Why Super Successful People Say No to (Almost) Everything

in #success7 years ago (edited)

No! Is a powerful sentence to get what you want in life.

The difference between successful people and super successful people is that super successful people say no to almost everything, according to Warren Buffet.

Saying no to what you don't want allows you to say yes to what you do want.


When Warren Buffet saw that his pilot Mike was not achieving the success he wanted in life, he told him to write down the 25 most important goals in his career and his life.

Once he made the list, he told him to circle the 5 most important goals

Then Buffet said he should make a new list with those 5 goals on it and focus his energy exclusively on those.

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When Buffet said that Mike should say yes to those 5 exclusively until he masters them, Mike asked if he could work on the other 20 goals intermittently when he had time.

Buffet said:


He told Mike to put the other 20 items on a *"NOT TO DO LIST" and avoid them at all costs!

He advised him to stop multi-tasking at 25 trades and to focus on his 5 trades until he succeeds in all of those.

Quality vs. Quantity

The 20 lesser goals we have are enemies of our most important goals because they dilute our energy and focus away from getting what is most important to us.

Better to focus really hard on the things that matter to you most.

Seize the big opportunities that you want, instead of depleting your life energy chasing after a bunch of little things.

Applause for you
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Now go become super successful!

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follow me @annhoyblog

gifs from giphy
source : http://www.businessinsider.com/warren-buffetts-not-to-do-list-2016-10


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YES! I mean No! Absolutely no! No no no no no. @ironshield

I heard someone say that successful people are good a procrastinating. The put off the things that are not important and concentrate on the priorities and do them first.

I think that is one good strategy. You will find out if it really didn't matter in time.

Ann, I love this post. My boyfriend and I are big fans of Buffet, I completely agree with the multitasking to a fault. I've experienced these same problems, and attributed them to trying to do everything good, but never doing it all perfectly. I decided to take on less to focus and dedicate myself to the tasks of most importance. Since following some of these practices, I've been more successful within my career and personal career goals I set to achieve. I love your story and think it will help a lot of people to become less overwhelmed by the many tasks that float around their minds.

Thanks so much. I'm glad to hear you are living this advice and it is working!!

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