Is Agoras a scam? Is Dana Edwards a "market manipulator"?

in #tauchain7 years ago (edited)

It was recently brought to my attention that there is drama on Bitcointalk. Some of the buyers of AGRS who read my posts which included titles like: "Last chance to get cheap Agoras (Tauchain) before the July 1st price increase" may be convinced that I had some sort of inside knowledge of how the market will play out.

  • I have no inside knowledge and I have no boss. I do not work for Ohad Asor and am just a blogger stakeholder.
  • I never advocated for anyone to sell or day trade AGRS and in fact warned against doing it (it's a gambler's approach).
  • I consider myself a stakeholder and builder of AGRS rather than a day trader.

People who choose to day trade are in AGRS to make quick profits and get out. Long term stakeholders realize that the daily or weekly price fluctuations have nothing to do with the true value of the project. Under no circumstances do I offer any investment advice such as when to buy or sell, and merely only report information which I've read elsewhere.

It was reported that the price would be raised on July 1st because Ohad himself mentioned this. Later on it was mentioned that the sale would stop, which is even better than increasing the price whilst continuing the sale. So if you managed to get your stake earlier rather than later you may have got in at a better price and that is good. If you decided to sell your stake at a loss because you were day trading then that decision was yours alone and no one manipulated you into making that decision. If the market is being manipulated it is by day traders who don't care about the long term success of the project and who just want to profit from trading tokens but if anyone has read my posts on Tauchain/AGRS you would know I'm not day trading. If you do not wish to take a long term stakeholder view, there are other projects which are going to be much more profitable in the short term for day trading.

See a quote from one of my older blog posts:

This is not about speculating on the price because for those of us who find the utility of Tauchain and AGORAS intriguing we will have no intention of selling these tokens for BTC, ETH, or the USD any time soon if ever. AGORAS tokens can be used to build automated businesses (not all that different from DAOS/DACs but in such a way that you don't require a crowd sale or any of the risks associated with trusting programmers. With AGORAS you do not have to trust the programmer, and anyone can develop your blueprint into reality if you have enough tokens. What this means is these tokens represent a lot of productivity, and for that reason even without the potential for AI these tokens will have value if Ohad and others agree to develop in exchange for these tokens.

Update: For those who say I failed to post my disclaimer on one of my previous posts, read which has the disclaimer and for the future do not consider this post or my previous posts to be investment advice.



It looks like there still might be an opportunity to buy cheap Agoras. Although, I would wait until the price at least slides back down below where it was a few weeks before the pump and dump (It's nearly there now!). Also realize your investing in an idea and nothing more. It's basically a guy that you've never met who is promising to deliver. It may take years to see a return on your investment, or you could lose it all. Don't let the fear of missing out dictate your investing decisions. I personally wouldn't touch this token until there is at least a whitepaper. I will be keeping it on my radar however.

Big achievements are not overnight friend... this is not another cryptocurrency focused on exchanges, casinos, payments or social. It goes beyond... The whitepaper will come soon, see you then as a new Agoras holder! :)

It sounds to me like they are looking for someone to blame...

I fully agree with you. When I first met Tauchain and Agoras I didn't understand anything... it's a too shocking theory for most people. A different language, a different concept. I've had the pleasure to talk directly in Ohad's IDNI group, and (mainly) listen all their thoughts. They know how to do things, they have clear ideas. Sometimes I get lost in their half mathematical-half phylosophical language, but everything makes sense. And as long as I get involved in the guts of the project, more in love I fall with it. It's a revolution, more than one could ever imagine.
People fall easily in hype, looking for quick rewards, pumps and easy money. This has nothing to do with that. Of course this project will be worth much more than it is today, but that's not the point. I'm more interested in the project itself than in the price of the shares. And I'm sure I'm not wrong, it has so much potential.
Thanks Dana for all your posts, keep posting like this!!

@dana-edwards, you do what you need to and what best suits your needs . Day trade or whenever , you know what's best for you . If it makes others think you manipulate , then they are just playing themselves

you say 'market manipulator' like it's a bad thing.

