You Are Unique: Here are 4 Reasons Why You Need to Embrace it and Love it

in #success7 years ago


“The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.” Walt Disney

Why so many people try to fit in? Why it seems so interesting to be like someone else when being unique is what truly makes us stand out? Feeling good in your skin means embrace yourself and who you are no matter what others think about you.

I didn’t come from the best family circle. I often look up to my classmates or my friends and wished to be like them, to have more, to have a better family. I didn’t understand that everything that has happened to me was meant to happen so that I can become the unique person, with a unique experience.

I want to write this article for you because I know how it feels when you are uncomfortable in own skin. I want to give you enough reasons to stand for yourself and enhance every little thing about your personality and your physical body. Here are 4 reasons why you should always stay true to yourself and why your uniqueness is the biggest strength in your life.

1# You are unique

That’s it. You are. Whether you like it or not, there is something significant about you that differs you from the rest. Embrace it. People became successful and recognized because they were unlike than anyone else. They did certain things in order to get what they want, but they add the spice to it by doing in their unique way.

One of the biggest concerns I have heard so far was “but what others will think about me”? Well, who cares? You live your life for yourself, and you are the only person who can make you happy. As corny as it sounds, people who are meant to be in your life, they’ll stay. It’s that simple.

2# Different means interesting

Have you ever watched some of the videos with Gary Vaynerchuk? Have you seen “I am not your Guru” on Netflix from Tony Robbins? You should check those guys out because they don’t give a damn what others think. Gary can course his throat out and tell you the straight up true in your face, and you will love him. Tony Robbins’s way of teaching and helping people is so unusual; that will make you stare at the TV with your mouth wide open.

Maybe you have the own role model, different from these guys. Go and study their past, before they became so wanted and admired. You should never, never try to be like anyone else if your happiness matters to you.

Kris Carr quote.jpg

3# Uniqueness empowers confidence

Have you ever wondered why some people are confident in what they do? It is the feeling of certainty about themselves. They believe in who they are. They accept themselves with everything they’ve got which raise their confidence and empower their self-esteem.

Accepting yourself is a mind thing. I consider it as a benefit since you are the only one to change it. I encourage you to study yourself, your personality, especially what you are good at. Forget about weaknesses, we all have them. The important thing is to enhance your strengths, things you excel in, things you love to do.

4# It will give you peace of mind

Balance in your life comes from inside. It means accepting yourself in your complexity. Work on your healthy self-respect and simply feel good about yourself.

Stop chasing the idea of looking or being someone else. No one in this world is perfect, and everyone is different. The question is, “Who do you want to be?” Make yourself a favor and love who you are with everything you have gotten. Only by accepting yourself, you are going to be able to share your love with others and live up to your true purpose.

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