4 Real Tips for Success

in #success7 years ago (edited)

There are many people who will tell you to chase your dream, do what you love, be good, etc. in order to be successful. These are unconventional tips that I feel will actually help you change your luck.

1) Never Tell People Your True Goals If You Want To Achieve Them.

Have you ever felt so accomplished just by going to the gym one day that you made the decision not to attend for an entire week? Have you ever sent your friends a Snapchat about your workload and then put the work off until the next morning? Well, these and many other tasks similar may not really be procrastination. In fact, some say that these habits are correlated to a feeling of accomplishment one gets after telling someone about their future actions despite not having completed them. In short, if you tell someone what you are going to do, we may feel too accomplished to actually follow upon with the action. So just take 3 or 4 steps into the direction of your goal before you go ahead and tell someone.

2) Practice one skill you want to master for less yet more intensive bursts of time.

"Practice makes perfect" right? This is true only if you know how to practice. That is right, there is an art to practice. The best way to practice is going to be in short intense bursts. So rather than sitting down and playing the same song for one 4 hour block, try to spend 45 minutes learning one song and then take a 15-minute break, and then start another song. This is a version of the Pomodoro Technique. One should also practice things that one is uncomfortable with. This can apply for many tasks, such as studying 4 topics in 45-minute bursts for your final exam or coding using one language for 45-minutes and then move on to another language.

3) Plan to the end.

The easiest part to fail when reaching the end of your goal. Why? One will feel so accomplished for finishing most of the journey that they will often end at the last step. This is the most critical part because it's not an achievement if you didn't finish it and that is the harsh reality. For example, getting to the end of your final year in university and college can make one feel that they are ready enough to take on the real world, and so they stop without finishing. This is the worst mistake because now you do not have the true achievement in your bag, and now you can't apply for many jobs because you didn't finish the last step. It is very important to finish strong because that last step can be your door to a new job or the gold in an Olympic race.

4) Make your own rules, but do not outshine the expert.

Please make new rules, and cross boundaries, but do not outshine the expert. You will want to impress the best in your respective field and show them that you are a very good person to be friends with. However, in your quest to impress, you may cause fear in your master and therefore make an enemy of the best in your field. That is the last thing you will want. Make the expert your friend and you will step up high in your industry, however, if you make an enemy of the expert to early in the game, you will hurt your chance to rise high in the industry, you will be crushed like the cockroach you are as Kevin O'Leary says in the Shark Tank.

So in conclusion, these are simply thinking points, not rules. Use these to make better more informed judgments in your journey to achieving your goal.

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