in #tattoo7 years ago (edited)

Do you have tattoos? What do you think of them? 

Is it just a nice picture on your body, or it's a sacral magic sign that can bring you power or even destroy your life?

Nowadays tatoos are extremely popular in Russia. Both among girls and guys. Old generations have prejudieces about them. They consider tattoos to be a sign of shame, like only criminals or drug-addicted people can have them. These beliefs take their roots from the 1950-x when tattoos really were used only among such people.

Today Russia is very loyal to tattoos, and many young and adult people have them, tattoo masters are also rather popular and well-paid profession. But nevertheless if you have tattoos on visible parts of the body then the choice of professions for you will be limited.. The print from past prejudieces are still rather strong.

But is a tatoo only a decoration? 

A procedure of making a tatoo means deep contact of a person with his master - under skin penetration, contact with blood and deep trust to safety of procedure and professionalism of a master. So a person must be very responsible with a choice of a master. He must trust him and feel his good energetics otherwise all dark energy will penetrate into your aura.

Another important point - your thoughts and emotions at the time of tattooing. Due to the fact that the body is under stress, which leads to biochemical changes, thoughts and emotional background can become anchors and give additional meaning and shades to your character. Be calm, try to think about pleasant and positive things, do not allow doubts and unpleasant memories come into your mind.

Human energy with the appearance of a tattoo changes. The applied symbol exists separately from you, creating additional vibrations, which you do not naturally have. Is it bad or good? Depends only on you. YOU must decide what energy this tattoo will bring to your aura and life. YOU must charge the tattoo eith necessary vibrations. And of course YOU must know what you are tattooing - all meanings and subtones of your picture or a symbol. 

The choice of a tattoo is a VERY responsible and careful step. A person myst choose not a nice decoration or not a sign to seem cool and sexy, he or she must choose a part of themselves. There must be a connection between an owner and a tattoo, a magic feeling and esoteric kinship.

Everyhting has the meaning - a tattoo itself, a place for it, your mood, your master's mood, your energy balance, your thoughts... Tattoo will be under your skin, it will be a part of you, and it will influence you much.

From the point of view of bioenergetics, a harmonious tattoo enhances strengths and weakens human deficiencies. Through the symbol on the body passes an additional energy channel that will connect you with the subtle world.

My tattoo was made 6 years ago, and I was preparing for this step very long. It is very simple and small but I wanted it to be so, minimalism was my purpose, because I chose the meaning, not the shape and size. I was choosing the symbol I want very carefully, analysing its meanings and testing whether I feel connection to it or not.  My choice was conscious and thoughtful, I felt harmony and calmness when I made it. It was my first step in the tattoo world but I know it is not the last one, soon I will make a new one, and I am creating it in my mind very carefully.

Tattoos are without any doubt a powerful energetic device which can help us or destroy us, that's why we must understand what we are doing and for what.

What is your opinion about tattoos?


Really nice!

ahaha)))you come, look, comment and upvote only yourself?)))
nice strategy)))

I admire your insights so much.
I agree with you again.
Here is the story of my tattoo that I posted here on Steemit if you are interested in reading about it. It is of course too old to vote on.
Making of my tattoo - November 20 2008
Thank you for being you and have a wonderful nght and day! :-)

thank you) i like yours very much)

Thank you! :-)

I of course also looked at your tattoo closely and I am interested in the significance of your choice. I wonder why you chose specifically and what it means to you...

But I have not asked because I think it might be too private of a question. And then again you may not want to write about the magical significance publicly? It's okay to not answer. I just have to wonder. :-)

Thank you for your reply! :-)
Wishing you happiness, smiles, sweet dreams and sunshine! :-)

You bring up some great points here, @taliakerch. It is refreshing to hear you talking about the person choosing her own energy flow when receiving a tattoo. We always have the choice to decide where we want our energy to go!

I have not thought this deeply about the tattoo process before. I agree it is very wise to keep your energy strong and anchor positive thoughts during the vulnerable period of letting someone else work on your body.

I have never thought of a tattoo having its own energy vibrating separately from the body, however. What a great idea to decide that your tattoo will have a harmonious vibration to your own!

I personally love tattoos on other people because I am fascinated with art and expression. I am grateful to witness personalities in their truest forms of expression. Despite loving them on others I do not think I would ever get a tattoo myself. Perhaps I would get a black light tattoo that is only visible under backlights. Wouldn't that be cool?

What does the rest of you tattoo say? I can read "The Star Does Not..."

Love & Light to you

oh you even read..) thank you for interest)
"...heed mob's ado"

i never thought about the emotions during the making of the tattoo would have an impact - but i guess it could have :) Mine took 8 hours to draw and then 4 hours to color. ofcourse not in 1 day :)
I can tell you, after 7 hours you are like a sick dog.
but after pain comes relief - and its a beautiful artwork that i carry with pride - and it has a story to me.

it's painful yes) 7 hours is much...)

tattoos reflect us I love my tattoos a lot @taliakerch

It's great dear , Very nice

Ah, I remember yours and great to see it again! Of course, it's a decoration for me. ;) Sexy decoration. :)

you had luck to see it before all the rest here-)

yeah, lucky me! ;)

New things I know about tatto. it good

woo look scary nice back tattoo

I think tattoos on girls are a really powerful statement of strength and well as looking extremely sexy ! On men, i feel they use them simply as signs of macchismo !
In both cases, they are true pieces of art !

haha yes maybe machismo))

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