7 Reasons Why Everyone Should Surf

in #surf5 years ago

7 Reasons Why Everyone Should Surf

There are plenty of reasons why people start surfing. Whether it’s because your friends convinced you or because you went to an exotic place and you thought that a photo with a surfboard would look cool in your instagram profile, those who stick around watch helplessly while surf becomes their lifestyle.

Here are the reasons why surfing can make your world a better place!

#1 - Riding a wave

Ok… I know that this sounds a bit obvious but the experience of riding a wave is like no other in the world. It’s an indescribable moment that one can only understand by experience it. Those few seconds can make your blood pump and at the same time relax your whole body while you become one with the ocean. The rest of the world disappears and it’s only you and the wave. It’s an extremely addictive feeling that will hook you for life.

"Surfing is the most blissful experience you can have on this planet, a taste of heaven."

John McCarthy

#2 - Free natural gym

What better gym can you possibly get than the great outdoors?! It’s free, the view is great and believe me when I say that your whole body will be burning after a good session. Surfing involves plenty of muscles and if you do it regularly you will see your fitness levels improving drastically. Paddling through the breaking waves it’s an amazing cardio and strength workout while riding a wave develops your agility, coordination and balance.

Everybody knows how fit surfers are so forget the gym and head to the ocean!

"The joy of surfing is so many things combined, from the physical exertion of it, to the challenge of it, to the mental side of the sport."

Kelly Slater

#3 - Travel excuse

I think it’s safe to say that every surfer needs a surf trip. The surfer is a creature that craves for adventure, and the craving needs to be fed. The chase of the perfect swell can take you to every corner of this beautiful world and, on the way, you will live the best moments of your life. Whether it’s because you met a guy who surfed the wave of his dreams in Hawai or because you got inspired while watching “The Endless Summer”, at some point the unknown will call for you and, before you know it, there you are at the airport with a backpack and a board under your arm.

That’s how good stories begin, that’s how new friends are made and that’s how you experience all the things that the world has to offer. Don´t wait anymore. Time is precious. Go and find yourself a surf trip!

"Surfing leads you through life, especially when you're young and with hope in your heart."

Tom Blake

#4 - Connection with Nature

People connect with Nature in many different ways. For some people is hiking in the woods. For others is skiing down a mountain. For me (and probably for you) it’s surfing. A surfer can tell you all about the tides, the winds, the currents, the sunrises and the sunsets, because a surfer understands Nature. When you are in the ocean you are deeply linked with it. You can feel the flow of the earth and you can see how all the elements work together. Maybe that’s why the surf community is on the front line of the battle against pollution, because we respect and appreciate Nature.

"For me, surfing is as close a connection I can have with Mother Nature. To surf, you're riding a pulse of energy from Mother Nature. And it's strong. It's real. It's there. And you're dancing with that. You're connecting with that. You're might be the only person in the history of the universe that connects with that particular pulse of energy."

Xavier Rudd

#5 - Make new friends

The surfing community in general is very friendly. I cannot count with both my hands the number of friends that I made while sitting on my board waiting for the next set to kick in. It’s very easy to start up a conversation on line up and most probably you will find cool and relaxed people with the same mindset as you. There is always people who love to share their stories about that one time that they dropped a giant wave or how they enjoy themselves in their surf trip in Bali.

Many times you go only for a session and you end up making friends for life.

“I just surf cause it’s good to go out and ride with your friends.”

Big Wednesday - Matt Johnson

#6 - Let the day go away

Surfing to me is my therapy, my meditation session. The ocean doesn’t care about who you are, how much money you have or if you had a bad day. It will still wipe you out or, instead, give you the ride of your life. Some people see surf as a way to challenge their limits and the Nature itself. In my case is more of a way to be spiritually connected with it. While sometimes is good to catch waves with your friends and meet new people, other times you just want to be alone. A fair amount of time is spent sitting on your board gazing the horizon, allowing you to leave all the pressures of the day on shore and be by yourself with your thoughts.

"If you're having a bad day, catch a wave."

Frosty Hesson

#7 - Makes you feel alive

How many times have you felt that you are not making the most of your life? I personally still have this disturbing feeling once in a while. Let’s face it, life is short and each one of us has to make sure that we have the best ride possible. Surfing almost forces you to live in the moment. There is no better feeling than being in the ocean watching the sunset and riding waves. It doesn’t get much better than that. And by the time you get home, you will feel that you lived your day to the fullest.

So go out there and seize the day!

"Being spat out of one of those giant, roaring Hawaiian tubes is the most amazing sensation I've ever experienced in my life. It's joy, fear and accomplishment all rolled into one experience."

Shaun Tomson

There are more than enough reasons why everyone should surf, not mentioning how tanned you will get!

Now I would love to hear your reasons! Please comment!


Great way to enjoy the summer time.
Thank you for sharing.

Posted using Partiko Android

You bet! Cheers man

Sounds very motivating but I have no sea around, unfortunately

yeah without sea it's a bit harder... but you can try it when you are travelling for example

Yes, sure)

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