Steemit Vision Quest - Week 5: Desert Wilderness

in #svq7 years ago (edited)

Today begins Week 5 of Steemit Vision Quest (#svq), a dedicated search for inspiration. Here, we bring our Inner Visions into focus, prompted by the question: What Does My Higher Self See?

Steemit Vision Quest - Week 5: February 26 - March 4

The Theme

“Desert Wilderness” is our SVQ theme for Week 5. To enter the contest, you'll express yourself creatively with Artwork that helps us to envision the theme: Desert Wilderness.

Image Source

The Invitation

  1. Ask yourself: What does my higher self see?
  2. Create “The Vision,” aligning with this week's theme.
  3. Document “The Process,” revealing your intention, inspiration, and individuality.
  4. Include “Steemit Vision Quest” in your post title.
  5. Choose #svq as your first tag.
  6. Add a link to your post in the Reply section of this post.
  7. [Optional] Upvote, Reply, and Resteem, as you feel called.


  • Paintings, songs, and videos are good examples.
  • Artworks may include new originals, old originals, or fresh remakes.
  • Sunday is the due date for entries each week.

The Incentives

  1. Highlights from each week will spotlight one featured Vision Quester, and showcase the Artworks of many others in a curated list, memorializing our collective Visions.
  2. Upvotes, Replies, and Resteems will promote your post.
  3. [Most Important] You will be honored and celebrated for your role in bringing our collective Visions for the future into focus. This is our Work, with a capital "W", and this is what Steemit is all about.

The Examples

Angels Among Us by @skycae
Angels Among Us

Night Flight - Visual Poetry by @cronosclocks
Night Flight - Visual Poetry

Sky Becomes Sea Becomes Sky by @fishyculture
Sky Becomes Sea Becomes Sky

The Calling

Dear Dream Catcher, capture your paradise, bringing heaven here and now. Dear Trailblazer, pursue your purpose, taking the journey led by the heart. Dear Storyteller, create and express your new narrative. Dear Designer, bring your passions into new creations that go beyond function and stir the emotions. Dear Symphony Conductor, assemble your various instruments together to sing in harmony. Dear Player, elevate life with your lightness that lifts others up. Dear Artrepreneur, present your gifts that bring value into the world. Dear Altruist, demonstrate your care for the wellbeing of others.

Steemit Vision Quest challenges you to bring out your Inner Vision, for the higher good of all of us.

The Continuation

Taking a look back at our previous weeks: 1, 2, 3, and 4, SVQ is stellar, with a blend of surreal, ultra-real, and superconscious Visions! We greatly look forward to new Visions in Week 5, with the theme: Desert Wilderness. After this, we eagerly anticipate Week 6, when the theme will be: Queen Of The Forest.

Steemit Vision Quest is created by @cabelindsay, and co-facilitated by @eaglespirit, @rensoul17, and @girlbeforemirror. On behalf of our team, we'd like to thank each of the Vision Questers and their supporters–The Rainbow Warriors of a New Dawn.

Please take Note that @cabelindsay is out on a true Quest and the co-facilitators are assisting with any questions, please feel free to contact any one of us if you need help.



hmmm, first one of my works that comest to mind is this one...

Arabian night Camel.jpg

Yay! thank you for your participation .. I look forward to seeing your post!! xx

Goodness, your library of artworks must be colossal. Everything you've shared with us so far has been strikingly awesome. It's as if someone rings a powerful gong bell, with every image, and I just want to look closer and closer, wondering and wandering through the layers.

Thanks Cabe, I really appreciate your comments! Your descriptions are beautiful and it makes me happy to imagine these artworks achieving connections... 🙏🏽

Oh yes, these works of yours are really resonating with me. I feel fortunate to see and explore them, looking in and letting my curiosity run wild.

Exactly! I am so glad you feel the same way I do .. I am in love .. like love total love is all i can say and i am not guilty about saying it either. Total 100 love is all i feel about all the pieces I see and Artz tends to just post some in comments for me and I just want to cry ... how lovely they are ... sniffle. :)

Hahah sorry I didn’t have your talent to create a proper photo for week five 😢

Yay! I have been wondering if we had to wait for @cabelindsay to return, I have been working on this one for days already!

i am so happy to be able to provide you with this week's challenge and to look at your most interesting art! yay! thank you for participating! xx Eagle

Oh my, you are an #SVQ All Star, you know. MVP, really. Thank you. Each one of your entries thoroughly impresses me, on very different levels, and I believe this one is my new fave.

