My daughter and a reflection if you have your mother alive

in #story6 years ago

Thank God I give you for this gift so but so perfect and beautiful, finally I know what is true and pure love, without frontiers or barriers love of good...
I present to you one of my two perfect women for which I give my life without thinking about my physical integrity, for which I live, for which I struggle every day to be better person, father, friend, brother, etc.




If you have children Ámenlos, compréndanlos, be patient, when they cry talk to them explain the meaning of life, how beautiful it is to live, laugh, cry of joy, do not neglect that perfect angel for a job, or phone, or anything please I've seen so many Ugly things like child abuse, do not hit please talk to them that they understand us...

A friend asked me, Willians you feel when you're with Lia? And I didn't know what to say, but it was because I had a knot that was choking me and I answered with 2 tears why there is no description in the world that I explained the love that is having a child....




Now let's make a reflection!

Do you know how great the love we feel for our children is? Good, now run hug, kiss, squeeze, but run to tell your mom that you also love her as she Loves you and you finally understand the infinite love she feels towards us! Tell her that she is the other part of your life, embrace her strong and let her know what you know and understand the feeling and love so great that she feels towards you, and that no matter how old we have that love never nothing and no one will change
This is my other perfect woman to whom I owe life, the only one who knows me love without discrimination, the only one who will always tell me the truth and the only one who gives his life for me!

Meet my mother

Ana Maneiro


If you have your mom alive tell her how much you love her and do not have sorrow in crying, cries, cries because that crying is beautiful and she will feel all that love you have there saved and never showed it....
The woman is the most beautiful and perfect being that exists in the whole Amala universe that they love us much more....

I love you, mommy

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"Do good no matter who, we only have 1 life to help our brothers regardless of COLOR, race, political belief and SOCIAL distinction, help our Venezuelan brothers"


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