Bersama Kita Tumbuh Menjadi Satu

in #story7 years ago (edited)


**Salam Sejahtera Sahabat Steemian**

Sahabat kini kita tak bersama lagi, tak bisa bertatap muka berbagi rasa bercanda tawa seperti dulu lagi saat kita masih bersama.
Kini Semua kenangan tentang itu hanya tersimpan dilubuk hati terdalam untuk dikenang dikala rindu. Jarak, Waktu dan kesibukan dengan dunia sendiri jadi alasan kenapa kita tak bisa bersama melepas rindu.

Friends now we are not together anymore, can not face to face share the jokes of laughter as before when we were together.
Now All the memories of it are only stored deepest hearts to be remembered dikala longing. Distance, Time and busy with the world itself so the reason why we can not together release the longing...

Kita terpisah oleh banyaknya urusan yang membuat kita lupa bahwa dulu kita pernah bersama walau kadang ingatan akan itu sering hadir dikala sendiri.
Ya mungkin kesibukan menjadi alasan yang kongkrit kenapa kita tak bisa hanya untuk sekedar minum kopi di tempat biasa sambil bercengkrama bercerita masa dulu yang mungkin akan terdengar lucu dan pasti menarik menjadi bahan bicara sambil melepas rindu di pojok warung kopi.

We are separated by the many affairs that make us forget that we used to be together though sometimes the memory of it is often present itself.
Yes maybe busy to be a concrete reason why we can not just to drink coffee in a casual place while chatting the story of the past that may sound funny and definitely interesting to talk while releasing the longing in the corner of the coffee shop.


Sahabat, pernah kalian merasakan apa yang kurasakan.?
Pernahkah terbersit dihati kalian sedikit rindu akan masa lalu.?
Adakah keinginian kalian sahabat untuk bisa berkumpul bersama walau hanya untuk sesaat.?

Jika itu yang kalian rasakan berarti kita sama, sama-sama rindu akan masa dahulu kala saat kita bersama.

*Friend, have you ever felt what I felt? Has it ever occurred to you to miss a bit of the past.? Is there a desire of your friends to be able to gather together even for a moment?*

If that's what you feel means the same, we both miss the old times when we were together...




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