Thank you! I have really enjoyed this journey so very much! Your gentle guidance makes this delightful!

resteemed to my 3 followers! maybe some will join:-)

Oh sweet soul! Lol
Well hopefully you will join as this gets a nice payout and curied. Also the originator Is from ocd and if it stands out he recommends to ocd! Yay

Yes, I'm hoping to spotlight more and more #SVQ entries in the #OCD curated lists. That's a terrific way to recognize the many gems that might otherwise go unnoticed. Thanks for mentioning that @eaglespirit.

Anytime Cabe! It is also an incentive for noobs since many not know who OCD is and the opportunity may be there to assist in their exposure. I have only seen one recommended so far, but that was amazingly spectacular.

i will join. :-) Missed last week, but i'm trying to make this a regular thing..

Yay, we look forward to seeing your work and please bring your friends! This is all about sharing and bringing forth our work. although, I am not so creative that way .. sadly.

I really like this idea and contest! Seems like a great way to connect with oneself, others, and our surroundings! I am already thinking about something to submit <3

Yay! I can’t wait to see your post! Woop 🙌🏽

Hey @eaglespirit desert wilderness, Oh I like the sound of that, now to get my creative self working and put something together, xx

Woo hoo! I can’t wait to see you’re talents at work!

Thanks for posting.
I finally, almost managed to do a post for the last quest, a day late and in conjunction with @rensoul17's writing challenge.
I just couldn't find much bliss this week. Maybe I need to give myself a time out in the desert...
I'm not sure I make a brilliant co-facilitator. I am an example of someone who has a lot to learn about finding my higher self. I do love the quest though.

yay so glad you are hoping to join this week!
let Cabe know your decision ... I am not sure if it is just this week or not but that is for you both to decide ... hugs, Eagle xx

I'm with you @girlbeforemirror. To me, at this time, you embody the mother bear. Gentle but fierce when situations demand it of her, facing the cave as a powerful place of creative potential, going into the den to become still, nurturing others, growing life within her, continuing to dance on the inside... I honor you for this role you play in my eyes, at this moment. I am deeply grateful for your presence in my life, and in the #SVQ Journey. To me, you hold a place of belonging here, always, as you are an essential element in the creation and the legacy of this movement taking shape.

Hello Cabe
It's nice to have you back.
How could you know that they call me bear? Not necessarily momma bear, but bear. @azurejasper has called me that for... Ever!
Cranky bear, grizzly bear, bear hair ...(it's growing out from a charity shave)...
I'm moody and I eat all the honey.
Our little guy thought bear was our family name when he was younger.
I hope you had an enjoyable week. X

So fun hearing your confirmation here, Ms. Bear. I've had the pleasure of encountering several bears in my life. One was a brown bear cub, running down the middle of the road at night, on a hot springs trip. Another one was a black bear who spent a day hanging out in a tree, overlooking a field of corn. One was walking through the trees near a river I was visiting. And one was a mom, with long dreadlocks and then a clean shave, working through a deep transition that connected with many other animals, drawing them together to feel, to heal, to experience life, to express, to expand... Much love and honey to each of these bears.

Intuition. Wink Wink.

This is a great idea for everyone to get in touch with their higher selves. Nice one. I really like 'The Calling'. Deep.

Cool imagery as usual, Eagle.

Anj x

yes it is ... this is a weekly contest that a very fine man has created and there are a few collaborators! glad you like the idea! please join in if you ever feel so inclined.
Eagle xx

Thanks Eagle. It's deffo appealing to me. I'll rummage around for my higher self.

Anj xx

Thank you for your kind spirit, Ms. Eagle. I bow to your way of soaring with words.

LOL, you are too funny Cabe. Love you dearly ... you are one of the sweetest souls I have had the pleasure of meeting on this platform. It is people like you that make my life here so much more wonderful. Hugs and Love to you always. xx Eagle

Ditto kiddo, in every element! Thank you. Love you.

Hugs and love to you back. 💕

Ooo this is a fun theme! HMMMMMMMMM

Yes, definitely!!

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