@dana-edwards thanks for this information.. this will make sense for me

$22m for what looks like not much, what am I missing?

Support Ohad so we can make it something. It's up to stakeholders to build Agoras with Ohad. Tauchain has to be built by Ohad mostly, but even with that, once he does his part then eventually it's our turn.

Are there any updates on the project? It's impossible to tell how far along the project is. I became aware of Tauchain over a year ago, but I haven't seen any real updates on the project.

Hi Solar, I could never imagine the huge amount of comprehensive mathematics and logics there is in this code. Scientific research takes time (I've done some in the past, I know what I say...). If the whitepaper/alpha comes out sooner or later is not a problem... they will. And for those who look for profits they'll get rewarded. For those who look for evolution they will get a new dimension of understanding blockchain and knowledge.

That's all fine, but there are so many projects in this space claiming to be game changers. Even supporting a project from a scientific standpoint, there needs to be some types of updates so that funders know their money isn't just being wasted.

This project is different because it seeks long term stakeholders rather than short term speculators. Tauchain needs an initial set of people who are visionaries willing to literally build the value of their stake through their own effort. Ohad is the lead researcher and programmer at this time because he's writing the blueprint but just like with Satoshi there will be a time where the stakeholders must take over and collaboratively develop the project.

Additionally we need people who have some sense of ethics. With immense power this technology brings there will come a need for great responsibility.

I do appreciate especially your last paragraph ! Technology without ethics leads straight to hell.

Thanks for the post! I follow you and appreciate the accuracy of your posts. If you are a long term holder of tau and agoras which I think is the smart play, then day trading is very short term thinking imo...bordering on stupid lol.

Ohad is certainly very bright but I think his interests are far academic curiosity above all else. The fact that he is the only developer left on the project and everyone else left sometime ago is a little curious as well.

It's also disingenuous to try to sell the tokens when he has done an abysmal job laying out the scope of his project and there is no good reason to really invest in it at this point without any access to what is going on beneath the hood to even try to stipulate whether it will be useful or not.

I am in tune with your thoughts. I am at a considerable loss. I see my investment go down day by day, week by week. The community is withering away. Since I can't see anything concrete, I can't average down. It would be a folly further investing without anything tangible, public statements, and the so much desired thesis-whitepaper. The only point I would disagree on is that I am tempted to sell not to see my investment get to zero, thus at least retrieving a small portion of the investment which I might locate somewhere else or simply save it.

This is indeed a very sad story. Sad to see that a project with great potential doesn't really take off. The price of Agora token was predicted for $100 by this year.

No, it has not dissolved. Development is closer than ever actually. The problem is most people who bought into the project early on probably were not qualified to understand the heavily technical code base and computer science behind the project.

I myself am fortunate to come from a background which allowed me to identify the value of the idea and of the code currently being developed. To understand the value from a technical point of view you require a computer science degree or even a Phd in some cases or equivalent experience.

The code on Github reveals the progress which is happening:

For the less technically inclined what you can see on Github is the attempted implementation of partial fixed point logic as pfp.cpp and an attempt to implement the partial evaulator as lppe.c.

If you can read C++ and C then you can see that what is discussed is currently being implemented and tested. So for that reason I'm more confident now than I was when I originally wrote this blog post. But for people who do not understand what is at stake or the technical details I have to say I don't blame you if you decide to sell. I just hope you don't regret it like the people who sold Ethereum at $1-2 or the people who sold Bitcoin at $1 etc.

I'm not going to sell any time soon. If we can get an implementation of this project then yes $100 is easily possible. More important is if we can get an implementation then there might not be a reason to sell even at $100 because that might be too cheap. It all depends on how powerful Agoras can be and if you know the technology well enough how much patience you have.

Thanks Dana. I didn't find the right words, therfore I did change my comment. Unfortunately am not enough qualified to really understand the whole issue. I only felt that Tau has a great potencial and might be a big and logical step forward in human evolution. I am glad to meet people like you on this platform who can explain things in layman's language. Follow you.

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