Team Australia new recruits: update 21/06/17

in #teamaustralia7 years ago

Hello readers. With @tremendospercy stepping up on behalf of the UK this morning, I thought it was time to introduce three new candidates for Team Australia. Please welcome them to the group by giving them a follow.

Candidate 1

Name and bio

@dwongch is a Chinese Aussie from “boring and sunny” Perth (his words not mine). He’s an electrical engineer by day and a cryptotrader by night. And while that doesn’t appear to leave a lot of time for sleep, he does mention that he started coding in VB and making his own apps when he was 11 so he’s probably used to it by now. While @dwongch admits that he is the IT geek in his family he's not all techie nerd. He also likes motorcycles, basketball, photography, gaming and travelling. 

Fun fact

“I suck at maths yet I am an Electrical Engineer”.  

Hmm... I'm a little intrigued about how you graduated from uni if this is true. Also, you should probably omit this from your LinkedIn profile.

Candidate 2

Name and bio 

@jonno-katz is a Melbourne based performer who has made five solo theatre shows. He loves contact improvisation, which is an improvised dance form where you maintain a point of contact while moving with another person. He’s also danced naked with a bunch of strangers in Argentina although this is not as fun as it sounds. Skin on skin contact is a bit grippy apparently. @jonno-katz is currently excited about combining contact improvisation and acroyoga, and getting paid in crypto.

Fun fact 

“I'm an Acroyogi”. 

As someone who has participated in a few acroyoga classes and workshops I concur that acroyoga is indeed fun.

Candidate 3

Name and bio

@snooway moved to Australia from Taiwan over 15 years ago. She loves taking photos of Australian wildlife and has some amazing photos of birds in her intro post. She developed her love of photography while studying in Canberra back in 2006.  @snooway now lives in Melbourne and engages in several other arty pursuits including folding origami and pottery. Like many Aussies, she loves to travel and has lived and studied abroad in the US and Canada.

Fun fact

“I have won two photography competitions and had two of my photos exhibited in New York City”. 

Wow, that's really impressive. Well done @snooway.

I think you’ll agree that each of these candidates brings unique and diverse qualities to Team Australia and they deserve our support. @sirknight, please add them to the group.

The Rules

If you’re not yet a member and want to be, this is what you need to do:

  1. Follow all the existing members @teamaustralia.
  2. Vote here for our resident steemit witness @ausbitbank.
  3. Comment below that you want to join.
  4. Link your introduction post so I can find out a bit about you. If you’re new to steemit you'll have to write one so use the introduceyourself tag to help boost your following.
  5. If it’s not mentioned in your introductory post, tell me which city and country you’re in, cos let's face it, a lot of us live in Australia's fourth largest city - London.  
  6. If you’re not Aussie tell me why you would like to be a teamaustralia ambassador. 
  7. Tell me a fun fact about yourself. This can be anything. For example, maybe you run a successful business, or you have eight kids and three dogs, or you rode your bike across Amercia, or you won the blue ribbon for javelin throwing at sports day back in high school, or Toadie came into the pub you work at one day and you served him a beer, or, maybe you can fit 55 maltesers in your mouth like Ed Sheeran can. It doesn’t matter what it is, I want a fun fact about you!

Once I receive this information I will try my best to write a good introductory paragraph about you for the official teamaustralia membership updates. So the better your information is, the better I can make you sound.

Please use the teamaustralia and australia tags to promote your work.

I will try and post weekly updates unless there is a lot of interest, in which case I will try and post sooner.

Ciao for now.


All followed and added to @centerlink's list now :)
Nice post @choogirl thanks

Cool. Sorry, I keep forgetting to plug that. I will put a link in the next update.

No worries. I'm moments away from receiving another 1000 SP delegation :)

Ohhh is there a follow all button? lol my fingers hurt

Team Australia is awesome 🤑💖

This post received a 4.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @choogirl! For more information, click here!

Thx for the mention babe.
We're growing slowly but surely, so watch over us shoulders ya buggers were coming to get ya! 🤘😜🤘
Keep checking for banter and hilarity at @tremendospercy

I can see this becoming like the new Ashes! 🏏 🏏 🏏

Oh yeah! Oh shit! Oh well, we do win now and again. 🏆🏏

Ooooo!!! I don't think I have actually officially said I want to be in!? <3 I have already done everything else though :)

This is awesome thanks chool for the invite. I will follow everyone n everyone follow me! Hehe

You need to follow the instructions I outlined above if you officially want to join. Thanks.

Just did. Bit about myself. I am from Melbourne..and would love to join the team

Great! And finally I need a "fun fact" about you. It can be whatever you like but the more interesting the better.

Fun fact mhm:
Back in my teenage days i took violin lessons to impress girls then realised they into guitarist! Guess who changed the lessons so quickly. Lol
I done boxing, grappling and kickboxing.

Thanks for the hard work!

Hi @choogirl I'm wanting to join teamaustralia. I'm from Melbourne Australia. Fun Fact: I'm an airbrush artist and hope to be able to spend more time doing it eventually, check out the images in the introduction post


I'll include you in the next update.

Great. I've added you to my list. I'll let you know when you've been introduced.

Thank you very much @choogirl. Welcome to team Australia @dwongch and @jonno-katz. @snooway is already a member - think he was just testing you. SirKnight as team Australia.

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