lives he is the one who wins and becomes the caliph. However, Muawiyah rejected the invitation, only Amr wanted to.

When Ali and Amr faced each other and jerked their javelins and swords, almost Amr was killed by Ali's sword. Alli's sword had hit his waist, almost pierced his stomach about the strap of his trousers and broke, until his genitals were visible. Ali did not want to continue the battle and turned to another place and let Amr cover his nakedness.

After that, a big battle just started. At first, Muawiyah dominated the battle, but eventually Muawiyah's forces were forced to retreat because of a strong attack from Ali's forces. In fact, several of Ali's soldiers arrived in front of Muawiyah's tent.


In the final battle on July 28, 657 AD, Ali's forces under the leadership of Malik al-Ashtar almost won when Amr ibn al Ash cunningly launched his strategy. He ordered Muawiyah's forces to attach copies of the Koran to the spearhead and lift them up, a sign interpreted by Ali's army as a call to end the war and follow the Koran's decision.

When the spears of Muawiyah's army were lifted, Ali's army did not attack again, even though they almost won. Ali himself thought it was only the guile of the enemy. He exclaimed, "O servant of Allah, continue to usurp your rights, continue fighting your enemy, Muawiyah. Amr bin Ash, Ibn bin Muith, Habib bin Muslimah, Ibn Abi Sarah, and Dhihak ibn Qais. They are not religious experts, not experts in the Koran. I know their situation better. I made friends with them from childhood and until adulthood. In their childhood they were only naughty children and at the time they were men who were evil. They raised the Koran only their plans. They raise the Koran but nothing but deception. Believe in what I say. "

The crowd replied, "not until our hearts will continue the battle if we have been called to the book of God."

At first Ali wanted to continue the war, but the voices of his followers broke out. Some of them did not want to fight anymore, so Ali was forced to stop the war with a very upset heart. The war finally ended, and the conflict between the two continued to the negotiation path.

Commencement of Negotiations

After the war stopped, Ali sent Ash'at Ibn Qaist to meet Muawiyah and ask about the purpose of lifting the Koran above the spear's head. Muawiyah replied that his intention was that this case be punished according to the law of Allah. What was decided by the two sent people, then it will be accepted. Ash'ats did not oppose Muawiyah's proposal, and returned to present it to Ali.

Before Ali expressed his thoughts in a hurry many people had answered agreeing. The Syamites who heard that then said that their envoy was Amr bin Ash. Then Ali's followers (Iraqis) said, "We chose Abu Musa al-Asy'ari."

Ali, who heard the opinion of his people and said, "If you have denied my orders at the beginning of this case, now it is not denied either. I do not like to represent Abu Musa. "Abu Musa was indeed a person who was known to be pious but he was not so loyal to Ali.

However, Ali's refusal was actually suppressed by the majority of his followers who were willing to send Abu Musa. Once again Ali was forced to obey. At that time, it was seen that Ali's influence began to disappear against his followers. On the other hand, Muawiyah's influence strengthened his troops.

Both negotiators hold written agreement documents that give full authority to make decisions. Both decided to postpone negotiations until the month of Ramadan. Ali and Muawiyah agreed to the negotiation site, namely in Daumatul Jandal, Adhruh.

In the agreed-upon month of Ramadan or in January 659 AD, the two camps met again at Daumatul Jandal, Adhruh, carrying 400 witnesses from each party.

Harmful Negotiations

What exactly happened at this historic negotiation is difficult to ascertain. Various versions appear in various different sources. There is a history which states that the two parties agreed to depose their two leaders, thus paving the way for new candidates. But after the older Abu Musa stood up and insisted that he fired Ali from the post of the Caliphate and chose Abdullah bin Umar, Amr betrayed him and established Muawiyah as the caliph.

However, a critical study by modern historians shows that the history reflects the views of the Iraqi group (most of which are references) that developed during the Abbasid dynasty, the enemy of the Umayyad dynasty.

The possibility that has happened is that the two negotiators fired both of their leaders, so Ali became the losing party, because Muawiyah did not have the position of caliphate to be placed. He was nothing but a governor of a province.

The results of the arbitration have placed him on par with Ali, whose position is no more than a leader whose authority is doubtful. Based on the decisions of the arbitor, Ali was deposed from the post of the actual Caliphate, while Muawiyah was deposed from the position of a fictional caliphate which he claimed and had not dared to present in public.

There were other losses suffered by Ali for accepting the offer of arbitration, namely the decreasing sympathy of a large number of supporters. Supporters who defected eventually formed a new sect, called Khawarij. This group in its development would antagonize Ali and eventually cause the caliph to be killed on his way to the Kufa Mosque, on January 24, 661 AD


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