Siap kerja, makan
kegiatan keseharian yang melelahkan, membuat lapar kita. selamat makan siang
Restaurant Information
Warung Siang
Lhokseumawe, Lhokseumawe City, Aceh, Indonesia
This post participated in the Tasteem contest Your weekly choice
kegiatan keseharian yang melelahkan, membuat lapar kita. selamat makan siang
Warung Siang
Lhokseumawe, Lhokseumawe City, Aceh, Indonesia
✅ @ptgmp, I gave you an upvote on your post! Please give me a follow and I will give you a follow in return and possible future votes!
Thank you in advance!
Thank you for entering our < Your weekly choice > Contest . Thanks to @ptgmp, Tasteem has become a more attractive guide. We upvote your post, wish you the best of luck in winning our Contest!