Own it!

in #story7 years ago


“I will show you,” she said, holding out her hands. Flames rose out of them, upwards, as if she had held burning wood. As fast as it had started it stopped.
“Now, it’s your turn,” she said.
“Mine? But I cannot do that,” he replied.
“Of course you can. Use the fire from within. Just be that fire.”

“Use everything that you are, own it; your anger, your defeat, your love, your happiness, all your tears, everything, use everything as fuel for that fire and I will show you yet another world that no one has seen in very, very long.”

“What you can or cannot do is only limited by who you think you are. Stop thinking so much and start knowing who you are - and yes, it is much more than you would think or anyone would say probable and yet it is the truth and you know it too. Just know it a bit more, a bit more fully,” she said with her kind voice, because she wasn’t asking of him to be anything else than he actually was, so how hard could it be?

© Yvonne Rosenlund