A Wise Lesson About Empathy

in #story7 years ago (edited)

(There was this two students named Matthew and John who was having an argument about a particular issue that includes differenies , about what is right and what is worng.)

Matthew: bro it doesn't make any sense .

John: it makes total sense if you just open up your mind and listen to other people opinions

(Professor walk in)

Professor: whats going on here

Matthew: john is being ridiculous

John: am being ridiculous, you are the one that thinks..................

Matthew: bro how can you not see?

Professor: okay boys calm down , everybody take their seats. Matthew John come up here. John stand there and face that direction, Matthew come over here and just do the opposite.

(The professor placed a ball colour pure black at one side and the other side was coloured pure white, John was standing at the side that was coloured white and Matthew was at the side that was coloured black and he ask them to face him and the ball at the middle )




Professor: John what colour is the ball?

John: the ball is white

Matthew: seriously bro you jux like making things difficult?

Professor: Matthew , what colour do you say the ball is?

Matthew: the ball is clearly black, black.

John: i don't know what you are seeing now, the ball is white.

Professor: with out looking at the ball i want you both to switch places ,turn around . What colour is the ball now ?

(The two boys were both Silent and the professor ask them to go have their seats.)

We can all just imagine that, through out our lifes we belive many things and we hold dear what we think is right and true but at times there will be others who disagree with us. What we belive to be 100% right, they belive the opposite just as strongly and we wonder how can that be ? can't they see?. We could become frustrated, we might even sever relationships entirely but we should jux try to slow down, breath. Step into the other persons shoes. It'll really make all the difference .

Thank you, for reading

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